Nations Nascent

The Wars of Italian and German Unification
1859 to 1871

This is a variant campaign for Empires in Arms, see also the design commentary. My web page also provides access to further Empires in Arms material.

[1.0] NATIONS NASCENT is a campaign for four players of EMPIRES IN ARMS, covering the Wars of Italian and German unification in the period 1859-70. You need to already have EMPIRES IN ARMS in order to play this campaign.

[1.1.1] Delete the following provinces and countries for all purposes: all provinces of Britain, Spain, Russia and Turkey; Posen, Masovia, West Galicia, Switzerland, Flanders, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Portugal, Gibraltar, Malta, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Rhodes and Corfu.

[1.1.2] Delete all islands in Denmark. Denmark is a 2/1 country with capital Hamburg.

[1.1.3] Nice is a 1/0 country consisting of the Toulon area.

[1.1.4] Savoy is a 1/1 country consisting of the mountain area of Piedmont. Add a city "Chambery" with two spires and one fletch to this area, Chambery is the capital of Savoy.

[1.1.5] The Wittenberg area is part of Brandenburg.

[1.2.1] MORALE:

                 Militia  Infantry  Cavalry  Guards  Artillery

    AUSTRIA         2        3         4        5        3
    Baden                    2         3                 3
    Bavaria                  2         3                 3
    Commune                  2
    Confederation            3         3                 3
    Denmark                  2         3                 3
    FRANCE          2        3         4        5        3
    Hanover                  2         3                 3
    Hesse                    2         3                 3
    HUNGARY         2        2         4                 2
    ITALY           2        3         3        4        3
    PRUSSIA         2        3.5       4        5        3.5
    REDSHIRTS       2        3                             
    Saxony                   3         4                 3
    Wuerttemberg             2         2                 2

[1.2.2] Intrinsic Leadership: The intrinsic strategic rating of French corps commanders is 1. The intrinsic tactical rating of Italian corps is 1. Note that the date is well after 1810 so Prussian corps have an intrinsic strategic rating of 2.

[1.2.3] DEPOTS: The number of depots available to each power is: Austria 6, France 7, Prussia 8, Italy 4.


    POWER           MARKER                     MAXIMUM

    AUSTRIA         G                          6G, 3C, 3A
                    I                          12I/M, 3C, 2A
                    II, III                    10I/M, 2C, 2A
                    IV, V                      8I/M, 2C, 1A
    Baden                                      10I, 2C, 1A
    Bavaria                                    14I, 3C, 2A
    Denmark                                    10I, 3C, 1A
                    F                          30S               
    FRANCE          G                          6G, 3C, 3A
                    I, II, III                 12I/M, 3C, 2A
                    IV, V, VI                  10I/M, 2C, 2A
                    VII, IX, X                 8I/M, 2C, 1A
                    IF, IIF                    30S
    Hanover                                    8I, 2C, 1A
    Hesse                                      8I, 2C, 1A
    HUNGARY         I, II                      10I, 3C, 1A 
                    III, IV                    9I, 2C, 1A
                    IF                         30S
    ITALY           I                          2G, 8I/M, 2C, 2A
                    II, III, IV, V, VI         8I/M, 2C, 2A
                    IF                         30S
    Naples                                     12I, 3C
    PRUSSIA         G                          8G, 4C, 4A
                    I, II                      14I/M, 4C, 3A
                    III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII  12I/M, 3C, 3A
                    IF                         30S
    REDSHIRTS       I                          2I, 6M
    Saxony                                     12I, 3C, 2A
    Wuerttemberg                               8I, 2C, 1A

The number of corps Italy can have on-map at the end of any reinforcement phase is limited to one more than the number of provinces in the following list that are unceded: Piedmont, Lombardy, Venetia, Rome, Naples.

The Danish fleet marker is permanently eliminated if Denmark is conquered.

Use Spanish markers for Hungarians, Russian markers for Italians and a British marker for the Redshirts.

