Walter Stuck's Poetry


Prince of Peace

What gift is this O gentle Shepherd
that you to us mere mortal send
A joy so sweet, a mere fragment ignites a flame.
Touched the coldest heart cannot help but to repent
Making him who so proudly strides yearn not to be the same.
What heart is this who knows no other manner but to love,
Compels the eagle to take flight by means of a most gentle dove.
Claim uncreated love all fashioned by Your wondrous hand, return
Transform the tarnished within the crucible of Love's sacred fire.
Unveiled Love's countenance infinite splendor into hearts shall burn
Until on wings unbound ascends what for too long was captive by desire.


Before the tabernacle's gentle sheen
two children stand.
A thorned crimson rose, a palm leaf green
rest within each tiny hand.
A gift to the Omnipotent God, for raising
What the foe makes quickly fall
Soothing the sharpness of the thorn that
pierces, blessing each drop of blood from all.
That love imbues itself ever so gently within
each heart, by His command unseen.
Veiling itself beneath the cloak of the
fragrant palm leaf's wondrous green.

Mary Magdalen

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining in a special manner. For its gentle glow touched Him, who is the Creator of all things. The earth rejoiced. The flowers cast their radiance upon the Lord.

Jesus had been invited to the house of a rich Pharisee named "Simon." When the Master entered the dwelling Simon omitted the customary courtesies and attentions usually given to a guest. No water for his weary feet, no kiss of welcome. No perfume for His hair as it was the custom. Just a gesture for Him indicating a vacant place at the table.

Then she walked in. A sinner. What had brought her to this house? She knew that she would not be welcomed by most. She was ashamed, and did not dare to brush back her hair from her face. Yet she believed in love. In forgiveness. She knelt down before Her beloved Savior and her tears commenced to flow. Within them were all the sorrows that her heart contained. That she had offended Him - He who was all goodness. What joy this act of repentance gave to our Lord.

Out of her pocket she took a bottle of precious ointment. Most gently she applied it to Jesus' feet. What care she took, how her heart rejoiced to be near Him who knew her better than any creature could.

She looked up into the Master's eyes and she saw something she had never seen before. "Unconditional love." She felt a touch within her heart, physically. It would remain with her until the end of her days. She was not the same person anymore. Ever so gently she wiped our Lord's feet with her hair. How she longed that the moment would last forever. Once more she looked at Him the Creator of all things. He smiled. "Go and sin no more." She was His now, He who loved her infinitely. Quietly she left, her heart aflame with love.