Ecclesia Militans


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Update!! Ecclesia Militans is undergoing restructuring and reformatting, as a result you may see many new articles appear, and some of the older ones temporarily removed for restructuring.

Update!! The Apologetics Section has been updated with new articles, while retaining the old ones.  Some of the simply fantastic additions to this section include Joel Peters' Twenty One Objections to Sola Scriptura, not to mention a superb refutation of Fox's Acts and Monuments, by Richard Clarke.

Update!! An article has been added to the Catholic Devotions Section, entitled "The Moral and Social Influence of Devotion to Mary", by Orestes Brownson.

This site is dedicated to spreading, and defending, the One True Religion founded by Christ. Our apostolate will deal mainly with the Conciliarists, in an attempt to bring them back into the Fold of Christ, outside which there is absolutely no salvation.

The secondary objective of this site, is spreading, and defending, Holy Mother Church, against the assaults made against her by Protestants, and other non-Catholics.

The Third objective of this site, is to provide Traditional Catholics with information.

The Fourth, and last, objective of this site, is to increase the Honor and Glory of God, and His Most Holy Mother, whenever, wherever, and however it is possible for us to do so!

Therefore, let our motto be: Ad maiorem Dei honorem et gloriam! For the greater Honor and Glory of God! 

Should anyone have any questions or comments regarding either the website or the Catholic Faith, then please feel free to drop us an e-mail.

Since March 19, 1999