
The elf known as Bloodhowler was born during the season of hot-sun to a young elf maiden called Willowsnap. Willowsnap died of complications during labor and little Bloodhowler, known as a cubling as simply Howler for his lusty cries upon birth, was raised by the entire tribe.

He has dark brown hair and matching eyes. He is short for an elf and stocky.

Roughcall took a liking to the lad and spent many hours teaching him the use of blade and spear, and of patience and waiting for what you really wanted. Howler looked up to the silent hunter as a son might. For all the tribe knows, Roughcall just might as well be.

Bloodhowler was born outside of recognition and holds no really special skill or talent, he is, basically, in all essence, simply himself, tending to fade into the background and be a true follower. Though, when a situation warrents, he will speak his mind and grows impatient, dispite all Roughcall's teachings, when people don't listen to what he has to say.

He aquired his tribename after his soul-quest where he discovered his way lay with the hunter's, the predator's, path. After a hunt in which he played a vital role in taking down the prey, his tribe heard how he howled in triumph after taking his first large kill and so had named him Bloodhowler.

Bloodhowler recognized Weepingshale several seasons after she became cheiftess. Though they had been lovemates for some time, they had not realized just how well they fit together until eyes-met-eyes and soul-met-soul.

They now have a daughter, Seedling, who is both the pride of her father's eye and love of her mother's heart. The whole tribe loves and adores the precious little elfess.

Bloodhowler has recently had to come to terms with the fact that his lifemate has recognized for a second, and thus remarkable, time and is now carrying another elf's child within her. He has told her that no matter who the sire is, he would be the new cub's father in all sence of the word.

Bloodhowler's wolf-friend is a silver and sable male named Icebiter. He does not have a raven-friend.
