To the Masonic family and the
non-masonic visitors I offer you Greetings from the 16th Masonic
District, Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand
Lodge of North Carolina and Jurisdictions, Inc. (PHA).
Masonic Lodges and O.E.S.
Chapters of our district date back to the 1800's and have included; Congressmen,
Representatives, Educators, Businessmen, Ministers, but most of all, better
Fathers, better Husbands, better Neighbors, and better men in general.
These men are interested in their community and church and vigorously participate
in both. You have seen us when we gathered, possibly in your church, for
our annual observances of St.'s John Day and Prince Hall/Americanism Day.
We have also gathered there just to come together as a Masonic Family to
worship. You have also seen us when we were regaled as Shriners, Knights
Templar, Cryptic Masons, Royal Arch Masons, and Princes of the Royal Secret.
For to belong to any of these groups one must first be a Mason in good
standing in his Lodge.
We sponsor Youth Groups, Knights
of Pythagoras (boys) and Gleaners (girls). We provide positive
role models and wholesome activities for
these children. They are not taught to be little Masons or Eastern
Stars but how to be contributing members of their community. These
youth organizations engage in charitable efforts, proper organization decorum,
and the importance of operating as a team. We have had most of our Youth
Group members go on, to college, to become managers, into the Armed Services,
and to be productive citizens in their communities.
Brothers, and Sisters your
continued involvement in your respective Masonic organizations is needed.
The programs and activities can only be successful if you are personally
involved. To depend on another Brother or Sister to bear your part of the
load is unfair. You have missed joy. The joy of the mother
who received food and/or clothing for her children and herself, when she
didn't know where the next meal was coming from. The joy of a sick
Brother or Sister when you visit them. The joy of those who are
in nursing homes or confined to their homes when you bring them words of
encouragement. The joy, you feel, when the at risk youth succeeds
in school or just gets through their teens without becoming pregnant or
experiencing problems with the police, and knowing you had a hand in his/her
For those of you seeking information
about the Masonic community, talk to you church members, club members or
your next door neighbors. Though our precepts are based on the Holy Bible
we are not a religion. We are not a secret society,
but a society with secrets. Biblical lessons are emphasized in our
lodge/chapter rooms for we are composed of members who strongly believe
in living a life pleasing to God.
Thank you for visiting our
web site we hope you enjoy our presents. I remain, forever,
Walking In the Light,
R. Jones
Bro. Victor C. Cooper
16th D.D.G.M. of NC (PHA)
C. Cooper
This site last updated
November 25, 2003