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CLAN [Sept] O'LORCAN [O'Lorcain](LARKIN)
Current research of all known records of the LARKIN surname indicate; that this is one of the oldest of the Celtic [Irish] (Clan or Sept) names which is associated with the shields displayed above. They are associated with the oldest recorded indiginous race in palio-lithic Antrim [Ireland]. It's recorded history dates to the first Roman invasion, before the Scot invasion of the mainland of Britony, challenging the Pictish Nations [Pict is a Roman term for the Celts who had settled the northern part of Britony - specifically those bands or tribes that left Antrim to the mainland of Britony and layed claim to that part of what would eventually become Scotland. There is some educated speculation, that there was an earlier occupation by paleo-lithic man or that paleoman was the original occupants. This is based on the many mono-litic structures all over Britannia, specifically in Ireland.
Evolution of the Aristocracy
As the Celts slowly spread across central and northern Europe, ultimately to arrive in Antrim about 600 bc. They brought their order of leadership with them. That of tribal leadership and alliance. The tribes answered by clan loyalty to a chieftain to a chief. As the tribes co-operated more and more with each other, the order of aristocracy became more complex. Under early tribalism the chief held his position by right of might. It later evolved into the right of heritage, tempered by the right of might [the right of might never went out of fashion]. The septs were bound to their Chieftain by clan linage; the chieftain to his Overking, then the Petty-kings to the Provibcial King, who at times - when the position was occupied, to the High-King.
The Erainni were recorded in Ulster, Cork, and Kerry on Roman maps as early as the 2nd century ad., where they were refered to as "the land of the Iverni" or Ireland.
Under Scot Heraldic tradition, which was enfluenced by the Roman occupation of Britannia, it is held that the Shield belong to the first-born direct descendant of the Knight of award. But Irish Heraldic tradition, unlike the Scots, though somewhat enfluenced later by the Norman Invasion in 1066, held for most Shields a different approach, in that the septs of the family [Clan] can display the Shield. And, the Clan is held by the septs as a whole family of the Clan. In aboriginal or pre-history Ireland, Clans did not exist as they did and do in Scotland. The "septs" were members a family group who identified themselves through a specific progeny.
Origin of the five Septs of O'Lorcain
According to my research, and that conducted of fellow clansman, David LARKIN.
The Five Septs of the O'Lorcain
I have reviewed Edward MacLysaght book on the "Irish Families-The Names, Arms and Origins." And, it seems to confirm what I have posted above.
Timeline of the Five Septs of O'Lorcain
NOTICE!!! Cousins
I have reactivated the O'Lorcain Clan [septs] in accordance with a request from "Clans of Ireland Ltd." If you are a descendent of the Clan O'Lorcain, regardless of distance of the relationship, or any of the other sept name variants of the first sept name, LARKIN such as; O'LARKIN, LARKINS, LARKEN, LARKENS, LORKIN, LORKINS, LORKEN, LORKENS, and or any other variation, and would like to join the Clan O'Lorcain:
Click Here:
Clan Representation at Highland Games:
If you wish to set up a booth at the Highland Games; You will need to request a form from the Clan Office, by E-mailing me. This will give you the right upon submiting the forms to the Clan office, to set up a booth at the Highland Games in the name of the Clan, in accordance with the "rules of display." This will be at your own expense, however any Clan material you sell at the Games, you may retain a percentage to help offset cost of the booth"
The LARKIN family, not unlike our other family surnames are of Scots-Irish descent. The LARKIN's trace their line back to the Clan O'Lorcain [O'Lorcan] of Northern Ireland. One of the oldest Clan's of Celtic origin. They were part of the many Ulster-Scots (as they are known in British Isles) who were deported from the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland.
The King of England having no need for these ruffian border bandits, rogues, and outlaws deported whole families to Northern Ireland, supposedly to tame the wild Irish tribes [Clans]. These Ulster-Scots were of the ruggedist breed of northern European and Nordic stock. Having traced their ancestery back to the Celtic-Vikings. What makes the history of these Ulster-Scots most fascinating is that their origins are from Ireland, long before the Norman Invasion in 1066. The Scots from Ireland invaded the west coast of Scotland. Challenging the Pictish Nation for the lands of what was to become "Scotland".
