Kamarul MOHAMED - 12/24/00 01:28:22 My Email:anggun13@hotmail.com City: USM State: Penang Country: Malaysia Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 7.5 | Comments: I strongly believe that this novel is a true insight of most of us, not only the American teenagers. People pretends, now and then, so that they could lead a normal life, ignoring the facts the surrounded them. |
lisa - 12/21/00 07:39:20 My Email:lisa7531@yahoo.com State: CA Country: US Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: n/a | Comments: i was just looking through a few sites on Catcher in the Rye, and then i cam across this message board and i couldn't resist a response. to all of you out there that feel the strong need inside of you to lash out on someone just trying to give some info n a cool book, your ignorance makes me laugh. to those students pissed off that this site wont help you enough with your paper, you personify what Salinger is mocking. try reading it, then try thinking about it. how hard could your high school english p per be... |
lisa - 12/21/00 07:38:33 My Email:lisa7531@yahoo.com State: CA Country: US Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: n/a | Comments: i was just looking through a few sites on Catcher in the Rye, and then i cam across this message board and i couldn't resist a response. to all of you out there that feel the strong need inside of you to lash out on someone just trying to give some info n a cool book, your ignorance makes me laugh. to those students pissed off that this site wont help you enough with your paper, you personify what Salinger is mocking. try reading it, then try thinking about it. and if you still can't figure out enough or your paper. than maybe writing isn't for you. ...lisa |
Dyan - 12/19/00 06:06:15 My Email:Dyan_Sublime@Hotmail.com City: Lincoln State: NE Country: US Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 1.75 | Comments: You seem to somewhat understand the story, but not totally. You also had some grammar and spelling errors. You shouldn't capitalize words such as adult and depression. You mentioned some events that didn't have that much emphasis on the story. What makes the story is everything as a whole, although there are a few events that are a bit more important than others. Also, the letter to Stradlater had no writing tone of Holden whatsoever. Nice try though, sorry if I sound like a jerk, but I have a lot of resp ct for Catcher in the Rye. |
NINA - 12/15/00 13:30:47 My Email:NA City: Bismark State: ND Country: US Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: CHANGE THE BACKGROUND OR NO ONE WILL BE READING YOUR SITE!!!!! IT'S TOO HARSH ON THE EYES. (WRONG COLOR SCHEME ANYWAY) |
steve pierre pierre - 12/13/00 21:48:13 My Email:mankind130@hotmail.com City: Miami State: Florida Country: U.S.A. Have you read this book?: no/itsuckks Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: uuhhhk | Comments: my comments to this book is your books sucks and you the dumpest boy ever where the hal do you found this freakin stuff freak freak and that the bottom line caused stonecold said so!!!!!!! |
steve pierre pierre - 12/13/00 21:47:47 My Email:mankind130@hotmail.com City: Miami State: Florida Country: U.S.A. Have you read this book?: no/itsuckks Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: uuhhhk | Comments: my comments to this book is your books sucks and you the dumpest boy ever where the hal do you found this freakin stuff freak freak and that the bottom line caused stonecold said so!!!!!!! |
steve pierre pierre - 12/13/00 21:47:35 My Email:mankind130@hotmail.com City: Miami State: Florida Country: U.S.A. Have you read this book?: no/itsuckks Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: uuhhhk | Comments: my comments to this book is your books sucks and you the dumpest boy ever where the hal do you found this freakin stuff freak freak and that the bottom line caused stonecold said so!!!!!!! |
courtney tillotson - 12/12/00 04:46:31 My Email:ctillotson@hotmail.com City: norfolk State: ne Country: us Have you read this book?: no | Comments: |
