Poems and Other Useless Garbage

Here's the poetry I wish was better, but really isn't all that hot. I know, don't try to tell me otherwise. More will follow.

This first poem is about a dream I had one night. Not about any specific girl, mind you (well, I didn't think so until recently). Just a random beauty I saw in a dream. All I remember are those eyes. . .

She came to me in a dream
I had last night
Clothed in white and gold
Eyes blue and clear.
I wish I'd kissed her
Or done more than stare into her eyes.
But it was only a dream
And I had to wake up.
Now I cannot wait for the sun to disappear
Because Night is the time to dream
And my Blue-eyed angel
Waits for me in sleep.

Other poetry can be read in my Poety Index.

Email me at dangler.8@osu.edu
Please come back and visit me soon. Maybe I'll even have this whole thing figgered out! And the page is always in a state of flux (but aren't we all!)

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