As a resource, this page has been designed to assist students who are
The 1998 "Wangaratta Jazz and Blues Festival" is over and what a festival it was!! My students experienced something that they will remember for all their lives. Performing in front of an audience of around 3000 people is one thing. Being able to listen to two very full days of outstanding jazz from morning till late at night is something else and all of this was topped off with a unique opportunity to attend workshops run by professional jazz musos.
Thankyou, on behalf of my students to ALL the people in Wangaratta for making us feel so very welcome.
To find out more about this major event just click on the
Interested in discovering the inside workings of jazz?
Interested in some free lessons and advice?
Then this is a link worth visiting
Are you interested in the Australian Jazz Scene?
Then this site is worth a visit
Jazz is not just a male thing. This site overs a wealth of information about women jazz musos in the San Francisco
Can you imagine entering a station where everything is
jazz, jazz and more jazz? Then this is the stop for you!
If you're like me then your Miles ahead!
Let's get formal. Try the International Association of Jazz
Educators. Heaps of valuable information.
Ever wished you had someone to jam with but all your friends are either too busy, out of town, or just not interested? Then this is for you. An on line jam session where you can virtually jam around the clock and around the globe!
Students are always encouraged to express their creative
PURPLE COWS was composed by a student who left Australia
BOOJA is the result of the collaboration between three year
BREEZE is a jazz composition written by Onur, a year ten
© 1998
information about jazz and jazz musicians. By making use of the links
provided, you will be able to explore a number of interesting areas that
are related to jazz.
seeking information regarding this topic.
musical ideas through composition (both spontaneous and
written). The following pieces represent an example of
some of the creative efforts of students in the Jazz course.
before the work was finished to spend a year studying in
Switzerland. The work was completed in her absence.
10 students. It has it's roots in jazz and in many ways it is
an example of the student's search for new expression.
student. It was composed as part of a jazz course assignment.
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