[] Place Austria in the Ru (I) box, France and Prussia in the Sp (I) box and Italy in the Tu (I) box of the Political Status display.

[4.4] Delete peace condition C.9. Peace condition C.8 becomes: "Keep out of Germany: the defeated power may not create confederations (see [11.B]). All effects of this condition are cancelled if the condition is later applied (by any power) against the victor."

[] A major power accepting a conditional surrender from Italy receives +1 PP for every three Italian provinces or fraction thereof.

[] A major power accepting an unconditional surrender from Italy receives +1 PP for every two Italian provinces or fraction thereof.

[] If Italy loses all its provinces, it remains in the game. All Italian forces are transferred into the Redshirts corps (this is the only time this may be done) or lost. All Italian corps are removed. The Italian treasury can be given to a power with which Italy is allied, to a free state controlled by such a power, or to a neutral free state, or it is lost. All Italian controlled free states become neutral. All wars with major powers end. Italian ships are retained offmap.

While Italy does not exist it cannot declare wars, have war declared on it, earn victory points or make alliances. Its political status marker is adjusted normally.

In any political phase following the next economic interphase, Italy can assume control of a province, which becomes an unceded province. If the province was a free state, its forces plus one fleet and two corps become Italy's forces. If the free state was controlled by another power, Italy inherits the states of war and alliances of the free state, and has an 18 month enforced peace and an alliance with the controlling major power.


                     STATE     Infantry  Cavalry  Artillery  Ships

    Baden            Neut          7        2        1
    Bavaria          Neut         13        3        2
    Berg             Neut
    Denmark          Neut          7        2        1        15
    Hanover          Neut          9        2        1
    Hesse           At Free        9        2        1
    Kleves           Neut
    Mecklenburg      Neut
    Naples           Neut          5        2
    Nice            It Conq
    Palatinate       Neut
    Romagna          Neut
    Savoy           It Conq
    Saxony          At Free       13        3        2
    Tuscany          Neut
    Wuerttemberg     Neut          7        2        1

[5.1] Naval forces are placed in the order Prussia, Italy, France, Hungary.

[5.2] Land forces are placed in the order Italy, Austria-Hungary, France, Prussia.

[] Factors may be added to an unbesieged Redshirts corps in any ceded or unceded Italian province.

[6.1] Naval movement order is Hungary, France, Italy, Prussia.

[7.1] Prussia chooses a position in the land movement phase, other land movement order is France, Austria-Hungary, Italy.

[] All corps have three movement points.

[] Depots may be considered to be adjacent for the purposes of [] and [] if a notional corps on one of them could move to the other using railway movement (see [7.3.9]).


A corps can lose movement points due to the presence of other corps which are moving simultaneously with it. The modifiers in this section are cumulative with those of [] but not with each other.

[] A corps must expend an additional movement point to leave an area for each other corps that has already left that area in this power's land phase.

[] A corps must expend an additional movement point to enter an area for each other corps that has already entered that area in this power's land phase. (This includes corps which have already departed the area.)

[7.3.9] Instead of moving normally a corps that starts on an unbesieged home nation city not adjacent to an enemy corps may use railway movement. It may move as many spaces as it wishes, but must always remain inside the home nation and may not move adjacent to an enemy corps. This costs $1 and the corps is considered supplied.

[] Prussia may move two corps in this fashion each turn.

[] France and Austria-Hungary may each move one corps in this fashion in a turn if they did not do so last turn.

[,2] Any force which was led by a seniority A leader of its own nationality has any PP award or penalty increased in size by 1.

[] Shift all cavalry pursuits one column to the right.

[] Italy may not announce victory. The game does not end until one or more of Austria-Hungary, France and Prussia announces victory. If Italy has also exceeded its victory point target by this time, it is a co-winner with the other power(s).


Major PowerTargets

[] Add 10 VP to the Italian total if Italy counted VPs for the Papacy in [].

