Valentina's Russian Folk Song Collection
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Part 1

akh vy, syeni moi, syeni
Ah you my hall, hallway

akh ty, zimooshka-zima
Oh you winter, winter

akh ty, styep shirokaya
Ah you wide steppe

vdol po Pityerskoy
Lengthways on the Pityerskaya-street

vdol po oolitse myetyelitsa myetyot
A snowstorm sweeps lengthways along the street

vniz po Volgye-ryekye
Downstream on the Volga-river

vo dyeryevnye-to bylo Olkhovkye
It was just in the village Olkhovka

vo polye byeryozka stoyala
The birch stood in a field

vot mchitsya troyka oodalaya
The daring troika rushes here

vyydoo l ya na ryechyenkoo
I'll go to the river

vykhozhoo odin ya na dorogoo
I come out on the road alone

glookhoy, nyevyedomoy taygoyu
Out-of-the-way in the unknown taiga
Part 2


A cudgel


zlatyye gory
Golden mountains

iz-za ostrova na stryezhyen
From the island to the stream

kak oo nashich oo vorot
At our gates

The little snowball tree.

The gate.

klyon ty moy opavshiy
You, my fallen maple

kogda ya na pochtye sloozhil yamshchikom
When I was a coachman at a post office.


lipa vyekovaya
The secular lime

matooshka, chto vo polye pylno
Mother, why is there dust in a field?
MIDI files contributed by Valentina Viktorovna Kolybasova.
Visit these sites:
The Ames Hymn Collection
The St. Patrick Children's Hymn Collection
St. Patrick's Civil War Song Collection
The Ames Classical Collection
All MIDI sequences are copyright © 1997, 1998, Brian M.
Ames. Permission is granted for non-commercial use only. All other rights are reserved.
For other permissions send mail to Brian M. Ames
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accesses since October 3, 1998. Updated 8/6/98
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