
Migration and Conquest in the Italian Peninsula
535 to 1865 A.D.

Setup and Arrival Chart

This is the setup and arrival chart for the board game Italia.


Romans: Rome, Ravenna, Milan, Naples, Brindisi.
Byzantines: Istria.
Franks: Novara, Turin, Aosta.
Vandals: Palermo, Messina, Ragusa.
Ostrogoths: Saluzzo, Alessandria, Brescia, Parma, Mantua, Pisa, Bologna, Ferrara, Siena, Ancona, Gaeta, Abruzzi, Amalfi, Foggia, Bari.

TURN 1 (535-751)

Boats: Byzantines.

Romans: May not attack Ostrogoths.
Byzantines: Major invasion, led by Narses. 4 Adriatic, 4 Tyrrhenian, 4 Ionian. May not attack Romans. May move through Romans. (Note superior quality.)
Ostrogoths: May not attack Romans, may move through Romans.
Franks: 4 France.
Lombards: Major invasion. 15 Austria.
Beneventans: 15 Benevento.
Spoletians: 1 Spoleto. Replace 4 Beneventans by Spoletians, with the following restrictions: cannot replace armies from Benevento; cannot replace an army if an army which is closer to Spoleto (and not in Benevento) has not been replaced; must replace all armies in all except at most one area.
Avars: 6 raiders Austria.

TURN 2 (756-900)

Victory Points: Ostrogoths, Vandals, Lombards.

Boats: Byzantines, Arabs.
City-State Minima: Lombards, Beneventans, Spoletians.

Avars: Remove two armies at start of turn.
Franks: Major invasion, first phase led by Pepin, second phase led by Charlemagne. 4 France or Frankish area, 4 Alps or Frankish area, 4 Ligurian or Frankish area. Note: Pepin is removed (if still alive) at the end of the first impulse of the major invasion. Charlemagne is placed at the same time, but not necessarily in the same place.
Arabs: 7 Ionian.
Venetians: 2 Venice.
Neapolitans: 2 Naples.
Florentines: 2 Florence, Pisa or Siena.
Pisans: 2 Florence or Pisa
Papacy: 3 Rome.

Victory Points: Spoletians, Franks*, Franks, Romans*, Byzantines*.

TURN 3 (P-1047)

Boats: Byzantines, Arabs, Venetians, Neapolitans, Normans.
City-State Minima: Beneventans, Spoletians, Venetians, Neapolitans, Florentines, Pisans, Papacy.

Avars: Lose raider status.
Magyars: 6 Austria.
Franks: Remove 10 armies at start of Frank nation-turn.
Germans: Major invasion led by Otto. 10 Alps.
Byzantines: 4 Ionian.
Genovese: 3 Genoa.
Pisans: 3 Pisa.
Milanese: 4 Milan. May move through but may not attack Lombards.
Normans: 2 raiders Ionian, 2 raiders Tyrrhenian. Superior quality.

Victory Points: Florentines, Arabs, Neapolitans, Genovese, Beneventans, Papacy.

TURN 4 (1048-1153)

Boats: Byzantines, Venetians, Neapolitans, Normans, Genovese, Pisans.
City-State Minima: Venetians, Neapolitans, Genovese, Pisans, Milanese, Florentines, Papacy.

Franks: Native from start of this turn.
Arabs: Native from start of this turn.
Normans: Led by Roger. 3 Ionian, 3 Tyrrhenian.
Milanese: 2 Milan.

Victory Points: Ostrogoths, Vandals, Lombards, Milanese, Pisans, Venetians, Avars.

TURN 5 (1154-1350)

Boats: Venetians, Neapolitans, Genovese, French.
City-State Minima: Genovese, Pisans.

Normans: Lose superior quality at start of turn.
Germans: Major invasion led by Barbarossa. 4 Alps, 4 Austria.
French: 12 Ionian.
Milanese: Led by Galeazzo. 4 Milan. May move through Lombards or Venetians if not attacking any armies of the appropriate nation.
Florentines: 3 Florence.
Venetians: 3 Venice. May move through Lombards and Milanese if not attacking any armies of that nation.
Lombards: May move through Venetians and Milanese if not attacking any armies of that nation.
Neapolitans: 3 Tyrrhenian.
Piedmontese: 6 France.
Byzantines: Replaced by Romans.

Victory Points: Spoletians, Franks, Romans, Byzantines, Germans, Normans, French.

TURN 6 (1350-1503)

Boats: Venetians, Neapolitans. City-State Minima: Venetians, Neapolitans, Milanese, Florentines, Papacy, Piedmontese.