[] Multiply the taxation revenue of Austria (not Hungary) by two thirds. Reduce the taxation revenue of France by 10 (to represent the loss of dominance) and multiply the remainder by two thirds. Round off all results.

[*] Ignore all trade values.

[] Multiply the manpower of France and Austria (not Hungary) by two thirds. Round off the results.

[] The Redshirts receive one manpower per economic interphase, plus one for each Italian province which is not contributing manpower to Italy in this interphase.

[8.3.1] Money can be given to the Redshirts by any major power, regardless of alliances.

[,2,3] -2 PP for each of Berlin, Paris and Vienna being occupied.

[] The Redshirts corps need not be maintained.

[] All major powers may save manpower. The Redshirts are limited to a maximum of one manpower saved.

[] Provinces and countries controlled by the Redshirts may be ceded to Italy without penalty. If this creates Italy see []. The Redshirts may not roll for minor countries.

[10.1.1-5] There are no guerillas, cossacks, freikorps, feudal corps, Tyrolean revolt corps, or insurrection corps.

[10.1.6] Redshirts corps and Garibaldi: The Redshirts control a single corps plus four 1 militia factor garrison markers.

[] The Redshirts corps may never end its land phase outside the following area: all the ceded and unceded provinces of Italy; Corsica, Savoy, Nice, Tyrol and Illyria.

[] Infantry detached from the Redshirts corps becomes militia.

[] When the Redshirts corps is removed from the map, it may retain some of its strength.

[] If the Redshirts corps is removed while besieged, all factors are lost.

[] If the Redshirts corps is removed in an unceded Italian province, all factors are retained.

[] If the Redshirts corps surrenders to Italians, all factors are retained (none are actually taken prisoner).

[] If it is removed in any other situation half the factors (round up) are lost and the other half are retained.

[] The Redshirts corps, when on-map, must always be stacked with the Garibaldi leader. Garibaldi and the corps can be removed simultaneously. If Garibaldi moves off the Redshirts corps it is eliminated with all factors. Garibaldi is the only leader who can stack with the Redshirts corps. Garibaldi may also stack with (and command) corps belonging to Italy or a power allied with Italy.

[] If the Redshirts corps is in a territory controlled by Italy or a power with which Italy is at war, it is considered Italian for purposes of cooperation and hostility and Garibaldi is considered an Italian leader if captured. If it is in a minor country controlled by Italy it is at war with any country at war with that minor country (and can cooperate with the minor country's forces) even if Italy is at peace with the other major power. Otherwise the Redshirts corps is hostile to all other units. In either of the last two cases Garibaldi is released two years after capture if no war occurs between Italy and the imprisoning power, and on peace between Italy and the imprisoning power if it does.

[] If the Redshirts corps and Garibaldi are both off-map at the start of a reinforcement phase, they may be brought on together in any area of a (ceded or unceded) Italian province. This area may not contain an enemy corps.

[] Any power at war can force access into a non-existent area. Any unit that moves in surrenders immediately (player's choice to who).

[10.6.5] BERNADOTTE does not exist in this campaign. Instead ALBERT 3-3-2-B is a Saxon leader for the entire game. If Saxony is conquered then ALBERT is available to the country at war with Saxony's controlling power and highest on the following list: Austria, Prussia, France, Italy. If Saxony is a free state ALBERT is available to its controlling power.

[11.0] Only the new political combinations listed below can be created.

[11.7] The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies exists initially, see [11.A]. Note there is no Neapolitan fleet.

[11.A] Free States formed from provinces: provinces of a major power may start as or become during play a free state (neutral or otherwise). These countries are worth +1PP in the same circumstances that minor countries are (e.g. conquest, assuming control). Use Turkish control markers to distinguish neutral free states provinces from those controlled by the major power. If such a country is ever at peace and controlled by the power of which it is a province, it immediately becomes an unceded province. Any factors become reinforcements to the major power's forces. Powers controlling conquered Italian provinces may free them in the usual fashion.

