Summary of Mediæval Demographic Data

This is part of a a collection of summaries on the fourteenth century.

Size of Cities
>100K Paris, Florence, Venice, Genoa.   T
>50K Ghent, Bruge, Milan, Bologna, Rome, Naples, Palermo, Cologne. Almost London. T
>20K London, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Montpellier, Marseilles, Lyons, Barcelona, Seville, Toledo, Siena, Pisa, others in Italy, various Hanseatic ports. London and York only >10K in England. T
Paris 15K taxpayers. 1292 T
Paris 75K. After black death. T
Size of Populations
England 1346 4M Excludes Wales? T
France 1346 10M to 21M Excludes eastern modern France? T
Italy 10M to 11M Before Black Death. T
"Europe" 1346 60M Inferred from Black Death losses one-third equals 20M. T
"Europe" 1380 36M Inferred from 60% of 1346 level. T
"Europe" 1400 30M Inferred from 50% of 1346 level. T
Village 666 Typical, Spanish. D
Nobility (France)
Numbers 200K "More than one percent." T
Families 40K to 50K Extinguished 50% per century. T
Area Needed 1 acre per person. Subsistence. T
Size of Armies
Siege of Calais 32K combatant, 60K to 80K total. Includes supply fleet. T
Main English Army, 1346 4K men at arms, 10K archers, plus Irish and Welsh. Also an army in Gascony, and forces in England. T
Fief Holder 20 to 50.   D
Lesser Noble 100 to 500.   D
Magnate 1000 to 5000.   D
Poitiers 16K French, 8K Anglo-Gascon.   T
Typical Mercenary Company 900 Italian Condottieri, 300 lances of 3. D
Size of Fleets
Sluys 250 English, 500 French. English concentrated in 10 days. D
Damme 200 English, 400 French.   D
Normal 50, rarely 100.   T
Mobilisation Obligations (France)
Towns 1 Soldier per 100 or 200 to 300 hearths. In addition to nobility. Often money ("scutage") instead. T

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