Mallory - 12/11/00 21:28:13 My URL:/glimmer_girl2000 State: MD Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: THis was a great book. im in 9th grade and doing similar activities to what you have on your page. It would be alot more helpful if you were a little better at describing everything. all you said a bout phoebe is that shes 10. all you need to do to get th t is read 2 sentences. Phoebe is Holden's younger sister. She is ten years-old when the events of the novel take place. She is a very bright girl who at times can seem wise beyond her years. Holden is extremely fond of her. She confronts holden and says e likes nothing. She meets holden and they ride on the carousel and reaches for the brass ring. this makes holden cry because as i interpret it he is looking at her reaching for more in her life. you have a great page it could be more helpful though. i ca e here for additional reading and sources on my paper. it wasnt as good as its potential but ok. if you idoits are looking to cheat please kick yourselves then go to http://catcherguide.tripod.com/main.html its a great site. |
Billy Bob - 12/08/00 17:06:54 Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: This wouldn't be a bad web page if you learnt how to spell. First of all, it's requirements not requiements. and watch the word WORk. You know it is pretty easy to spell. See ya, you goof.!! |
- 12/08/00 05:40:33 | Comments: |
Scott - 12/08/00 04:40:33 City: Boise State: Idaho Country: USA Have you read this book?: no | Comments: You need to put mor facts in this page so people like me who don't like reading can come to your page and get cheet notes for tests. But I got a little of your page and that helped thanks alot Scott Foster |
Scott - 12/08/00 04:40:19 City: Boise State: Idaho Country: USA Have you read this book?: no | Comments: You need to put mor facts in this page so people like me who don't like reading can come to your page and get cheet notes for tests. But I got a little of your page and that helped thanks alot Scott Foster |
jess - 12/07/00 19:08:55 City: b'ville State: tx Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: your page was pretty helpful.you could use a little more depth. i agree with the person who suggested this symbolism research. to you all who gives shitty comments, you try doing something intellectual, i could use a laugh.haha!! |
Twat - 12/06/00 19:26:28 My URL:http://eatmeout My Email:fingerme@cooch City: Luckyville State: Arizona Country: USA Have you read this book?: Did I want to? Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 1.3642 | Comments: I find you all a whole bunch of fucking idiots, it's a book,with a web page not a god-damn death sentence! If you have a problem with it don't leave a comment. And guy that said this was their last night, your even dumber then the first on |
dick - 11/30/00 03:11:48 My URL:http://yousuck.com My Email:blowme@thecock City: andalusia State: alabama Country: usa Have you read this book?: no Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: obviously from reading the guest book a big 0 | Comments: well i was going to use youre site to do my book report and at first i thought it was very helpful but then i read the guest book and realized maybe i shouldnt you piece of shit take this damn site off the net i mean thanx for trying but damn man dont lea people astray you mutha fukin cock suckin asswhole lickin piece of fucking green shit thats floating in your mothers mouth after she sucked me off |
- 11/30/00 02:32:41 | Comments: |
Noemi - 11/29/00 16:11:12 My Email:nfriedli@hotmail.com City: Murten State: Fribourg Country: Switzerland Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Hi, I think this page is very good. you could make a better essay and put more character stuff on the page but over all, I think you did a good job. It helped doing my paper about the catcher and the rye! Thanks so much! Keep your work up! Love, "Emi" |
jade - 11/29/00 01:17:14 My Email:Jade_341@excite.com State: PA Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I think You need to add a page on all the symbols such as the hat,ducks,or mummies and explain those a bit more and the chacter list could be a bit more detailed I realize there is a lot of charcters but most of the have some significance such a James Cas le, Mr. Antolini and Pheobe. It is very good and appears that alot of work went into it Good Job! |
Barette Morgan - 11/26/00 18:51:09 My Email:phishphood79@aol.com City: Edina State: Washington Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes many times Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10+ | Comments: I love this book it's my favorite one and I like your site. Good work. ~Barr |
Barette Morgan - 11/26/00 18:50:34 My Email:phishphood79@aol.com City: Edina State: Washington Country: yes many times | Comments: |
karli - 11/26/00 05:11:00 My Email:krsspudd@aol.com City: deerfield State: il Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: i thought the book was ok. i have a 5 paragraph essay due soon and your page really helped. thank you. |
