
Migration and Conquest in the Italian Peninsula
535 to 1865 A.D.

Victory Point Awards
Faction Four

These is a list of victory point awards for the board game Italia.


Turns 1, 4, 7, 10, 13: clear areas 2; others 1.

Any turn: Each Byzantine or Arab army destroyed 2.

Kill: Narses 3.


Kill: Pepin 3; Charlemagne 4; Otto 3; Barbarossa 4.

Turns 1, 4, 7, 10, 13: Milan 3; Alessandria, Friuli 2; others 1.5.


Kill Barbarossa 2; Cordoba 3; Eugene 4; Suvorov 3.

Turns 8-11: Each British army destroyed 2.

Turns 8-13: Each Austrian army destroyed: 2.

Turn 10: Each Russian army destroyed: 2.

Turn 5: Rome 4; Naples 3; Perugia, Ravenna, Ancona, Bologna, Spoleto, Abruzzi, Molise, Amalfi, Benevento, Foggia 2; others 1.

Turn 8: Each area 2.

Any time during French nation-turn of Turn 11: Turin, Genoa, Milan, Mantua, Venice, Bologna, Rome, Naples 3; others 2.


Kill: Cordoba 4; Suvorov 2.

Turn 3: Palermo, Ragusa, Messina 2; Calabria, Basilicata, Bari, Brindisi, Amalfi, Benevento, Foggia, Naples, Molise, Gaeta, Spoleto, Abruzzi 1.

Turn 6, 9, 13: Naples 4; Palermo 3; Gaeta, Spoleto, Abruzzi, Naples, Molise, Amalfi, Benevento, Foggia, Basilicata, Bari, Calabria, Brindisi, Messina, Ragusa 2; others 1.

Turn 11: Each Austrian army destroyed: 2.


Kill: Otto 2; Radetzky 3.

Turns 4, 6, 9, 13: Milan 3; Novara, Alessandria, Turin, Genoa, Brescia, Parma, Mantua, La Spezia, Pisa, Siena, Florence 2; others 1.


Turns 6, 9, 13: Turin, Genoa, Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples 4; Palermo, Bolgna, Siena 3; other areas north of and including Siena- Florence-Ravenna 2; others 1.

Please send feedback to the author, David Bofinger. Other material can be found on my home page, including some related to other board games, notably the similar game Mediterranea.

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