Summary of Mediæval Economic Data

This is part of a a collection of summaries on the fourteenth century. You probably should read discussion of money, in particular, before reading this.

Chancellor of England 350 pounds a year. 200K ducats, plus some bribery. D
Chancellor of France 4000 livres a year. 500K ducats, plus lots of bribery. D
"Lower-level" retainer 70 pounds a year. 42K ducats, plus misc.. Also, salary obligation divided by number retainers. D
Knight 10 sous per day. On campaign only? T
Knight 20 sous per day 1311, on campaign only? T
Banneret 20 sous per day Knight with vassals. T
Squire 6 to 7 sous per day. On campaign only? T
Archer 5 sous per day. France in 1311: Genovese crossbowman? T
Archer 3 shillings per week. 1200 ducats for 90 day campaign. D
Professional soldier (not man at arms) 12 to 18 sous per week. 1000 to 1500 ducats for 90 day campaign. D
Man at arms (heavy cavalry) 30 sous per week. 2400 ducats for 90 day campaign. T
Well-paid artisan 40 livres per year. 18 florins per year. T
Carpenter 1 livre per week 100 to 150 ducats D
Peasant 10 sous per year. "Theoretical". T
English Jester 3 pence per day. On the road, plus allowance for shoes. T
War galley 650 pounds per quarter. 385K ducats. T
Merchant ship. 250 pounds per quarter. 155K ducats. T
Cart and two horses 1 sous per day.   T
Great Duchy about 10K livres per year.   T
Duke of Lancaster 12000 pounds per year. 7.2M ducats. D
Earl 3000 pounds per year. 1.8M ducats. T
Wealthy baron 6500 livres per year. 875K ducats. D
Very rich knight 1000 livres per year. 150K ducats. D
Wealthy esquire 500 livres per year. 66K ducats. D
Noble with minor castle < 500 livres per year. 1 to 2 vassal knights T
Modest esquire 200 to 250 livres per year. 30K ducats. D
Bourgeois family 222 livres per year. 500 florins per year. T
Household of nine with two horses 133 livres per year. 300 florins per year. T
Poor knight < 25 livres per year.   T
Carpenter or mason 20 livres per year 2000 to 3000 ducats D
Yeoman farmer 15 livres per year Cash income, 1000 to 3000 ducats D
Parish Priest 25 livres per year Benefice, 3000 to 4000 ducats D
Bare subsistence 4 livres per year 500 to 600 ducats D
Feudal Income
Rent 5 sous per acre per year. 20 to 40 ducats, variable. D
Total 6 sous per peasant per year. Spanish order. T
Military Budget
Estates of Langue d'Oil (i.e. Northern France) 5M livres in a year (1355), not achieved. Tax rate: 4% on rich, 5% middle, 10% lowest taxable (income? rent? wealth?), increased 1356. T
Army Expense
Estates of Langue d'Oil 167 livres per year. 5M livres for 30K troops for one year. T
Rule of Thumb, paying salary 15 livres per man per campaign season. 2000 ducats per man per campaign season. D
Rule of Thumb, not always paying 8 livres per man per campaign season. Get away with about half that by not honouring IOUs. D
Mercenary 45 livres per man per campaign season. 20 florins per lance per month. T
Warhorse upkeep 8 livres a year. 1100 ducats. D
Mobilisation Obligations (England)
Archer if > 5 pounds per year rents.   T
Mounted Spearman if > 10 pounds per year rents.   T
Man at Arms if > 25 pounds per year rents. Usually knight or squire. T
Interest Rates
Christians 10, 12.5, 15, 20% Limited by risk of being branded a "usurer" (sin). T
Jews > 20%. Mostly goes to anti-semitic royal taxes. T
Patent of Nobility 500 livres. The son of, more or less, the mayor of Paris. T
Ransom of Captives
Chivalric Restriction < one year's income, doesn't ruin. Edward III of England didn't care. T
"Not uncommon" 750 livres. 100K ducats. D
King of France about 2M livre. 3 to 4 million écus, demanded and agreed, dodgy valuation écu. T
Wheat grain, bushel 4 sous 25 to 30 ducats per 36 litres. D
House, Peasant 12 livres 1200 to 2000 ducats, 600 to 900 square feet. D
Possessions, (prosperous?) peasant 3 to 7 livres. 460 to 1000 ducats. D
House, town 20 to 30 livres. 3K to 4K ducats. D
House, luxury 150 to 450 livres. 20Kto 60K ducats. D
Possessions, Duke 35000 pounds. Gloucester, plus horses, etc.. D
Plough 10 to 12 livres. Mouldboard? T
Plough 5 sous. Mouldboard, 30 to 40 ducats. D
Cheap sword 3 sous. 15 to 20 ducats. D
Expensive sword 1 livre. 100 to 200 ducats, no gems, etc.. D
Cheap Armour 4 livres. "Easily several hundred", obsolete D
Decent chain 20 to 25 livres. Several thousand ducats. D
Plate 75 livres. "Several times [chain]", from C14. D
Fancy armour 25 to 50 livres. Gilded, etc.. T
Warhorse 25 to 100 livres.   T
First-class warhorse 300 to 400 livres. 50K ducats. D
Shoes 2 to 6 sous. 15 to 40 ducats. D
Wool tunic 20 to 30 sous. 150 to 200 ducats. D
Fur-lined wool tunic 2 to 3 livres. 300 to 400 ducats. D
Heavy blanket 2 sous. 10 to 20 ducats. D
Silk quilt 4 livres. 500 to 600 ducats. D
Plough horse. 8 to 10 livres.   T
Pig, cow, cheap horse, etc. 1 to 4 livres. 150 to 500 ducats. D
Expensive riding horse. 40 livres. 5000 ducats. D
Cart 2 livres. 200 to 300 ducats. D

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