I've tried to choose links to sites on topics you probably wouldn't think to look for in a search, or can't find by typing in www.whatever.com. These links are organized into the following categories: serious (informative, useful, educational...), fun, funny, and bizarre. There's also a section on personal home pages I think are especially cool. Yes, a lot of the links fall into more than one category, I chose the one that seemed most appropriate. I'll be adding new links to the bottom of each section in the future. I do plan to check my links regularly, but please tell me if a link isn't working.
Here is the Internet Movie Database, a listing of plot summaries, cast lists, pix, reviews, bloopers, merchandise, etc. of over 150,000 movies.
And here is quite an extensive searchable poetry database.
Here is a link to a Bell labs text-to speech synthesis project. It reads several languages and you can change the parameters of the voices.
The Global Idea Bank is a site which solicits and presents innovative ideas, sorted by topic and rating given by users.
Yoni is the coolest feminist site I've ever seen. It's well-designed, has extensive material, is presented from a populist and somewhat pagan perspective.
Here is a link to a virtual pet cemetery. The idea is great, but I can't post pix or stories of our beloved late Irish Setter/Golden Retriever mix, Harriet, or our dearly departed lovebird, Squirky, on there, it's too irreverent (I was disappointed). Here is a site which is more reverent, but has just started and is not too well designed as of yet.
This is a yummy alternative to sending someone a card or email to keep in touch.
Here's a site that may appear to be funny but is, I assure you, quite useful >:-|
Site Inspector, a most useful tool for anyone working on a web page. You type in an address, and it checks loading time, link validity, spelling, html code, browser compatibility, search engine readiness, and popularity.
Cyber411 is my favorite meta search engine, it allows you to check off and use up to 16 search engines at once.
NEW! Imagine Radio - allows you to create a customized internet-broadcast "radio station" for yourself.
is an automated web-page system that allows any user to fill out and/or create surveys with all the other users. Registration is free with no strings attached (or you can browse around without registering). Survey Central is addictively fun (I retract my previous comment comparing it to Hell), and through no fault of my own, led to this article, which appeared in the New York Times "Circuits" Section on June 18, 1998. You can use my username ("elijahblue") and password ("finnegan") to access the article.
It's Tamagothi! Raise your very own gothchild, using such time-honored parental tools as regular beatings, injections of smack, and doses of speed.
Here's Rob Brezsny's Real Astrology Page I'm a Gemini (Libra rising, Libra moon, in case anyone cares)
*WOW!* Morgana's Charon Page: a ton of cool links to personality tests ("are you a freak?"; "are you a kiwi?"; "alien influence test"), IQ tests, occult stuff, games, funny stuff, weird stuff...
Kingdomality is an 8-question personality test which tells you what your occupation might have been had you lived in the middle ages.
Here is the best internet pizza server, with an excellent array of topping choices, including kittens and household appliances.
Here, try these: text borkifier, jive converter
The Kabalarian Name Analyzer uses mathematical formulae to determine personality from given names.
NEW! Big Green Button -- I suspect it's not a game at all, but a covert diagnostic tool for Obsessive Compulsive disorder.
Stick Figure Death Theatre: a funny and tamer version of the sex and violence the net is famous for
Would you rather...watch a porno movie with your parents or watch a porno movie starring your parents?
Here's some fantasy material for women. And Here's some fantasy material for graduate students.
The Onion:All the news that's fake to print...
Here's a site that should be much, much, bigger. Ryan Davis is unreachable at this point, but Here's a guy he should add. ok, I'm being mean. I'll stop. My picture should probably be on there too...
Here's The Anti-Personal Home Page FAQ ... I especially like the "Personal Home Page Primer"
And here is a link to theThe Cliche Page
Surrealist Servercontains lots of interesting things, including a surrealist compliment generator.
And then there's the the Magellan search voyeur, which allows you to eavesdrop on searches being conducted in real time. When I was there just a moment ago, search terms included "pantyhose", "nervous+breakdown+definition", "Where can I read the preamble to the constitution?" and "dog biscuit recipes."
Ok, so not all of it's funny, but still, check out the Japanese Engrish Page
Here's a funny little rant against under construction gifs.
The Archives of Misheard Lyrics - database of misunderstood lines from songs, like the Beatles' "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" ("Lucy gettin' high with Linus"), Jimmy Hendrix's "'Scuse me while I kiss the Sky" ("'Scuse me while I kiss this guy"), and REM "I know you called" ("I know RuPaul")
Check out the Waiter's Digest. Not quite sure what to make of it. Any ideas?...
Great Mobile Homes of Mississippi speaks for itself.
Jesus of the Week as if one wasn't enough...
People Against People : motto: "Why be friendly? Everybody basically sucks"
The Death Clock predicts when people are going to die.
By request, this is a link to some very sexy sheep...
Here's a site dedicated to (seriously) the advocation of a Jihad (or holy war) against Barney the purple dinosaur
bodies in the basement is a collection of weird home pages.
If you have lots of time on your hands, maybe you should check out Yahoo's Strange Sites List, The Internet's Sickest Sites, The Gallery of the Absurd, Badger's Strange, Weird, and Bizarre Page, The Drawer of Weirdness, or drop by the Center for the Easily Amused.
Personal Home Pages
I don't claim that all of these are uniformly awesome in all respects, but they've stood out to me as being examples of good, non-boring, non-predictable, for the most part non-self-obsessed personal home pages. There are a few more home pages listed on my people page, I haven't duplicated those here.Firstly, Harjot's Wonderful Page of Impending Doom, my cool geocities neighbor. The Page o' Doom contains a geosissies banner that I almost stole and put on my page in geocities I thought it was so funny.
Here's another cool geocities neighbor: xandria212's coffee house -- Alexandria's page contains such things as movie and book reviews, random thoughts, and a coffee parlor.
more cool geocities neighbors:
..................................................voices of madness
..................................................count slackulaHere's a home page I thought was especially visually attractive. I must admit I am jealous, because graphics are my weak point.
Nice graphic design to be found here as well.
The pages of Mark Thomas/sorabji are extensive and engaging, and he is one accomplished guy (again, I'm jealous).
Here's a home page I'm not supposed to like, but I do (shhh...), and in fact, I am in the process of snooping around seeing how certain things were done.
the secret files of johnny allen shaw
The Lair of the Chaos Gerbil
NEW!! www.misogyny.com Yes, I, renowned socialist uber-feminist, am recommending that you check out WWW MISOGYNY DOT COM! My mind has had to expand the equivalent of three dress sizes to do this. Please do check out this site, and send the guy who serves it email if you dare.
P.S. I just have to add this site, of a musical group called the Big Bad Voodoo Daddies. I have never heard any of their stuff, but I think their home pages are awesome. Go admire the web page designer's artistry...home anecdotes | connections | Cynthism | handle | interact | laughter
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