Rules for Eastern Extension Maps

for Civilization and Advanced Civilization


[1.1] Purpose: The maps form an extension to the main map of Avalon Hill's board games Civilization and Advanced Civilization.

[1.2] Distribution: Somewhere in the vicinity of this file you should find four maps (in Claris Works format if soft copies), a guide for their assembly (Claris Works), an AST table (Claris Works), a list of additional scenarios and special rules for playing them (HTML) and a commentary on both sets of rules (HTML).

[1.3] Procedure: Choose a scenario (see section [5]) with an appropriate number of players. Lay out the maps as required (as explained in section [3.*], or in the guide). Section [2] contains a key to the maps, section [4] locates the start positions and section [6] describes the archaeological succession track.

[1.4] Extra rules: Some rules are only required for scenarios with twelve or more players. These rules and scenarios have been deleted from the basic rule set for the sake of clarity. They are included as a separate file in the this distribution.


[2.1] Land: Land areas are colour coded with various shades of yellow, brown and green according to population capacity. Population capacity is also shown in the conventional way by a number.

[2.2] Water: Water areas are marked in two different shades of blue.

[2.2.1] Dark blue indicates all-water areas. These areas are prohibited to land movement. Entry by naval movement is possible only if the moving player possesses the Astronomy advance.

[2.2.2] Light blue indicates the water part of mixed land and water areas. These areas can be entered by land or water movement regardless of whether the moving player possesses Astronomy.

[2.3] Impassable: One area on the Ganges Valley Extension Map (representing the Himalayas) is marked in grey. No unit of any kind may enter or move through this area.

[2.4] City Sites: Areas containing city sites are marked by a black square.

[2.5] Flood Plain: There are two flood plains marked: the Indus flood plain (on the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map, see below) and the Ganges flood plain (on the Ganges Valley Extension Map, see also below). They are marked by a thick green boundary around the affected land areas.

[2.6] Starting Areas: Starting areas are marked by thick red boundaries around one or more land areas. If a starting area contains more than one area then the player chooses one area within the starting area in which to place the initial unit. Which starting area should be used for which playing position is explained in [3.1] through [3.3].

[2.7] Scenario Edge: The Lower Indus Valley Extension Map is bisected by a scenario edge, shown by a thick white line. In some scenarios this marks the edge of the map, only areas to the left of this line may be entered by any kind of movement. In other scenarios the scenario edge has no effect and should be ignored.

[2.8] Volcanoes: There are no volcanoes on the Eastern Extension Maps.

[3] MAPS

[3.0] Guide: A separate file contains a guide showing how to arrange the new maps, relative to the old. There are four maps, varying in size between a quarter and a half as large as a standard map panel or the Western Extension Map.

[3.1] Persian Extension: This is the half-panel map containing the small region of dark blue water (the Persian Gulf). It should be placed with its left edge touching the upper half of the right hand edge of the main map. That is, its top left corner is the top right corner of the main map, and its top left corner is the middle of the right hand edge of the main map.

[3.2] Lower Indus Valley Extension: This is the half-panel map containing the large area of dark blue water (the Indian ocean) and the flood plain (the lower Indus). It should be placed to the right of the Persian extension map. That is, its top left corner is the top right corner of the Persian extension map, and its bottom left corner is the bottom right corner of the Persian extension map. Note that in some scenarios only the parts of the map to the left of the thick white scenario edge line are in play.

[3.3] Upper Indus Valley Extension: This is the quarter-panel map containing no water of any kind. If required by the scenario it should be placed above the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map. That is, its lower left corner is the upper right corner of the Persian Extension Map and the upper left corner of the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map, and its lower right corner is the upper right corner of the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map.

[3.4] Ganges Valley Extension: This is the three-eighths-panel upside-down L-shaped map containing a flood plain, a small amount of light blue water and no dark blue water. If required by the scenario it should be placed to the right of the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map and the upper half of the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map. That is, its upper left corner is the upper right corner of the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map, the midpoint of its left hand edge is the bottom right corner of the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map and the upper right corner of the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map, and its lower left corner is the midpoint of the right hand edge of the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map.


[4.1] Persia: The Persian start area is on the Persian Extension Map.

[4.2] Indus: The Indus start area is on the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map.

[4.3] India: The Indian start area is on the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map. Note this is nowhere near modern India, this is intentional.


[5.1] Two Player Game: Use the Persian Extension Map, the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map and the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map. All areas on all maps are in play. Allowed player positions are: India, Indus and Persia. Each player has 55 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships.

[5.2] Three Player Game: Use the rightmost standard map panel, the Persian Extension Map, the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map, and the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map. All areas on all maps are in play. Allowed player positions are: Asia, Babylon, India, Indus, and Persia. Each player has 55 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships.

[5.3] Alternate Three Player Game: Use the Persian Extension Map, the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map, the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map and the Ganges Valley Extension Map. All areas on all maps are in play. Allowable player positions are: India, Indus, and Persia. Each player has 47 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships.

[5.4] Four Player Game: Use the rightmost two standard map panels, the Persian Extension Map and the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map. On the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map only the areas to the left of the thick white scenario edge are in play. Allowed player positions are: Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt and Persia. Each player has 55 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships.

