Additional Rules for Eastern Extension Maps

for Civilization and Advanced Civilization

[1.4] Extra Rules: These extra rules are only required in scenarios with twelve or more players. The have been extracted from the basic rules for the sake of clarity.

[3.4] Italy and Iberia: The special rule that prohibits playing Italy when the Western Extension Map is in play does not apply in scenarios [5.18] though [5.21]. Italy and Iberia may be played in the same game. Use the Italian AST from the standard game, and the Iberian AST from the Western Extension Map.

[3.5] Asian Dawn: During the Asian player's first land move no more than one unit may move to Armenia (the area containing the lake).

[3.6] Asian Dawn Movement: This is an alternative to [3.5] included for play-testing purposes. During the land movement phase of the first turn of scenarios [5.20] and [5.21] the Asian player (only) has two land moves. The first is taken before all other players, the last in the Asian player's usual position.


[4.0] General: In scenarios [5.18] through [5.21] the maximum number of cities allowed for each player has been reduced. If playing any other scenario then this section can be ignored.

[4.1] Receiving Trade Cards: Each player receives trade cards at the usual time, but the trade cards received are based on an effective number of cities determined from the actual number and the maximum number. This effective number of cities is shown in the table in the following table. The dash symbol denotes an impossible combination.

Actual Number of Cities 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Cards if limited to maximum of 1 city 0 9 - - - - - - - -
Cards if limited to maximum of 2 cities 0 5 9 - - - - - - -
Cards if limited to maximum of 3 cities 0 3 6 9 - - - - - -
Cards if limited to maximum of 4 cities 0 3 5 7 9 - - - - -
Cards if limited to maximum of 5 cities 0 2 4 6 8 9 - - - -
Cards if limited to maximum of 6 cities 0 2 4 6 7 8 9 - - -
Cards if limited to maximum of 7 cities 0 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 - -
Cards if limited to maximum of 8 cities 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -
Cards if limited to maximum of 9 cities 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

[4.2] Gold Cards: In addition, players can buy gold cards. The cost of a gold card is twice the maximum number of cities allowed.

[5.17] Eleven Player Game: Use all the standard map panels, the Western Extension Map, the Persian Extension Map, the Lower Indus Valley Extension Map, the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map, and the Ganges Valley Extension Map. All areas on all maps are in play. Allowed player positions are: Africa, Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Crete, Egypt, Iberia, Illyria, India, Indus, Persia, and Thrace. Each player has 47 tokens, 8 cities and 4 ships. You will need to improvise three sets of counters.

[5.18] Twelve Player Game: Use the entire main map, plus the Western Extension Map, Persian Extension Map, Lower Indus Valley Extension Map, Upper Indus Valley Extension Map and Ganges Valley Extension Map. All areas on these maps are in play. Allowed player positions are Africa, Illyria, Italy, Iberia, Crete, Thrace, Egypt, Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Indus and India. Each player receives 47 tokens, 9 cities and 3 ships. You will need to improvise four sets of counters. Note rule [3.4].

[5.19] Alternate Twelve Player Game: Use the entire main map, plus the Western Extension Map, Persian Extension Map, Lower Indus Valley Extension Map and the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map. All areas on these maps are in play. Allowed player positions are Africa, Illyria, Italy, Iberia, Crete, Thrace, Egypt, Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Indus and India. Each player receives 43 tokens, 8 cities and 4 ships. You will need to improvise four sets of counters. Note rules [3.4], [4.1] and [4.2].

[5.20] Thirteen Player Game: Use the entire main map, plus the Western Extension Map, Persian Extension Map, Lower Indus Valley Extension Map, Upper Indus Valley Extension Map and Ganges Valley Extension Map. All areas on these maps are in play. Allowed player positions are Africa, Illyria, Italy, Iberia, Crete, Thrace, Egypt, Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Indus and India. Each player receives 40 tokens, 7 cities and 3 ships. You will need to improvise five sets of counters. Note rules [3.4], [3.5], [4.1] and [4.2].

[5.21] Alternate Thirteen Player Game: Use the entire main map, plus the Western Extension Map, Persian Extension Map, Lower Indus Valley Extension Map and the Upper Indus Valley Extension Map. All areas on these maps are in play. Allowed player positions are Africa, Illyria, Italy, Iberia, Crete, Thrace, Egypt, Asia, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Indus and India. Each player receives 40 tokens, 7 cities and 3 ships. You will need to improvise five sets of counters. Note rules [3.4], [3.5], [4.1] and [4.2].

[6.4] Iberia comes before Italy if both are in play.

[7.0] Version: This is version beta3.

This file is part of an expansion for the board game Advanced Civilization. This web site also contains further board game material and material unrelated to board games. Please send feedback to the author, David Bofinger.