History of the World:

Epoch Eight


These are additional rules for History of the World. My web page also provides access to further History of the World material.


These are the player empires for Epoch VIII.

Empire Name Years Leader Capital Start Land Strength Navigation
Kuomintang 1911--37 Sun-Yat Sen Nanking Chekiang 8 -
Japanese 1895--1942 Tojo Hideki Tokyo Honshu 19 Pacific+
Fascists 1925--1942 Adolf Hitler -  see (1)  21 Western Mediterranean
Western Allies 1942--45 F. D. Roosevelt -  see (2)  21 Pacific+, Atlantic+
Soviet Union 1917--45 V. I. Lenin, I. V. Stalin Moscow North Russian Plain 14 -
Indians 1947-1971 Nehru Delhi Ganges Valley 8 -
Chinese Communists 1927-49 Mao Zhedong Beijing Great Plain of China 13 -

(1) The Fascists player chooses one start land in Northern Europe and one in Southern Europe. He may expand from both.
(2) First two attacks for Western Allies must be Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Thereafter they may land armies from these fleets or extend fleets from them as though they were supported. Any unsupported fleet is eliminated at the end of the Western Allies player-turn.

Event Card Deletion

Delete the Japan kingdom (it is subsumed into the epoch VIII empire).

Event Card Modification

Any event card limited to epoch II-VII or epoch I-VII may instead be played in epoch VIII.

Event Card Additions

Card Name Number When Effect Historically
Independence Movements 3 VII-VIII, after turn Each land in an area, except those with capitals in the same area and those containing face-up monuments, is attacked by a single army, ignore difficult terrain. South America VII, Eastern Europe VII, Middle East VIII, Southern Africa VIII, North Africa VIII, Eastern Europe VIII. Should be more cards, really.
Tactics 1 I-VIII, during turn +1 to die rolls. Picture of a tank, for 1940s Wehrmacht.
Nuclear Weapons 2 VIII, during turn First time played, an epoch VIII empire whose capital is open to attack (if any) loses five units or half its units (whichever is less, active empire's choice of which units).

At end of turn after each time played the active player chooses one area: all lands owned by the active player in that area, or in the area of the playing empire's capital, are protected by nuclear weapons. Any empire that takes a land protected by nuclear weapons has its capital reduced to a city (if no capital, eliminate a city) and one monument destroyed, at the end of its turn (just before scoring).

Mushroom cloud, for Manhattan project and Soviet equivalent.

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