Fatal Hatreds

The First and Second Balkan Wars
1912 and 1913

These rules are part of a variant scenario for Fatal Alliances.

Other board game material can be found on my home page.

These rules are only about 90% complete, things to be done are marked with asterisks. The two-player 1912 scenario could more or less be played now, with a generous attitude to filling in the gaps as they become apparent.


These rules constitute several microscenarios for Fatal Alliances. It covers the period of the First and Second Balkan Wars, from October 1912 to August 1913. These rules reflect differences from the Fatal Alliances rules, no effort has been made to allow this scenario to be played without owning or at least understanding Fatal Alliances. A few features (such as Sarajevo and Brindisi) have no effect on play for now but have been included to support future expansion to cover the Italo-Turkish war of 1911.


Nationality is indicated as follows:
A = Albania (white with yellow badge)
B = Bulgaria (red with green badge)
G = Greece (blue with white badge)
M = Montenegro (purple with pink badge)
T = Turkey (yellow with white badge)
R = Romania (pink with yellow badge)
S = Serbia (pink with white badge)
I = Italy (light green with white badge).

[1.2] A new map is included. Extensive changes have been made to reflect the 1912 political boundaries. In addition, several new cities have been added to reflect the scenario's smaller scale. For all scenarios currently written the Italian and Austro-Hungarian areas are off-limits for all purposes except the resource transportation segment.

[1.4] The counters should be sorted into INF; HQ; LS; CAV; TRS.

[1.4.2] Determining Sides: see the individual scenarios.


[7.2] In case of disagreement about rerolling initiative, all major powers on a side receive a number of votes equal to the total reorganisation value of all HQs they have on the board and in supply. If the vote is tied there is no reroll.

[7.A] THREE_PLAYER INITIATIVE RULES: Use the standard Fatal Alliances rules for initiative in all two-player scenarios and campaigns. For three-player scenarios and campaigns, each side rolls initiative separately.

[8] Note there are two weather zones on the map: Mediterranean and North Temperate.

[9] There are no factories in this scenario. Resource points may be transported to Brindisi (if controlled by Italy), Sarajevo (if controlled by Austria-Hungary) or Constantinople (if controlled by Turkey). Any number of resources may be transported to a given factory.

[10.3] There are no aircraft in this scenario, though there may some day be an Italian aircraft, and a counter is provided for it. There is no air-to-air combat in this game, and so the Italian aircraft counter lacks an air-to-air rating.

[11.3] Each X result damages the convoy. Each D or X result eliminates all resources passing through the convoy. The number shown for resources lost should be ignored.

[11.45] There is no blockade table in this scenario.

[11.6] PRODUCTION: Powers receive one build point for each city listed below that they control. Each resource point transported to Brindisi, Sarajevo or Constantinople gives one build point to the transporting power and one build point to the power that controls the destination.

Serbia: Belgrade, Nis, Skopje.
Montenegro: Cetinje.
Greece: Athens, Salonika, Smyrna, Constantinople, Edirne.
Italy: Brindisi.
Turkey: Edirne, Smyrna, Constantinople, Damascus, Angora.
Albania: Tirane.
Bulgaria: Sofia, Plovdiv, Skopje, Salonika.
Romania: Bucharest, Constanta.

All production is halved if the power is at peace.

Powers can save build points between turns, up to a maximum of 0.5 points less than the cost of the most expensive unit remaining in their force pool. If a power builds units during a turn, one of the units must cost more than the number of saved build points.

Turkey may donate build points to Albania if a notional resource point could have been transported. Maximum is:

[11.8] Morale Check ***.

[18] The major powers are the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Serbia and Albania. The minor powers are Syria-Palestine, Mesopotamia, Macedonia and Thrace. Note that Anatolia is part of Turkey.

[19] Greek, Montenegrin and Serb units may cooperate. Albanian and Ottoman units may cooperate. Nobody else.

[23] OPTIONAL ITALIAN ENTRY: Not applicable.

[24] LAWRENCE OF ARABIA: Yeah, right.

[25] DESIGM CREDITS: Scenario by David Bofinger. Fatal Alliances design by Dave Cox, development by Ken Hole. World in Flames by Harry Rowlands and Greg Pinder.



