Discovering your True-Self

We are naturally loving, confident and happy; this is our true-self. However, incorrect beliefs concluded from our experiences cause us to behave in ways that go against our natural state, and we display a false-self. This is a widespread and rarely corrected problem.

Incorrect beliefs minimise your hapiness and can cause harm to yourself and/or others, giving;

We'll call these incorrect beliefs "bugs" (e.g. the gambling bug).

For more info see Incorrect Belief Examples.

Now let's get rid of them!

Parts of your mind has the ability to quickly locate useful information about your past or present. You can tap into these particular sections of your mind using your imagination. The following procedure capitalizes on this ability. It becomes easier to do and more accurate, the more positive your frame of mind is and the fewer incorrect beliefs you have.

It will be easier if you get someone to guide you through the procedure, and write down what you say, whilst you imagine the images. Then you can swap places .

  1. Bugs are a bit like weeds in your garden, you need to loosen the ground to make them easier to get out. To loosen a bugs grip the first thing you need to realise is that you are not your incorrect beliefs, they are seperate from you.
  2. Imagine a therapist, wise person, an angel or God if you prefer. Check that the person smiles when you shine a white light from a love torch in their face (and smiles more with a stronger light beam). Ideally the person should not look like anyone you know of from the past, present, whether fact or fiction. Ask them what their name is for future reference. If they don't like the light move them on and find another one that does.

  3. Ask the therapist to remove all your bugs and put them in a jar. Check with the therapist to make sure all the bugs have been removed, as you may not want to let go of the big ones. If you haven't got them all out, imagine breathing in white love light, and as your body warms ask the therapist to take those remaining stubborn bugs out. If they still remain, work on one of the bugs that has already been removed. Ask the therapist which one you should work on.
    Bugs, have two top priorities; their survival, and comfort. They don't want you to change. Unfortunately, like a parasite's host, you don't benefit from the bug. Your bugs enjoy helping you feel comfortable believing something that isn't true, and retard your health and happiness. They grow stronger the more you listen to what they say and act on their advice (e.g. a phobia bug, when people act on the bug's voice in their mind promoting fear, and the phobia gets worse). Note that bugs that are well fed will appear to posses their host, forcing them to act in illogical ways as the person looses their power to think freely.
  4. Place a white love cloth over the jar so they won't interfere with the conversation between you and the therapist. If the cloth changes color in any way, it's holding some big bugs (strongly held incorrect beliefs) who want to interfere with your therapy session. To prevent their interference, imagine a beam of love light shining from above onto the cloth, increase the intensity until the cloth changes back to white. You may need to increase the beams strength further if the cloth changes color during the treatment.
  5. Question the therapist concerning the incorrect belief that needs to be dealt with first. Remember to use two key words in your questions; when and why.
    The therapist can read your thoughts, you only need to think the questions. They can also show you scenes from your past and help you intertpret them in a constructive way. You can also read other documents on the home-page to help you understand why the belief is incorrect. If you suspect the therapist is incorrect try checking again to see if they're good with the love torch.
  6. Extra bugs might appear during the treatment to put you off. So if the therapist's responses aren't useful, or he/she isn't speaking, ask the therapist to remove the extra bugs, and put them in the jar with the others.

  7. A bug (an incorrect belief) may be a product of there being other incorrect beliefs. You need to (ideally with written notes);
  8. It may be necessary to get information about other people who have helped you take on the incorrect belief. The therapist will provide this information if it is for the best (since you are tapping into the psychic part of your mind).
  9. Don't forget that you can ask the therapist for guidance during the treatment.
  10. When the incorrect belief, and the actions required to correct it are found, you may find the therapist appears hostile, this is because the bug is affecting what you see (a last resort action to stop it's removal). In reality the therapist is happy that you've solved the riddle.
  11. Write down the summary of each incorrect belief, and the correct one. Ask the therapist if you need to know any additional information.
  12. Now time for some belief system alteration; Imagine a bus with you as the driver and your bugs as passengers. Your therapist enters the bus. Ask the therapist to point to the bug(s) you’re working on. Squirt some green slime on the one’s that are pointed out, to remind yourself of who’s in charge - you!
  13. Ask the therapist to bring into the bus any people or pets that will remind you that the belief(s) as/are flawed (eg good friends from childbhood).
  14. Now read over the summary and stress the points that make the squirted bug(s) uncomfortable. Keep focusing on the thoughts that upset them until they leave the bus or die.
  15. You need time to think over the conclusions reached, and update your belief system to make sure those bugs don’t sneak back on-board. Give yourself some space. You can check on the bugs in the future by picturing the bus scene again.

As you get rid off each bug, you'll become a little more relaxed, confident, and happier.

Hopefully, you'll have gotten rid of your big bugs before too long.

PS you'll find it gets easier to communicate with your characters with practice, like riding a bike; there's a knack to it.

If you have problems talking with the imaginary characters:

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Revised December 23, 2005.
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