[11.B] The North German Confederation and the South German Confederation are separate multi-district political combinations. They can only be created by Austria or Prussia. If Austria or Prussia has had condition C.8 applied to it is unable to create confederations.

[11.B.1] If Austria or Prussia controls at least three of Denmark, Hanover, Hesse and Saxony, it may create the North German Confederation. The NGC consists of all controlled members of Denmark, Hanover, Hesse, Berg, Kleves, Saxony and the Palatinate.

[11.B.2] If Austria or Prussia controls at least three of Baden, Bavaria, Saxony and Wuerttemberg, it may create the South German Confederation. The SGC consists of all controlled members of Baden, Bavaria, Saxony, Wuerttemberg and Duchies.

[11.B.3] If the controller of a confederation is at peace and fails to satisfy the conditions for creation, it is immediately dissolved. If at any time a confederation contains no minors with corps then it dissolves regardless of whether the controller is at war.

If a single player controls Saxony, the NGC and the SGC then Saxony is considered a member of the NGC or the SGC at the controller's option, but not both at once.

[11.B.4] Each confederation is worth +1 PP to create.

[11.B.5] Minor countries with corps build normally and factors are not interchangeable. The money and manpower from countries in the confederation is doubled, regardless of whether the power has a corps. Money and manpower derived from minors without corps in the confederation available to powers in the confederation that do have corps, and the controller divides up the money and manpower each economic interphase as he sees fit.

[11.B.6] If a country has been continuously included in a confederation for at least 24 months it gains the following benefits:

[11.B.6.1] The morale of factors in its corps is the better of its normal morale and that given for confederations (in [1.2.1]).

[11.B.6.2] It is considered part of the controller's home nation for purposes of [7.3.9].


[11.C.1] If Prussia is at peace, controls and has continuously controlled both the North and South German confederations for 24 months and peace condition C.8 is currently in progress against both Austria and France, it may declare Germany, and incorporate both confederations (see below).

[11.C.2] If Austria has continuously controlled both the North and South German confederations for 24 months and peace condition C.8 is currently in progress against both France and Prussia, it may declare Germany, and incorporate the South German Confederation (see below).

[11.C.3] All possible members of an incorporated confederation become home nation provinces of the major power creating Germany.

[11.C.3.1] If the new province is controlled by the creating power then it becomes an unceded home nation province. From now on any corps belonging to that minor country is considered a corps of the creating power for all purposes. Any factors in the corps or in garrison are replaced by home nation factors of the same kind on a one for one basis.

[11.C.3.2] If the new province is currently conquered by a power other than the power creating Germany then it becomes a ceded (to its current controller) province.

[11.C.3.3] If the new province is currently a free state of a power other than the creating power then it becomes a province free state of that power, see [11.A].

[11.C.3.4] If the new province is neutral then it becomes a neutral province free state, see [11.A].

[11.C.4] Declaring Germany is worth +2 PP.

[11.C.5] If Austria declares Germany, and the North German Confederation is dissolved, only Austria can recreate it.

[] (Cavalry superiority) for "twice" read "three times".


[12.A.1] Increase the Austro-Hungarian Victory Point Total by 10. Reduce the Prussian victory point target by 20. Reduce the Italian victory point target by 5. Prussian infantry and artillery factors have morale 3. Ignore [], and add Prussia to the list in []. Reduce the number of Prussian depots by two.

[12.A.2] Take a standard pack of 52 playing cards. Remove the court cards and aces.

[12.A.2.1] Before the game and before every even-numbered year except 1870, deal one card to each player. Note this means that some cards will not be dealt.

[12.A.2.2] Players may inspect their own cards. During diplomacy phases they may show their cards to players controlling powers with which their power has an alliance.

