Me Unit 
This unit evolves from the Back to School Unit when we are learning about each other
and ourselves. My Me Unit incorporates learning about “me”, body parts, the five
senses, and families. During this time we are also working on shapes and colors.
Activities will vary according to what kind of class I have each year.
(I will add more when I get back to school)
- Feelings
- Alike/Different
- Much Bigger Than Martin
- The New Baby
- Friends
- Just Like My Daddy
- Mary Wore Her Red Dress
- Shoes from Grandpa
- Clifford’s Family
- Harold and the Purple Crayon
- The Silly Birthday Book
- Something Special
- The Rabbit Who Wanted Red Wings
- Two Eyes, Two Ears, One Nose
- I am Special
- The Mixed-Up Chameleon
- Color Word Songs
- Shape Poems
- Be Careful Little Eyes What You See
- Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
- Do Your Ears Hang Low
- Look All the World Over
- Colors
- Marching Around the ABC
- I am Unique
- 1. Each child frames a picture of themselves with jumbo craft sticks. They decorate the
frame with stickers or sequins. I put magnetic tape on back so parents can hang on the
- 2. We make a Me Book over the two weeks. It’s in the shape of a little person and they
decorate the front to make it look like themselves. Each page of the book is part of
journaling and tells something about them.
- 3. Measure the height and weigh students. Make a graph and compare at the end of the
- 4. Make handprints with the handprint poem.
- 5. Make T-shirt people for Open House. Each student brings in a favorite T-shirt. Hang
the shirt on a hanger. Then each student decorates a paper plate for a face. Tape the
plate on the hanger above the shirt and put it in the child’s seat. When people come into
the room, it looks like the children are sitting in their seats. This is great for the Me Unit!
- 6. Have students draw a picture of their families.
- 7. Make thumbprint cookies. Make peanutbutter cookies and let each child put his/her
thumbprint in a cookie before baking.
- 8. Examine fingerprints with a magnifying glass. Also make thumbprints with paint or
stamp pad. Make a thumbprint graph.
- 9. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees- make a green handprint with paint and them paint
the underside of the forearm brown and press down to make the tree trunk. When it
dries, glue colored ABC macaroni or ABC cereal on the tree.
- 10. Pop popcorn to show how we use all 5 senses. Hear and smell the popcorn pop.
Taste, touch, and see the popcorn.
- 11. Make a shoe graph with the childrens’ shoes.
- 12. Trace each student’s shoe and measure them with rulers, chain links, etc.
- 13. Age, hair color, eye color, boy/girl graphs.
- 14. When talking about the color purple-make purple cows(grape juice poured over
vanilla ice cream). Also- mix red and blue paint to make purple.
- 15. When talking about the color brown-let the students make ch. pudding. I usually let
each table make their own big bowl of it.
- 16. Make Brown Bear, Brown Bear cookies.
Letter Recognition: 
- 1. Letter Charts: Mm for me, Ff for family, Dd for Dad, Gg for grandpa.
- 2. Picture and Words: Pictures of boys and girls (label body parts) and families.
- 3. Do picture sort with the above letters.
- 4. ABC grab bag- have each student pull out a letter from a bag and tell what the letter
- 5. Throw ABC bean bags to students and have them identify the letter.
- 6. Letter searches- students circle the letter studying around the room or on individual
- 7. For letter assessment, I make Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees with capital letters on
it and for every letter a child can tell me a sticker goes on the letter. When they know all
the letters on the tree, they can take it home.
Students will do most of their journaling during this unit in their Me
booklet. Sentences such as the ones listed below will be on each page of the book shaped
like a little person.
- My name is_____and I am _____ years old.
- I like to _________ at school.
- My best friend is _________.
- I like to _____ at home.
- I have _____hair and _____eyes.