…aus so krummen Holze, als woraus der Mensch gemacht ist,

kann nichts ganz Gerades gezimmert werden.

Immanuel Kant


In memory of Sir Isaiah Berlin, O.M.



In this site you can find informations

on good wine, human and social sciences

(not forgetting history, my research field),

soccer, Universities, and a research

project on the economics of art…


remembering Thomas Jefferson, the name of my homepage is…




A multilingual site for good books and good life lovers



"And our dear Monticello, where has nature spread so rich under the eye?

Mountains, forests, rocks, rivers."

Thomas Jefferson to Maria Cosway, 1786


"Solvitur acris hiems grata vice veri et favonii"

Quintus Horatius Flaccus, I century B.C.


"In omnibus requiem quesivi sed nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro"

Thomas a Kempis, XIV century A.D.




Centro HL On Line

Only for Italian Users (I'm sorry): how to buy the best hardware from your desktop -

Stefano Moglioni is manager of the POPITT (point of presence on the territory) Milano 1,

of Centro HL, leading group in building and retailing computers and electronic hardware







My Vineyards

A personal nickname for a site with technical and commercial information

about wines and vineyards in California


Scholar Sites



Faculty of History: the Site of the Institution where Professors Skinner, Abulafia, and Burke thought.

If you are seriously interested in research, try to enter at Cambridge University  


a site on history by the University of Firenze:

english and italian language site, it's one of the best in my country  

Historical Archive

Historical Texts, for example, the Declaration of Indipendence or the Bill of Right

Human Languages

All on human languages: an excellent guide for web resources

Hortus Conclusus

A site devoted to english literature in sixteenth and seventeenth centuries at British Columbia:

wonderful, of absolute excellence  

HUB Humanities

the best search engine in humanities and, last but not least, very good for social sciences


Faculty of Politics: It's the faculty of Professor G.A.Cohen

Economics Sites

sites selected by Hal Varian, the american economist at Berkeley: extremely ineteresting


If you are interested in classical liberal tradition and new austrian school of economic theory,

the Institute of Human Studies offers scholarships and fellowships all over the world


An italian site dedicated to italian and comparative law (bilingual)

Anthropology Resources

Do you like Frazer, Levi Strauss and Clifford Geertz?

Games Theory

An italian site on game theory and applications at the University of Genoa

The British Council

All on British Culture around the World

Bodleian Library

The Oxford Library beloved, among others, by Jorge Luis Borges  

Littauer Library Economics Links Page

News and books for economists  

Cambridge Economics and Politics

The Academic Department of Marshall, Pigou, Robertson, Keynes, Khan, Robinson,

Sraffa, Meade, Stone, Mirrlees, Dasgupta

Anthropology Resources on the Internet

Anthropology at the University of Kent - Canterbury

W3C Virtual Library: Political Science

All on Political Science, Government and Public Policy

Pointers to economics servers/Department of Economics, Stanford University

Many interesting sites for economists

Hoover Institution

How to study with Debreu, Barro and Friedman

The Institute for Advanced Study

How to study with Hirschman, Geertz and George Kennan

Warburg Institute

A site for scholar interested History of Culture and Classical Scholarship

École normale supérieure - Paris

L'Ecole par excellence: for les "Normaliens" and the others (quorum ego)  

Welcome to the ESRC

Scholarships and fellowships for British Universities, by the Economic and Social Research Council




War Times

A Journal on Strategy, Tactics and Men at War: a good guide for other resources

  The British Army

Following Wellington, Slim and Th.E.Lawrence

UK GOVT - Ministry of Defence

Are you interested in a career in the Royal Navy? Visit this site





The best (the easiest at least) search engine  

Orario ferroviario

How to watch at national italian railway timetable




Ranma 1/2 World

An high complexity manga hero  

Northern Exposure

A popular TV program about a M.D. abruptly transplated in Alaska: a classic of the early '90


Do you want to plan a coup d'etat? This is your site The most famous think-tank of the world      

