I personally think they are the most adorable things who ever lived. Sorry, they really are like kids to me. Here they are with their own bios.

Finn mac Cool--hey, the name says it all. This is the ruler of the house. Finn is one of the largest cats I have ever known. He weighs in around 17 lbs. Now, before you say "how can you let your cat get that fat," I will say in his defense that he has obvious Maine Coon characteristics. He has the chirpiest little meow I've ever heard, the tufts on the ears and between the toes. I've had him since 1995 when he was 10 weeks old and weighed a mere 3.5 lbs.

I adopted Dana and her brother Fox when they were in their late kittenhood. Both brother and sister are missing their right hind foot. How they lost them is mystery to me. Dana--she's the prissy one, but she does this adorable "I'm cute" dance. She also does not have what you might call a normal meow. It sounds more like she's saying "MEEEE!" This is, of course, highly accurate as she does believe she should be the center of the universe.

Samantha--- Also known as "Sammy-Cat," "hell-spawn," "kitten-brain," and "psycho-kitty." I suppose technically she's my husband's cat, but who's counting? She was supposed to be a year old when we got her, but she was still very kittenish. I think they lied. While clearly she has Siamese blood, she has the figure usually seen on a gourd. Her favorite games include: chase everything (including her own tail), jump on the older kitties, and fight with everything that moves.....Ah, what's not to love?? Hey, when you have a face like this one, you can push the envelope ALL you want!

In Memorium

Fox--he was somewhat skitish around strangers, but once he warmed up to a human he overwhelmed you with love. He also ran faster than Finn who is blessed with all four feet. I've never seen a cat who could move faster than this one. Fox had an incredibly rough year. In August 2003, he had to have the rest of his right leg removed because he developed problems with his stump. Then in January 2004, he became listless and by February 1st, he was having a great deal of difficulty breathing. We discovered he had a tumor on his lung. A week later, we had to say good-bye to our beloved son. Fox's life is a study in contrasts. When he first came to us, it took months before he was willing to interact with us. By the end of his life, he was the most loving cat I've ever known. While he was only with us for 7 years, we count ourselves very blessed for having had him. The memory of his loving heart will forever over-shadow the sorrow we felt at having let him go. We know that now he is sitting at the feet of Bast sharing his loving heart with Her. Thank you, Fox, you will be forever remembered, loved, and missed.

Last edit: February 2004

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