Germans: Remove half (round down) at start of turn.
French: 4 Ligurian.
Papacy: 4 Rome.
Neapolitans: 6 Tyrrhenian, 2 Ionian, 2 Adriatic.
Condottieri: 2 anywhere except Palermo, Ragusa, Messina, Istria; led by Colleoni. Place at beginning of Condotteri nation-turn, must fight any units already present in area.
Turks: 3 Ionian. Superior quality.
Piedmontese: 2 France.

Victory Points: Florentines, Arabs, Neapolitans, Genovese, Beneventans, Papacy, Milanese, Condottieri, Piedmontese, Turks.

TURN 7 (1504-1630)

Boats: Venetians, Spanish.
City-State Minima: Venetians, Neapolitans, Genovese, Milanese, Florentines, Papacy, Piedmontese.
Fortress: Mantua is now defensive terrain.

French: Remove half (round down) at start of turn.
Spaniards: Major invasion, led by Cordoba. 8 Ligurian, 4 Tyrrhenian, 4 Ionian. Superior quality.

Victory Points: Ostrogoths, Vandals, Lombards, Spaniards, Pisans, Venetians, Avars.

TURN 8 (1631-1715)

Boats: British, French.

Germans: Native and lose superior quality from start of this turn.
Spaniards: Lose superior quality from start of own nation-turn.
Turks: Native and lose superior quality from start of this turn.
City-State Minima: Venetians, Neapolitans, Genovese, Milanese, Papacy, Piedmontese.
Florentines: 3 Florence.
Austrians: Led by Eugene. 6 Adriatic, 6 Austria, 4 Ionian.
British: 2 raiders Tyrrhenian.
Piedmontese: 3 Turin.

Victory Points: Spoletians, Franks, Romans, Byzantines, Germans, Normans, French.

TURN 9 (1716-1750)

Boats: British, Spaniards.
City-State Minima: Venetians, Neapolitans, Genovese, Milanese, Piedmontese.

British: 2 Tyrrhenian.
Spaniards: 6 Tyrrhenian.

Victory Points: Florentines, Arabs, Neapolitans, Genovese, Beneventans, Papacy, Austrians, Spaniards, Condottieri, Piedmontese, Turks.

TURN 10 (1751-1799)

Boats: British, Russians.

French: Major invasion, led by Napoleon. 8 France, 10 Alps. Remove Napoleon and 4 armies at end of French nation-turn. Superior quality from beginning of turn.
British: 2 Tyrrhenian.
Russians: Led by Suvorov. 10 Austria or any Austrian area. Remove all Russians at end of Russian nation-turn. May not attack but may move through Austrians.

Victory Points: Ostrogoths, Vandals, Lombards, Austrians, Pisans, Venetians, Avars.

TURN 11 (1800-1816)

Boats: British.

French: Major invasion, led by Napoleon. 4 Alps or a French area, 2 France or a French area, 6 Tyrrhenian or a French area. Remove all armies and lose superior quality at end of French nation-turn.
British: Superior quality for British nation-turn only. Remove all armies at end of British nation-turn.
Austrians: 4 Adriatic or Austrian territory, 4 Austria or Austrian territory.
Piedmontese: 4 Turin.
Neapolitans: 6 Tyrrhenian.

Victory Points: Spoletians, Franks, Romans, Byzantines, Germans, Normans, French*, British.

TURN 12 (1817-1850)

Boats: None.

Redshirts: 2 Palermo, Messina or Ragusa.
Papacy: 3 Rome or any Papacy area.
Venetians: 3 Venice or any Venetian area..
Milanese: 3 Milan or any Milanese area.
Piedmontese: 2 Turin or any Piedmontese area.
Austria: Led by Radetzky from end of Austrian nation-turn.

Victory Points: Florentines.

TURN 13 (1851-1865)

Boats: Redshirts.

French: 10 France or any Piedmontese area. May not attack but may move through Piedmontese, Venetians, Papacy, Milanese. Remove French at end of French nation-turn.
Neapolitans: Remove half (round down) at start of nation-turn.
Redshirts: Led by Garibaldi. 7 Tyrrhenian.
Piedmontese: 4 Turin or any Piedmontese area. May not attack but may move through Venetians, Florentines, Milanese and Redshirts.
Austrians: Remove Radetzky at end of Austrian nation-turn.

Victory Points: All except French, British, Florentines.

Please send feedback to the author, David Bofinger. Other material can be found on my home page, including some related to other board games, notably the similar game Mediterranea.

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