The Bank of England

The Bank par excellence

The Nobel Foundation

If you are a Nobel Laureate(I beg your pardon, Sir) or not…

Internet Guide to Hostelling

How to stay and (sometimes) to eat all over the world  

Lonely Planet on-line

Do you know "India - A travel survival kit"? If not, try this site

Imagine All Souls

Some nice photos of All Souls College

(like the library picture at the top of this page, and the other at the bottom)


The best site on Opera, and its world

Italian WWW servers

Nothing more, nothing less


Return to Massimo G. Sfondrini's Bookmarks

Scholar Sites / Militaria / Useful / Miscellaneous


Universities and Economics Departments


University of Cambridge University of Oxford University of London Harvard University Yale University Princeton University UC Berkeley Stanford University UCLA University of Virginia The University of Chicago The London School of Economics and Political Science Birkbeck College Economics University of Chicago Economics University of Virginia Economics University of Oxford Economics Yale University Economics Princeton University Economics University of California, Berkeley Economics


The Economist Best Web Site: an anthology

[I am sorry, but now it isn't available, it's a work in progress] 


return to the top of the page



 An abstract of

E c o n o m i c s o f A r t

An Essay in Economic and Intellectual History


by Massimo G. Sfondrini


  1. Art as cultural building: Clifford Geertz and a possible misunderstanding (relativism, multiculturalism, art as social expression and its nature of individual production, psychological nature of the idea of beauty and its economic relevance, a neoclassical approach, reality as a megastore of possible human behaviors, sociology [marxian or paretian idea of art] Vs. psychology [gestalt])
  2. N. Rosemberg’s idea of innovation I: Joseph Aloys Schumpeter and THE ARTIST AS CULTURAL ENTREPRENOUR (innovation in technics of production and selling methods, distribution or social role of the editor, or producer or impresario and his relations with the "artist", Alfred Hitchcock, Howard Hawks, John Ford producers of themselves in filmaking, two moments [shooting and editing] of the creation in filmaking, how it’s possible obtain a production style for the complexity of the creating/producing machine[ the crew])
  3. N. Rosemberg’s idea of innovation II: Ezra Loomis Pound and "Make It New" (art, politics, economics, volitionism and the social role of the artist), Eisenstein, Pasolini, Marquez, re-using an idea politically uncorrect through the art, Leni Riefensthal, THE ARTIST PRODUCES HER PUBLIC, didascalism in art, "Guide to Kulchur"
  4. Art rimakes itself: Walter Benjamin and the age of technical reproduction of art (critical scholar and artist, a sociology of criticism in Aldo Spranzi’s works, the role of public opinion, consumer, customer, an information economics of art criticism, boundaries of the objective chance of indipendent information, asymmetric information, costs of a good knowledge, what is culture?, the role of higher education, snobism, rock star fan clubs or self(?)regulating demand, the role of time in regularity of consuming
  5. Selling an identity: Dalì and Picasso as example of human trademarks, their artistic identities across the common idea of the romantic cultural hero, classics against moderns, to be "a la page" or a condition to stay in art market, the good society as the typical art customer
  6. Creating or re-creating: " ‘My’ Beethoven is better than Beethoven" by Glen Gould, a new role for the performer in classic and pop music, against of the romantic idea of unicity of artistic creation, royalties and the role of copyrights in the building of market
  7. Public (or private) institutions as art customers: Brazilia and New York, or Niemeyer vs. Lloyd Wright, Ernest Hemingway and food scarcity as positive externality for the artist, taxation as mean of financing as positive externality in art market, Honorè de Balzac and Anthony Burgess or lack of time and literary production
  8. Using Hirschman and North: complexity and difference, remembering Arrow and economic imperialism





Copyright 1998 by Massimo G. Sfondrini, all rights reserved 


To communicate with me

Mail to: masfo@mediacom.it



with Michel de Montaigne, we can say

fruere iucunde praesentibus, caetera extra te.

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