Bear Unit
- Lost Bear, Found Bear
- Where’s My Teddy
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- Blueberries For Sal
- Jamberry
- Black Bear Cub
- The Three Blairs
- Where Did The Brown Bear Go
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear
- Bears
- Honey Paw
- Where Are All The Grizzly Bears
- Polar Bear, Polar Bear
- Going On A Bear Hunt
- When Winter Comes
- Corduroy
The big black bear
bit the big black bug
and made the big black bear bleed blood.
Waa! Waa! Waa! cried baby bear.
I’ve got chickenpox in my hair!
On my nose and everywhere!
Waa! Waa! Waa! cried baby bear.
Hug, hug, hug your bear
Hold him very tight
Hold him high
Help him fly
Hug with all your might.
Teddy bear, Teddy Bear
The Bear Went Over the Mountain
Rock a bye teddy
deep in your den
You will go to sleep
and wake up again.
Winter surrounds you
There’s nothing to do
Sleep til it’s springtime
Then we’ll see you.
- I have a class stuffed teddy bear. The class votes on a name and then gets to take turns
taking the bear home. A journal goes with the bear for the parents and the student to
write about what the bear and the child did together.
- I let the children bring in a teddy bear each day of the unit. It usually last 2 weeks.
- The students measure their own teddies with a measuring tape and with bear counters.
- The students weight their teddies using bear counters as units.
- We estimate how many Teddy Grahams or Gummy Bears are in a jar.
- The first day of the unit, we have teddy bear show and tell time. We then lay them in
order of size and also graph them by color.
- We spend the two weeks learning about Grizzly, Black, Alaskan Brown, Polar, Panda,
and Koala Bears. We make a book about the bears with a map included of where they
each live. We talk about the different characteristics.
- We graph Gummy Bears by color.
- After reading Blueberries For Sal, I have a pail pattern already made with the words
kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk on it. The children fingerprint blueberries on the pail.
We also make blueberry pie with blueberry pie filling, crushed graham crackers, and
whipped cream and drink cranberry juice. We then read Jamberry and think of all the
words that have berry in them.
- We make a bearhead band to wear to lunch.
- We go on a bear hunt. Each child brings their teddy. I hide them on the playground and
they go hunt for them. We make binoculars out of toilet paper holders and make a trail
mix to go with us on our journey.
- We have a bear parade around the school. The children take a shoebox and decorate it.
(We do a Valentine theme since it’s near). I tie a string to the box. The children put their
bears in the shoebox float and pull them down the hall as if in a parade.
- Teddy Bear puppet
- Bear Math Puzzle
- We make bear cakes out of a rice cake, peanutbutter, and m and m’s.
Check out out class bear page! Our Class Bear Page
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