My real-life alias is Jen, and I'm twenty years old. I dwell in southern Ontario and have lived here all my life. Canada is an amazing place, but I plan to move around a lot for the sake of learning and variety.
My interests and hobbies include reading, writing, travelling, camping, and learning about all things. I especially like learning and thinking about philosophy, and environmental issues, and I'm very much into astrology as well. I'm majoring in philosophy at University.
I enjoy reading many philosophical books, I also really like things that deal with social criticism and constructive solutions, and I greatly enjoy novels about the future of the world - dystopian or anti-utopian type books, and some sci-fi stuff. My favourite authors as of now are Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx, Aldous Huxley, John Stuart Mill, Henry David Thoreau, Jean-Paul Sartre (and of course Orwell)... oh, too many to list--but there are many, MANY other great products of human creativity out there in the world that I have yet to discover!
Television and films... I tend not to watch television, but my favourite T.V. shows have been The X-Files, Seinfeld and Star Trek:TNG. I enjoy anything that stimulates me.
My favourite animal is the shark. I'm very much into sharks, and I strongly believe that they are very beautiful and MISUNDERSTOOD creatures! Please
Click Here to learn more about the misconceptions surrounding sharks.
As for music, I really like Loreena McKennitt, Jewel, Led Zeppelin, Holly McNarland, The Cranberries, Marilyn Manson, Tori Amos, Enya, Bjork, Tom Petty, and lots of other music - anything I hear and enjoy. As I said about the books, there is much more good music out there for me to discover yet!
Reach me on ICQ at #56552972
*Thanks to the Greenpeace website for this wonderful background :)
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