This site is maintained by Angie.
Last updated-Wednesday June 25th, 2008.








(February 20th 1951---September 22nd 2006)


Photo courtesy of Damian Shalit

"Edward possessed all the confidence, wit and charisma associated with a Hollywood actor, but he was also compassionate, caring and genuinely interested in people; traits not always found in someone of his celebrity status".-Angie.

Edward, You're gone, disbelief will not negotiate. I am bludgeoned, pain resonates. Tears thrash, even from the stars and breath is no more, because...

In your startling blue eyes dreams were made and found. Your exuberant smile hugged me and your love was profound. Your arms caressed me safely and warm, and I was able to weather every storm.

When I saw your playful grin, love and hope were my friend. The rain turned to sunshine and disappointment dissolved to an end. Life was no longer a duty, I could see beyond the hurt and I strived to walk in beauty.

When I heard your whimsical laugh I was a child with my favorite toy, angels smiled, what was once taken for granted became joy. Heaven’s light shined on me, angels whispered, “Soar high”,your inspiration exalted and I reached the sky.

On cloud nine, I floated blissful and free. Your sweet voice comforted. The path of compassion led to you, magic became reality and dreams came true.

No one ever had to pursue your respect.You did not stand on a pedestal and we fans were never chicken little.

You were a beloved husband, father, son, brother, actor, musician, activist, environmentalist and teacher to us all. Generous, loving, and caring you made each fan feel like they were the only one in the room.


edward dove


I will always celebrate your life. Rest in peace beautiful man, Goodbye my friend.

I should have prayed each time you smiled. You will be forever loved and missed. You were a miracle, an angel on earth. You lived your life with dignity and grace. Having met you twice I was blessed. Thank you! Now if only I could visit heaven, because,I can't stop crying without you.

This is an unofficial fan-based website.
No copyright infringement is intended.
2008 Angela Suor