[12.A.2.3] Before every even-numbered year except 1870 roll D6 to determine the active suit for the next two years. Players may wish to use an ace to indicate which suit is presently active. Cards from inactive suits have no effect on play.

         1-3      Spades
         4-5      Hearts
          6       Diamonds

[12.A.2.4] When the active suit is revealed all cards of that suit take effect immediately.

    CARD      EFFECT                     RULE
      2       Breech-Loading Rifles      [12.A.2.5.1]
      3       Ironclads                  [12.A.2.5.2]
      4       Mitrailleuse               [12.A.2.5.3]
      5       Offensive Doctrine         [12.A.2.5.4]
      6       Railways                   [12.A.2.5.5]
      7       Smoothbore Artillery       [12.A.2.5.6]
      8       Commune or Republic        [12.A.2.5.7] or [12.A.2.5.8]
      9       Secrecy                    [12.A.2.5.9]
     10       Ems Telegram               [12.A.2.5.10]


[12.A.] If a card (see below) calls for the elimination of a certain fraction of a power's forces, this also applies to reinforcements paid for but not yet on map. Round against the affected power. (Example: Austria has four artillery factors on map, two arriving in June and two in September. A card requires it to remove two thirds of these (four factors). Austria must remove three on-map factors (2/3*4 round up), one June factor (2/3*(4+2)-3 round up) and both the September factors (2/3*(4+2+2)-3-1 round up).)

[12.A.] An army gains the benefit of a card if more than half the corps within it are of the affected major power.


[12.A.] This power receives a +1 die roll modifier if it chooses defend, cordon or probe.

[12.A.] Revealed after chit choice in the first such combat. Effects last twelve months.

[12.A.] Increase the affected power's victory target by 5.


[12.A.] Immediately eliminate one-third of this power's ships, and two thirds of all other powers' fleets.

[12.A.] Reveal after wind gauge of the next naval battle involving the affected power.

[12.A.] Increase the affected power's victory target by 5.


[12.A.] The affected power receives a +1 modifier if it chooses defend or cordon. The enemy receives a -1 modifier if it chooses assault, echelon or escalated assault.

[12.A.] Revealed after chit choice in the first such combat. Effects last twelve months.

[12.A.] Increase the affected power's victory target by 10.


[12.A.] The morale of this power is improved if it chooses assault, escalated assault, echelon, counterattack, escalated counterattack or outflank (after arrival of the flanking force). The extent of improvement depends on the power affected, see below:

[12.A.] Austria-Hungary: Austrian infantry have morale 4, Hungarian infantry and artillery have morale 3.

[12.A.] France: French infantry have morale 4.

[12.A.] Italy: Italian infantry have morale 3.5. Italian cavalry have morale 4. Redshirt infantry have morale 4. Garibaldi's ratings are raised to 4-4-1-D.

[12.A.] Prussia: Prussian infantry have morale 4.

[12.A.] Any power attempting to withdraw from this power suffers a +1 modifier (i.e. withdrawal is harder).

[12.A.] Revealed after chit choice in first such battle. Lasts for twelve months.

[12.A.] Increase the affected power's victory target by 15 unless it is Italy, in which case increase it by 10.

[12.A.2.5.5] RAILWAYS

[12.A.] The affected power can move one (if Italy) or two (otherwise) corps per turn by rail. Increase the number of depots in that power's counter set by one (Italy) or two (others).

[12.A.] Revealed when first used. Lasts indefinitely.

[12.A.] Increase the affected power's victory target by (1871 - present year).


[12.A.] Immediately remove half this power's artillery factors.

[12.A.] Reveal after chit choice of first land battle involving affected power.

[12.A.] Decrease the affected power's victory target by 5.

[12.A.2.5.7] COMMUNE: This rule does not apply to Italy, see [12.A.2.5.8].

