Lastfall is the daughter of Springdream and Thornbow, both dead of the foaming sickness, and is the lifemate of Roughcall. She is rebellious, stubborn, quick-tempered and a fighter. She wants to be right all the time and hates it when she's not. Chieftess Weepingshale fears she will have to take her in hand some time real soon and dreads the confrontation that would follow between her and Roughcall, who is her lifemate's childhood mentor and closest friend.
Though, for all her bad qualities, Lastfall won't ever let a friend down and once she has staked her claim, you've got a faithful backer for life. But, you have to prove yourself worthy of her loyalties and respect. Even Weepingshale didn't gain instant respect in her eyes, just because she was born to the chief's line, doesn't mean Lastfall owes any devotion or reverence to her.
In time, Weepingshale proved herself to Lastfall and everyone else in the tribe and Lastfall supports most of the decisions Weepingshale makes, though only if she thinks it sane and right.
Lastfall's name basically discribes her personality in general. She is the last to back down from a fight and often the last to fall down in defeat or in exhaustion during a gathering of flight and howls with the wolves and ravens.
She dreams of recognition with Roughcall, though she realizes she
could ask Songdaughter, the tribe's healer, for help, she wants
Recognition, if it is meant to be, to happen naturally. Songdaughter is a close friend of Lastfall's and in the past they had been lovemates for awhile. Roughcall often joined them and the two were, and still are, a threesome off and on.
Though, as she came to realize Songdaughter's true self was for her healing, she drifted apart and turned to Roughcall for the love and attention she craved. She has never stopped loving Songdaughter though, and will still share a blanket and a thought with her from time to time.
She has eyes of winter morning sky blue and hair the color of flame, deep crimson. Her hair is normally wild and blowing slightly about her face in the breeze, if there is a breeze.
Lastfall's wolf-friend is a reddish-brown male wolf called Leaper and her current raven-friend is a male named Cloudhigh.