A Self Portrait

Welcome to Nimhrats Lare

Perhaps the most boring speedbump ever placed on the Information Superhighway

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If a man walked up to you on the street and pointed a loaded gun at your face and said,"It has been placed upon me to judge the world. You now have one minute to give me reason to let you live.",would you survive? What would you say?

Hello! Thanks for stopping by. If you had not guessed it already, I am known as Nimhrat.
I am just getting started at this whole web page thing and it may be a while before this starts to get interesting so please bear with me as I am still trying to get the basics down.
Please don't run off quite yet though. Step into The Dungeon and see what i have done so far. It's not much, but it is a start! Hopefully in the near future you will be able to visit my lare once again and find that its emphasis on education has become much more evident. Not only do I want people to learn more about such textbook subjects as Celtic history and the American Civil War, I also want people to learn more about the religious beliefs of others and more importantly how they came about having their own beliefs. In addition I would like to create a cozy little forum in which people can express their opinions on various different topics so that I may display and argue them based on their merits.
For your convenience here is a linked list of my other pages. I will be updating it as the list grows of course, but here be all I have for now.

Please come back and visit me soon.

In the mean time you can E-mail me at the linked address below.
Bartles and James said it best when they said it,
but I'll say it again...

© 1997 sappergrnddy@hotmail.com

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