Apple Unit 

My apple unit starts around Johnny Appleseed’s Birthday, Sept 26, and goes through the
first part of October. October is National Apple Month.
- Apple Picking
- Apples and Pumpkins
- Rabbit’s Foolish Mistake
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- The Story of Johnny Appleseed (Weekly Reader, Sept.1996)
- Ten Apples Up On Top
- The Giving Tree
- A Apple Pie
- The Seasons of Arnold’s Apple Tree
- The Very Busy Year
- What Happens in Autumn
- Apples (New Discovery Book)
(Click on above link to see words of poems)
- 10 Little Apples
- Ten Red Apples
- Ten Rosy Apples
- In The Apple Tree
- If I Were An Apple
- Do You Know the Appleman?
- I have all the students bring in apples and any empty cans, labels, or boxes of apple
- Discuss different types of apples and the lifecycle of an apple.
- Make a Johnny Appleseed Puppet.(Pattern comes from The Teacher’s Friend)
- Make an apple core mobile.(Pattern come from The Teacher’s Friend)
- Make an Apple Science Booklet in the shape of an apple. Predict and see if an apple
sinks or floats. Predict and see how many bites it takes to get to the apple core. Predict
what kind of apple like the best/predict and then have a taste test and see. You can also
make a graph to go with this. Predict and then measure the circumference of an apple.
Predict the weight and then weigh an apple. Predict and then see how many seeds are in
an apple.
- Bob for apples.
- Make Johnny Appleseed Sandwiches (I also have a little book they can make with
the directions in it from The Mailbox Kindergarten Aug/Sept 1995)-Use 1 apple slice for
the bottom of the sandwich. Spread peanutbutter on the apple slice. Use 1 apple slice
for the top of the sandwich.
- Apple Sequence cards-students put the cards in sequence. There is a picture of a
whole apple. One with one bite out of it. One with two bites out of it. And one with just
the apple core.
- The Little Red House With No Doors story
- Apple prints

- Make apple trees by making the apples out of thumbprints dipped in red paint or ink
- AIMS apple tree-cut strips half way down a paper bag from the opening of the bag.
Then undo and wrap the bag into a tree trunk. Children can tear red paper or tissue paper
to glue on as apples.
- Make applesauce
- Make caramel apples
- Dissect an apple and talk about the parts of an apple.
- Make an apple puppet. (Pattern from the Teacher’s Friend)
- Graph fruit from the story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
- 10 Apples Up On Top booklet- I have animals with numbers 0-10 on them. The
children use an apple stamp to put the correct number on apples on top of the animals’
- Johnny Appleseed envelopes-recycle the apple seeds from activities and have the
children put them in envelopes, decorate, and give to a friend to plant. Just like Johnny
- I have some apple color word sheets they do since we are working on colors and
color words.
- Talk about the states that are known for apple production- California, New York,
Michigan, Washington, and Oregon. This was good to incorporate when we did our
postcards at calendar time.
- Observe apples as they are cut open and exposed to air. Let the children use
magnifying glasses to get a closer look.
- Apple Puppet
- More Apple Ideas
- I do letter charts for the letters: Aa for apple, Jj for Johnny, and Rr for red.
- I have an grab bag with apples in it with all the letters printed on the apples.
- I assess lowercase letters by having the children trace a big apple. I then print the
lower case letters on the apple. A sticker goes on each letter the child knows until he/she
knows them all.
I use pictures of apples, apple trees, Johnny Appleseed, etc.
- Favorite color of apple
- Anything about apples