[12.A.] The home province of the affected power (Ile de France, Austria or Brandenburg) becomes a free state at war with the affected major. Other major powers may roll for control of the free state as though the affected major had declared war on it. All garrisons in the affected major power's capital city are eliminated. All other forces in the province are moved to the nearest friendly area outside the province. The army of the free state consists of enough infantry factors (morale 2) to fill the capital, which may be placed in any cities in the affected province.

[12.A.] Revealed immediately. The state of war between the major and the free state does not end until the free state is conquered, whereupon it becomes an unceded province. Note that the communard garrison is at war with the affected major, see [] and [8.4.1].

[12.A.] Decrease the affected power's victory target by 5.

[12.A.2.5.8] REPUBLIC: This rule applies only to Italy, see [12.A.2.5.7].

[12.A.] Non-Italian powers may roll for control of the Redshirts as though Italy had just declared war on them (+1 PP). Fill the Redshirts corps to capacity. If there are more than one unceded Italian provinces, one of them (Redshirts' controller's choice) becomes Redshirts controlled. The Redshirts corps can conquer ceded or unceded Italian provinces. It is hostile to all other units on the board.

[12.A.] Rules [] and [] are suspended while the republic exists.

[12.A.] Revealed immediately. Lasts until either Italy does not exist, there are no Redshirt provinces, or one side surrenders to the other (in which case +3PP/-5PP and all provinces of that side become controlled by the other.)

[12.A.] Decrease the Italian victory target by 5.

[12.A.] If Garibaldi is imprisoned when a republic forms, he escapes.

[12.A.2.5.9] SECRECY

[12.A.] Negates all effects of another card. If several such cards are played simultaneously, it negates one of them randomly.

[12.A.] Played immediately any other card with a positive victory target modifier is played. Secrecy cannot negate itself.

[12.A.] This also cancels any victory target modifications of the other card.

[12.A.2.5.10] EMS TELEGRAM

[12.A.] The affected power chooses whether to accept or refuse the offer of the throne of Spain. If it refuses, the victory point modifier is still applied but there are no other effects. If it accepts, the effect depends on which power is affected. If the affected power is at war discard the card.

[12.A.] Austria or Prussia: France may declare war on the affected power regardless of enforced peace. If France does not do so, the affected power immediately receives +5 PP and France receives half money and manpower (instead of two thirds) unless allied with the affected power.

[12.A.] France: All other powers receive a casus bellum on France regardless of enforced peace. If there are no such declarations, France receives full money and manpower.

[12.A.] Italy: If no other power declares war on Italy in the next political phase, Italy receives +5PP and France receives half money and manpower unless allied with Italy.

[12.A.] Revealed immediately, effects last until the card is played again.

[12.A.] Increase the affected power's victory target by 5.

[] The game begins with the political phase of January 1859 and ends after the victory point phase of December 1870 (or sooner, see []).

[] Army setup order is: Austria-Hungary, Italy, France, Prussia, Redshirts.

[] Navy setup order is: France, Italy, Prussia, Austria-Hungary.

[14.1.5] Control:

Austria controls Venetia and Lombardy as ceded provinces. France controls Corsica as an unceded province and Papacy as a ceded province. Hungary controls Hungary as a home province, and Illyria, Military Border and Transylvania as unceded provinces. Tuscany and Romagna are uncontrolled ceded provinces. Naples and Sicily form the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, see [11.7], which is neutral.

France has +2 when rolling for Savoy or Nice. Prussia and Austria have no modifier. Italy has a +3 modifier when rolling for Savoy, Nice or any Italian province, and 0 for any other country.

See also [4.6.2]

[] Austria and Hungary are always played by the same player. They are the same country for the purposes of states of war, alliances, leadership, order of play, supply and political point changes. They are different countries for purposes of economics and identity of factors. Austria may transfer money to Hungary but not vice-versa. Use Spanish counters for Hungarian forces.

[] Any country conquered by Hungary immediately becomes Austrian. Hungary may not roll for countries.

[] The Redshirts are always (exception [12.A.2.5.7]) played by the Italian player. Italy and the Redshirts are different countries for all purposes. Use Russian counters for Italian units and British counters for Redshirts.


