Welcome childe, come forward and witness that which has been set before you.Breathe in the mists of time...

I am the Maiden, Youth of the land.

Childe of the Mysteries

"We three are one"

I am the Mother, Bearer of fruit.

Life giver

"We three are one"

I am the Crone, Goddess of the Harvest.

Teacher of the Mysteries

"We three are one"

Come closer Childe. Your time here has not yet ended, bear witness to the reflections before you. Know the Mists of Time...

I am the Warrior, Defender of the land.

Initiate of the Mysteries

"We three are one"

I am the Father, Bearer of the seed.

Life Giver

"We three are one"

I am the Wise-Man, God of the Harvest.

Teacher of the Mysteries

"We three are one"

Go now Childe, the sacred waters have stilled. Remember what you have seen here; Pass it to your childrens children. Forget not, those who have spoken this night.

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