ADF Dedicant Program

Michael J Dangler

Well, I've now completed my Dedicant's Program with ADF. This webpage is the full version of what I'm submitting to the Preceptor. This not only makes it easier for me to submit it, but allows me the freedom to design my pages as I please, and also to show others what my progress is.

The requirements for the Dedicant's program are as follows:

1.Written discussions of the Dedicant's understanding of each of the nine virtues (approx. 1/2 page each)
2.Short essays on each of the eight High Days including a discussion of the meaning of each feast (approx. 1/2 page each)
3.Short book reports (1 or 2 pages each) on at least: 1 I-E studies title, 1 preferred ethnic study title and 1 modern Paganism title
4.Weekly journal entries detailing experiences in meditation for at least a five month period
5.A one page discussion of the Dedicant's understanding of the meaning of the "Two Powers" as used in meditation and ritual. This account should include impressions and experiences that the Dedicant gained from practical experience.
6.A brief description of the Dedicant's home shrine and plans for future improvements
7.A brief account of each ritual attended or performed by the Dedicant during the training period
8.The text of the Dedicant's Oath Rite and a brief evaluation of the rite
9.A brief account of the efforts of the Dedicant to find a Patron including an account of the Dedicant's Patronage rite.

I'm putting my own work in the order I wish.

Book Reviews

Home Shrine/Altar

Doing Right/9 Pagan Virtues

Pantheon and Patrons

High Holy Days/Observances

Two Powers Essays

Dedicant's Oath

Meditation Journal

Email me!

This page last updated: 01/26/2003

DP Submitted:

DP approved: