Welcome to what aspires to be the most thought-inspiring homepage in existence.
Contained below are my links to stuff; including quotes, Nature stuff, lyrics, poetry, short stories, essays, some info about sharks (my favourite animal) or anything else I find of interest:
Angry rant about consumerism and related topics
Why I'm quitting school University: Higher Indoctrination
A poem by me and a philosophical essay (also written by me) concerning the contained in the above quote.
Read a short story I wrote: The Power of God
man will see things as they truly are infinite.
- William Blake
Just updated: Please take a look and consider it, it may not be at all what you expect.
An extensive collection.
Some of the keys to living well... put in a nice poetic format
How society can ruin the idyllic life
A Unique, Beautiful, and Wonderful experience:TREEPLANTING
Gay Activist and Social Equalitarian: Enter my Jack Nichols corner - "a new definition of masculinity"
Read my poem about EVIL TV'sand stuff
that there exists a certain point of intelligence at which
life and death, the real and the imaginary, the past and the future...
cease to be perceived as opposites."
- Anonymous
- Ray Bradbury (Fahrenheit 451)
*Learn about the MISCONCEPTIONS surrounding my favourite animal - the SHARK
This short biography could never do justice to a most passionate and ingenious man, George Orwell... but you should read it anyway to find out more about him.
There are no passengers on spaceship Earth. We are all crew.
-Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980)
My very pretty, thoughtful NATURE page
Here are a few links for those of you who are understandably passionate about the slow destruction of this most wondrous Earth we inhabit:
Greenpeace International
Links to some awe-inspiring sites on the web:
The Philosophies of Friedrich Nietzsche
Thanks to a professor at the university of Idaho, we have an online archive of 46 modern philosopher's works (some of them even complete works) available digitally here... everyone from Hegel to Fichte to Hobbes to Rousseau to Hume to Diderot to Leibniz to Butler to Smith!
The LaVeyan Philosophies of Satanism
*Get to know me - for a personal profile of Dark Observer, Click Here
If you have any poems, short stories, essays, or anything else of interest that you would like to share, or see posted on my site, feel free to e-mail me anytime at the address below! (I would love to read anything you would like to send!)
Or write just to chat! My email is listed.
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© 1997 forestwomyn@hotmail.com