      MAJOR          Austria      France      Italy      Prussia

    Austria                         -2           0          -2
    France              -4                      +3          -2
    Italy               -1           0                      +2
    Prussia             -2          -2          +1

[14.1859] This campaign begins with French and Piedmontese negotiating the dismemberment of Austrian dominance in Italy.

[14.1859.2] The following division of major powers is recommended:

FOUR PLAYERS: Austria-Hungary, France, Italy, Prussia.
THREE PLAYERS: Austria-Hungary, France, Prussia.
TWO PLAYERS: Austria-Hungary, France.

[14.1859.2.1.1] Bids are revealed in the following order: Prussia, France, Austria-Hungary, Italy.

[14.1859.2.2] If Italy is not player-controlled it is initially an active French UMP, and is rolled for thereafter.

[14.1859.2.3] If Prussia is not player-controlled it is initially a neutral UMP with no controlling player, and is rolled for thereafter. Prussia is always inactive until 1866.

[14.1859.3] There are no existing states of war, alliance or enforced peace.

[14.1859.4] Initial Forces:

AUSTRIA: 25I, 7C, 3G, 5A, any corps, 4 depots and $17. Available leaders are ALBRECHT 2-4-4-A, BENEDEK 1-3-4-B, FRANZ JOSEPH 1-2-5-A, GYULAI 1-2-3-C and TEGETTHOF (naval leader, same effect as NELSON in 1805).The Austrian player also sets up Hungary with 29I, 9C, 2A, any corps and $5; and the Saxony and the Hesse forces (see [4.6.2]).

FRANCE: 78I, 18C, 11A, 3G, 25S, any corps, 6 depots and $35. One fleet must be set up in an Atlantic port, the other in a Mediterranean port. Each fleet must have at least 10 ships. Available Leaders are BAZAINE 1-3-3-B, BOURBAKI 2-2-1-C, CHANZY 2-3-2-C, DUCROT 1-3-4-B, FAIDERBHE 2-4-1-C, MACMAHON 3-3-3-B and NAPOLEON 1-2-4-A.

ITALY: 13I, 2C, 1A, 1G, 10S, 2 corps and $6. Available leaders are LA MARMORA 2-3-2-C and VICTOR EMMANUEL 1-3-3-A. The Italian player also controls the Redshirts corps, which contains 1I, 4M and the Redshirts leader GARIBALDI 3-3-1-D, both of which are initially offmap.

PRUSSIA: 45I, 10C, 13A, 2G, 12S, any corps and $15. Available leaders are BITTENFELD 2-2-2-C, FREDERICK WILLIAM 2-3-4-A, FREDERICK CHARLES 3-4-3-B, MOLTKE 5-3-5-A and STEINMETZ 1-3-3-C.

[14.1859.5] The major powers (Austria, France, Hungary, Italy and Prussia) control their home nations with the following changes. The Redshirts do not control any territory.

[14.1859.5.1] The following provinces are controlled by Hungary as unceded provinces: Hungary (home province), Illyria, Military Border and Transylvania.

[14.1859.5.2] Corsica is an unceded province of France.

[14.1859.5.3] Piedmont and Sardinia are unceded provinces of Italy. Italy has no home province. Lombardy and Venetia are Italian provinces ceded to Austria. Tuscany and Romagna are neutral free states and also ceded Italian provinces. Naples and Sicily are an neutral free state (see [11.7]) and are also separate Italian ceded provinces. The Papacy is an Italian province ceded to France.

[14.1859.5.4] Prussia controls all its provinces except for Posen and Masovia.

[17.0] CREDITS:

Campaign design is by David Bofinger. Thanks to Derrick Reeves and associated playtest group for bug reports.

This campaign is distributed in the spirit of the GNU General Public License. You are free to distribute it how you will, but not for profit and not without crediting the author.

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