Each player is a member of the Christian side or the Ottoman side.

The game begins after the pipeline placement segment of the OCT-NOV 1912 game turn. The impulse marker is in the 4th box. The weather is clear in each zone and the Christian side has chosen to take the first impulse.

Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria and Montenegro are Christian major powers. Turkey and Albania are Ottoman major powers. Macedonia and Thrace are Ottoman-conquered minor countries. All Christian major powers are at war with all Ottoman major powers.

[26.A.2] GEARING LIMITS: Gearing limits for infantry can be determined from reinforcements due in the next turn.

[26.A.3] SETUP:

During setup a power may be permitted to exchange face up on-map units with face down on-map units. The number of such exchanges permitted, if any, is listed for each power. The exchanges are made at the point listed in the setup, and so cannot affect units listed after that point. Exchanges are not compulsory. Units are face up unless explicitly stated to be face down.

[26.A.3.1] Albania: 1 INF in Durazzo, 1 INF in Albania, no exchanges.

[26.A.3.2] Turkey: HQ "Abdalla Pasha" in Thrace or Albania, 1 INF in Albania or Macedonia, 1 INF in Salonika, 1 INF in Skopje, 1 INF in Constantinople, HQ "Shukri Pasha" in Edirne, 1 INF in Edirne, 2 INF face down in Smyrna, 3 INF in Middle East (off-map box), LS and 2 TRS in any Ottoman port, 2 INF NOV-DEC, HQ "Enver Bey" JAN-FEB, no exchanges.

[26.A.3.3] Bulgaria: HQ "Dimitriev" in Bulgaria, 2 INF face down in Sofia, 2 INF face down in Plovdiv, 1 INF face down in the port southeast of Constanta, 3 INF in Bulgaria, 2 exchanges, 1 INF on Romanian border (may not leave border unless enemy units enter Bulgaria or Romania and Bulgaria are at war), 2 INF in NOV-DEC.

[26.A.3.4] Montenegro: 1 INF in Montenegro, no exchanges ("What is the sound of one hand clapping?").

[26.A.3.5] Serbia: HQ "Putnik" in Serbia, 1 INF face down in Belgrade, 1 INF face down in Nis, 1 INF in Serbia, one exchange, 1 INF in NOV-DEC, 1 INF on Austro-Hungarian border (may not leave border unless enemy units enter Serbia).

[26.A.3.6] Greece: HQ "Constantine" in Greece, 1 INF in Greece, 1 INF face down in Athens, one exchange, LS, TRS, 1 INF NOV-DEC, 1 CONV.



Each player is a member of the Bulgar side or the Allied side.

The game begins after the pipeline placement segment of the MAY-JUN 1913 game turn. The impulse marker is in the 4th box. The weather is clear in each zone and the Bulgar side has chosen to take the first impulse.

Bulgaria is a Bulgar major power. Turkey, Albania, Serbia, Greece, Montenegro and Romania are allied major powers. Bulgaria is at war with Serbia, Greece and Montenegro.

The following changes must be made to the control indicated on the map. Skopje and the hex southwest of it are controlled by Serbia. All hexes of Macedonia adjacent to Bulgaria (except Skopje) plus the hex two hexes west of Sofia, are controlled by Bulgaria. The remainder of Macedonia is controlled by Greece. Thrace is controlled by Bulgaria. The islands one and two hexes northwest of Smyrna are controlled by Greece.

[26.B.2] GEARING LIMITS: Gearing limits for infantry can be determined from reinforcements due in the next turn.




Each player is a member of the Allied side, the Bulgar side or the Ottoman side.

The game begins after the pipeline placement segment of the OCT-NOV 1912 game turn. The impulse marker is in the 4th box. The weather is clear in each zone and the ***(initiative).

Greece, Serbia and Montenegro are Allied major powers. Turkey and Albania are Ottoman major powers. Bulgaria is a Bulgar major power. Macedonia and Thrace are Ottoman-conquered minor countries. All Ottoman major powers are at war with all Allied and Bulgar powers.

[26.C.2] GEARING LIMITS: Gearing limits for infantry can be determined from reinforcements due in the next turn.

[26.C.3] SETUP: See [26.A.3].

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