nicole - 11/24/00 21:16:49 City: Salem State: Oregon Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: This page was really helpful to me... I had a lot of trouble interpreting what the books actual message was. The only thing I would change about this page would be to give the answers to the quiz, because a few of them I had questions on. Other than that he site was great :) Thanks |
meliss - 11/23/00 23:23:31 My Email:neocitron@hotmail.com Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I don't know what you guys are trying to do, if I've read the book what's the point at looking at a summary? You should cover more topics like: plots & subplots, themes etc. Even though you attempted, these areas are lacking, and that information is more important than ready the summary over again. Keep the summary, but shorten it to important factss that you assume the average reader could miss. |
jesse - 11/22/00 03:07:13 My Email:aspenathletics@ourclub.com City: Glenwood State: co Country: usa Have you read this book?: no | Comments: i didn;t read this book but it probaly sucks thanks for the info homo hahahahaha this is your last night alive live it up. |
Amanda - 11/22/00 02:42:55 My URL:/cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry Have you read this book?: yes....a few months ago.... Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10!!! | Comments: Thanx for the help! |
mary - 11/20/00 01:25:55 My Email:joyful@aol.com City: kings park State: ny Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: thought you might wanna know that the book covered a span of 3 days...you said 4 |
Ryan - 11/17/00 13:53:04 My Email:ryanzwrath@hotmail.com City: Albuquerque, New Mexico... Ugh! State: ...Um, New Mexico? Country: Eh... AMERICA! Have you read this book?: Yes, Twice. Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: I give it a 1 for effort. | Comments: I can't believe you wrote that stupid letter from Holden to Stradlater. That was the dumbest, most moronic, half-witted, horrible attempt at trying to impersonate J.D. Salinger's writing style that I have ever encountered. You're just dumb, and you make a mockery of The Catcher in the Rye when you do dumbass things like that. But besides that, the book is great! ;D -Ryan |
Karess - 11/16/00 03:39:40 My Email:KayKay817@yahoo.com City: Fort Worth State: Texas Country: U.S Have you read this book?: No, but I will Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 100 | Comments: I have never read this book, or taken any interest in reading it. After reading your summary I have decided to read this story, because it reminds me a lot of myself. Thank You, Karess McVea |
zak wise - 11/16/00 01:33:22 My Email:dbzak_vegeta@hotmail.com Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: i really liked it and im only i 8th great. i think salinger did cus a little to excessively.to bad ur site doesn't have a page describing the attributes and traits(phsycal and mental) of holden that's all i needed.but anyway ur site kicks. and don't pay a tention to this ASSHOLE below me |
Michael Gwynn - 11/15/00 19:53:42 My Email:mike@cocksucker.com City: Guayaquil State: Ec Country: Ec Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -100 | Comments: This site SUUUUCKS!! ASSHOLE!! What the hell do you have in your brains you fuckin' loser!! You sound like a mother fucker, loser, sunofabicth. |
Jeff - 11/15/00 04:15:31 My Email:www.JB@home.com City: salem State: or Country: us Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: It was gay |
Jeff - 11/15/00 04:15:21 My Email:www.JB@home.com City: salem State: or Country: us Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: It was gay |
sharleen bone - 11/14/00 22:09:02 My Email:szavay@xtra.co.nz City: Dunedin Country: nz Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: all 10 | Comments: great stuff tamara. You are so talented |
michelle - 11/14/00 21:45:55 My Email:lake.view@xtra.co.nz City: Te Anau Country: New Zealand Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: kia ora!! we would appreciate for the quiz to be made with multiple choicey things - tick the boxes like. And answers at the end puh-leeease, :) |
cory - 11/14/00 03:33:06 My Email:the_man_cory8@hotmail.com Country: canada Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 100000 | Comments: this is the best book i have ever read and i hope that my book report gets 100$ |