The connection to the Scotch-Irish of Northern Ireland is confirmed by the documents listed below. There can no longer be any speculation, as I have received a communication including extracts from several publications. These documents, whose origins are from old Botetourt Cty., VA. which was formed in 1769 from a portion of Augusta Cty., VA.. These documents confirm that these individuals were of Scot-Irish origin. My LARKIN's are listed in the below noted publications.
"Scots-Irish in Virginia, Vol. 1"
"Chronicles of the Scots-Irish Settlement In Virginia Extracted from the Original Court Records of Agusta County 1745-1800, Augusta County Court Records, Order Book No. VIII, page 108"
Page (218); Henry LARKIN bound to peace towards Andrew Brown. Jacob Cooper, an orphan, to be bound to Saml. Paxton. Power of attorney from Wm. Young to John Madison partially proved and to lie for further proof.
Augusta County Court Records. Order Book No. XI, page 136
(211-212) The following produced certificates for hemp: Alexr. Gibson, Francis Brown, Thos. Paxton, Saml. Newberry, Saml. Henderson, Nichs. Sollace, Edward Sharp, Henry LARKIN, Alexr. Walker, John White, John Black, James Trimble, Saml. Downey, Walter Cunningham, Moses Trimble, James McClung, John McClung, Halbert McClung, Joseph Long, David Campbell, James Walker, Joseph Lapsley, Israel Christian, Henry Lung, Jonan. Whitley, and John McElwroth.
Scots-Irish in Virginia, Vol. 3
"Chronicles of the Scots-Irish Settlement in Virginia Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta Cty., VA. 1745-1800"
Deed Book No. 14
"additional Members of the Executive Committee, page 471-472"
7th May, 1768. Elizabeth (?) REA to Henry LARKIN, 30 pounds, 98 acres on the south side of North Branch of James River; Coroner John Hager; Coroner Alexander Baggs and William Anderson. Teste: John Bowyer, Joseph Cloyd, James McDowell.
Map of Northern Ireland - origin of the Ulster- Scots
My link to the LARKIN name is through many sources, specifically through my ggg-grandmother, Sarah LARKIN, b abt. 1772. There is some controversy over this next statement - so consider it just research information][She was the youngest of 12 children born to Henry [Mark] LARKIN and Jane NEWTON [the NEWTON name also appears through my family], who were married abt. 1758.] The LARKIN name appears throughout our family line. From my uncle William Larkin SWAFFAR, b.1919, my grand-uncle; Larkin Franklin SWAFFAR, Jr., b. 1863; my g-grandfather, Larkin Franklin SWAFFORD, b. ; my gg-uncle Larkin SWAFFORD, b. 1790. Including many other uncles and cousins who also carry the name.
If you are one of the many LARKIN or NEWTON cousins wondering the Internet searching for a home. You have arrived, welcome. If you do not find what you are seeking below, please post me a message in the guest book on the primary page, perhaps I can guide you in the right direction. One of the unique pieces of evidence is the Jackson Cty., AL. Historical Timeline
Watercolor ct 1820's - David LARKIN, Jr and Elizabeth RUTHLEDGE
LARKIN Genealogy
NOTE:There are several fields of thought about whether Wiliam and Jane are the parents of Henry Larkin. For now I am listing them as a point of interest for research.
William Larkin, died bef. 18 Nov 1772, Botetourt Cty., VA. Married to Jane Unknown abt 1680. I tend to think that Henry is the original ancester of "our line" of the LARKIN dynasty in North America.
2. Henry Larkin, born in VA., died bef 8 Feb 1773, married Jane Newton abt 1758.
Children of Henry Larkin and Jane Newton:
3. David Larkin, born bef 1760
3. John Larkin, born abt 1761
3. James Larkin, born abt 1762
3. Mary Larkin, born abt 1763
3. Thomas Larkin, born abt 1764
3. Elizabeth Larkin, born abt 1765
3. Margaret Larkin, born abt 1766
3. Nancy Larkin, born abt 1767
3. Henry Larkin, born abt 1768
3. Matthew Larkin, born abt 1769
3. Janie Larkin, born abt 1770
3. Sarah Larkin, born abt 1772 (my ggg-grandmother), died abt 1868 in McMinn Cty., TN., Married to Jacob Swafford, born 1762 in Greenville Cty., SC., died abt 1845 in Bledsoe Cty., TN.
Will continue to add to page.
To view more Heraldic Shields associated with Irish surnames; Eddie Geoghegan's Coats of Arms of Ireland
The Great Hall of Edged Weaponry
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