[5.5] Alternate Four Player Game: Use the rightmost standard map panel, the Persian Extension Map, the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map, the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map, and the Ganges Valley Extension Map. All areas on all maps are in play. Allowed player positions are: Asia, Babylon, India, Indus and Persia. Each player has 47 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships.

[5.6] Five Player Game: Use the rightmost two standard map panels, the Persian Extension Map, the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map and the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map. All areas on all maps are in play. Allowed player positions are: Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, India, Indus and Persia. Each player has 55 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships.

[5.7] Six Player Game: Use all but the leftmost of the standard map panels, the Persian Extension Map and the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map. On the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map only the areas to the left of the thick white scenario edge are in play. Allowed player positions are: Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Crete, Egypt, India, Indus, Persia and Thrace. Each player has 55 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships.

[5.8] Alternate Six Player Game: Use the rightmost two standard map panels, the Persian Extension Map, the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map, the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map, and the Ganges Valley Extension Map. All areas on all maps are in play. Allowed player positions are: Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, India, Indus and Persia. Each player has 51 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships.

[5.9] Seven Player Game: Use all the standard map panels, the Persian Extension Map and the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map. On the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map only the areas to the left of the thick white scenario edge are in play. Allowed player positions are: Africa, Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Crete, Egypt, Illyria, Italy, Persia and Thrace. Each player has 55 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships.

[5.10] Alternate Seven Player Game: Use all but the leftmost of the standard map panels, the Persian Extension Map, the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map and the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map. All areas on all maps are in play. Allowed player positions are: Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Crete, Egypt, India, Indus, Persia, and Thrace. Each player has 55 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships.

[5.11] Eight Player Game: Use all the standard map panels, the Persian Extension Map, the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map, and the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map. All areas on all maps are in play. Allowed player positions are: Africa, Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Crete, Egypt, Illyria, India, Indus, Italy, Persia and Thrace. Each player has 55 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships.

[5.12] Alternate Eight Player Game: Use all the standard map panels, the Western Extension Map, the Persian Extension Map, and the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map. On the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map only the areas to the left of the thick white scenario edge are in play. Allowed player positions are: Africa, Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Crete, Egypt, Iberia, Illyria, Persia, and Thrace. Each player has 55 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships.

[5.13] Second Alternate Eight Player Game: Use all but the leftmost of the standard map panels, the Persian Extension Map, the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map, the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map and the Ganges Valley Extension Map. All areas on all maps are in play. Allowed player positions are: Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Crete, Egypt, India, Indus, Persia and Thrace. Each player has 55 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships.

[5.14] Nine Player Game: Use all the standard map panels, the Western Extension Map, the Persian Extension Map, the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map and the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map. All areas on all maps are in play. Allowed player positions are: Africa, Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Crete, Egypt, Iberia, Illyria, India, Indus, Persia and Thrace. Each player has 55 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships. You will need to improvise one set of counters.

[5.15] Alternate Nine Player Game: Use all the standard map panels, the Persian Extension Map, the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map, the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map and the Ganges Valley Extension Map. All areas on all maps are in play. Allowed player positions are: Africa, Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Crete, Egypt, Illyria, India, Indus, Italy, Persia and Thrace. Each player has 55 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships. You will need to improvise one set of counters.

[5.16] Ten Player Game: Use all the standard map panels, the Western Extension Map, the Persian Extension Map, the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map, the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map, and the Ganges Valley Extension Map. All areas on all maps are in play. Allowed player positions are: Africa, Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Crete, Egypt, Iberia, Illyria, India, Indus, Persia, and Thrace. Each player has 47 tokens, 9 cities and 4 ships. You will need to improvise two sets of counters.

[6] Archaeological Succession Track

[6.0] General: An Archaeological Succession Track for all playing positions, including Persia, Indus and India, have been included as a separate file.

[6.1] Persia acts between Italy and Illyria.

[6.2] India acts between Asia and Assyria.

[6.3] Indus acts between Egypt and Babylon.


[7.0] Version: This is version beta3.

[7.1] Design: Concept, historical research, design and development (such as there has been) by David Bofinger, 1998.

[7.2] Play-Testing: Watch this space. Anyone who plays a free copy of this scenario is morally obliged to make at least a vague and unfocused effort to give me feedback. My electronic mail address at time of writing is (delete the spamproofing).

[7.3] Avalon Hill: Civilization and Advanced Civilization are trademarks of Avalon Hill, I have not sought or received any special dispensation from them for this map.

[7.4] Copyright: Anyone's free to use and distribute this expansion provided they don't try to make money out of it, claim it as their own, etc.. As a guideline, anyone who abides by the spirit of the Free Software Foundation's General Public License will not give offence. If anyone does want to try to make money out of it then mail me. Make sure you include your plan for explaining it to Avalon Hill.

[7.5] Single Most Important Source: Past Worlds: The Times Atlas of Archaeology, 1991.

This file is part of an expansion for the board game Advanced Civilization. This web site also contains further board game material and material unrelated to board games. Please send feedback to the author, David Bofinger.