MTW Calendar/Daily Opening 

The Math Their Way Calendar is a very important part of our morning routine. Most of the kindergarten math skills are taught with the calendar. We start with a little morning opening and then go straight into the calendar.
We start with the Pledge and Singing "America" and "The Star Spangled Banner". I usually have children take turns tracking the Pledge and songs while we recite and sing them. After a while, I then pick sight words out of them. Later in the year, we also sing and recite some other patriotic poems and songs.
We then sing, track, and pick out sight words in some morning songs, such as "Good Morning", "The Number Rock", and "The World is a Rainbow".

Then calendar consists of:
- Going over what month it is
- Putting up a pattern on the calendar to put the date on
- Printing the date on the pattern (students also print the number on their own calendars)
- Putting a stick in the ones basket, exchanging if necessary
- Putting up a tally mark
- Counting out money for the date (exchanging, singing money songs, and counting by 5's and 10's)
- Finding the date on a ruler and/or measuring tape
- Show the time on the clock for the date, if possible.
Record the weather on the weather graph
- Recording the tempature on chalkboard in the sentence: It is __degrees outside today. It is a __________day. (They fill in hot, warm, cool, cold)
- Singing the songs "The Days of the Week" and "The Months of the Year" and then putting the correct info in the sentences: Yesterday was_____________. Today is _________, ________ ______, 1998. We have ____________ today. Tomorrow will be ____________.
- We then do how many days we've been in school, do the hundreds, tens, and ones baskets, and sing "We've Been Working in our Classroom".
- We then read one of our postcards from the exchange and found the state it was from on the map. Students also had their own maps, so we put a sticker on them to show where the postcard came from. My children learned where many of the states are from this.
- Sometimes we might have a math lesson after this, just depends on what we are studying.
- Telling Time and Movement Activities
See other calendar pictures at our Photo Gallery
Links to other sites on the Web
AIMS Website
Addie's Proud to be Americans Unit