One may wonder why someone who is proud to be Polish would go for something like the Highland Bagpipes. The true background of the Bagpipes begins long before they were known to the Celtic world, however. The Earliest recorded reference to the Pipes occurs in the Old Testament of the Bible, in the Psalms. The image which you see here, is the most well known form of them, the Scottish Highland Bagpipes.

At one time, it seems that every nation in Europe had a version of the Bagpipes. Even Poland has a version of them which has been used. There is an illustration of this idea in the native costumes section of a book entitled Poland by a man whose name escapes me at this point. When I can, I will include this name. A man from one of the regions of Poland is shown playing a Bagpipe which passively resembles the Scottish Bagpipes.
Another version of the Bagpipes, which the Irish claim were older are the Uillean Pipes. These sweet sounding Irish Bagpipes were given greater popularity by Davy Spillane's solo in Riverdance. You may find both an image of them and a sound sample at the EMI Website about Uillean Pipes. They are not inflated with Lung Power, but rather with a Bellows which is strapped around one's body, and to one's arm. There are also other types of Bagpipes which one may find if one checks out the links at, especially, the Bagpipe Web.