Bienvenidos a Mi Attico!! Este es mi pequeño
lugarcito que yo y mi hermana hemos estado trabajando para hacerlo mas
chevere. El por que del nombre attico? Lo unico que puedo decir al respecto
es que queria hacer un lugar en la web que fuera un poco diferente y a
la vez que no fuera aburrido
Welcome to My Attic.... my secret place.... how
I arrived I can't explain... you're welcome too if you want to stay!! Yes
it is my secret little place. Here you can check out some pictures of me...of
course... and the rest of my family and friends. Links to music, tennis,
etc., but I'm not going to say anymore and spoil the fun so just enjoy
and don't trash my attic.

And my latest addition and creation to the attic....my cousin's baby page[LAUREN]. It's still under major construction. Until I scan all the pictures taken by the proud parents!!
Here are some of my friends web
Pasate a ver las paginas de mis amigos que
estan bien cheveres!!!
Want to l
k at some
family photos
Queres ver quien soy?? pues click en la camara
de arriba para que pases a ver las fotos.
Tennis anyone? See pictures of one of my favorite
woman tennis players!!
Ya que estas aqui pasa a visitar mi pais
come and learn a little bit of my beautiful "Pulgarcito" MY country El
Do you like music?? well come and see the links
that I have for you.
Tienes preguntas? Sugerencias? escribeme y
dime tus inquietudes!!
Questions? comments? drop a line and tell me
what's on your mind!!!
I have ICQ and you can see if I'm online or
not...my ICQ#11029909
Webmaster: Nancy L. Rivas
Last updated 030802