Reading Folders
Each student has a pocket folder that is used as the Reading Folder. When we are
doing assisted reading with poems, songs, LEA stories, etc., I make copies of them and
put them in the folders. Students practice reading the stories at free time, silent reading
time, rest time, and take the folder home on Wednesday. We also do activities with the
stories such as circling the letter we are talking about and circling sight words we can
read. The Reading Folders are very beneficial in the students learning to read.
Word Banks 
Each student has a file box that we use as a word bank. The word bank consist of the
sight words the child can read. Each child’s word bank is different, depending on what
words they can read. To get the words to go in the word bank, I make a list of sight
words we are learning. I then assess each child individually. If the child can read the
word, I write it on an index card and it goes in the word bank. There are several
activities to do with the word banks. They can practice the words, classify them under an
ABC strip, find the words around the room, or make sentences out of the words. I guess
you could say a word bank is like having a word wall in a box!
Word Wall
This will be the first year I will be doing the word wall. This is how I plan to do it. After
we have picked out sight words from our assisted reading (poems, song, stories written
on charts), we will add them to the word wall. My word wall really isn't a wall, the word hang from my letter charts from the ceiling.
Pat Cunningham's Word Wall
Time Line
I use a picture time line to help students understand past, present, and future. It also helps them learn to read time lines in future grades. The time line is a long strip of adding machine paper hung on the hall. We put pictures of people we learn about on it such as Christopher Columbus, Native Americans, Pilgrims, George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr, President Clinton, as well as present pictures of holidays, birthdays, and special events. It also helps us review all the people we have studied and helps with terms such as before and after. Here are some pictures of our time line:

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