Ristina - 11/14/00 00:55:45 My Email:SacTownQT@iturf.com City: Sacramento State: Cali Country: USA Have you read this book?: On the 120 page Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: so far a 10 | Comments: Thank u VERY much for making this site it's GREAT! I have a Project due tomorrow and i needed somthing that will help write a brief summary of the book since i haven't read the whole thing and im kinda bad at stuff like that! Im definitly going to finish he book though even though it's due So THANX a BUNCH ~Ristina |
S.M. - 11/13/00 23:56:40 My Email:Jabroni756@aol.com City: H-Town State: Pa Country: USA Have you read this book?: some Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: This helped me out of a jam |
- 11/13/00 06:52:12 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: |
Ewa Duszkiewicz - 11/12/00 23:23:24 My Email:maja2000@hotmail.com City: Chicopee State: MA | Comments: |
Gerry - 11/11/00 17:44:05 My Email:gerry_20@hotmail.com Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I thought your web page was very helpful. However I did find the book quit boring, i think it was mainly because I don't enjoy books like this. |
Mary - 11/10/00 12:53:00 My Email:gookydada@cybergal.com City: Munich Country: Germany Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: "The catcher in the rye" is one of my favorite books, I read it about 4 times and it never becomes boring. In one of the first chapters Holden talks about wanting to have a chat with the author of a book he really liked. I say that after having read this ook I so much would have liked to have a chat with Holden - he is fantastic, I just love that guy. The book is ingenious and I will be reading it many more times... |
- 11/09/00 00:25:07 | Comments: |
hannah - 11/08/00 05:48:23 City: cerritos State: ca Country: united states Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: i think this book was good because it really related to my life a lot. It related to me because I went through almost all the depressing stuff that he went to. So i really understood what he was trying to say. |
- 11/07/00 02:37:58 | Comments: |
- 11/05/00 00:50:29 Have you read this book?: yup | Comments: |
Helly - 11/04/00 19:32:37 My Email:halloween_witch_@hotmail.com City: Paris State: Paris Country: France Have you read this book?: Yes....5 times | Comments: Thanx a lot for your site! I needed lots of information 'bout Catcher in the Rye for english test. Here I've found almost everything! Your site is really cool! |
)-=BitocuL=-( - 11/04/00 15:40:00 My Email:arena@noos.fr City: Paris State: Paris Country: France Have you read this book?: Well...yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 9+1/2 | Comments: High! I'm french I was just surfing over the net to find some further informations on the book for some kind of a test in english, and found your site very useful. Thnkx a lot, cya! |
Paige - 11/03/00 02:58:40 My Email:SweetP4141@aol.com City: Weston State: MA Country: USA Have you read this book?: Three Times | Comments: I found the page moderately entertaining, but it was fairly shallow and didn't reach the depths that could've been covered. However, it did touch lightly on some of the motifs and topics in the book. I suggest anyone looking for extensive information on t e book to check out sparknotes.com. LATA! |
John Smith - 11/02/00 04:16:40 City: Kansas City State: Kansas Country: United States Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: This book was absolutely terrible. I hated every word of it. I don't see why you would make a webpage about. And i don't see why this book is considered a classic. He just sits around and complains about everything. |
John Smith - 11/02/00 04:15:49 City: Kansas City State: Kansas Country: United States Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: |
- 10/31/00 20:38:22 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: could have had some pictures. also, should have had inforrmation about the author of the book. other than that it was a very good web page. it gave me lots of useful information |
Sarah M. Goethel - 10/29/00 13:11:03 My Email:real_pig_shady@eminem.com City: Sterling State: Virginia Country: United States Have you read this book?: yeah | Comments: My thoughts and opinions on this page aren't as good as the book, but thats alright.I think the book was really really good and Holden was one of the best descibe (screwed up) characters I have ever heard. |
- 10/26/00 20:24:37 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Very helpful. thanks |
Shannon - 10/26/00 01:23:16 My Email:shanana143@music.com Have you read this book?: kinda Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 23 being the pages i actualy read | Comments: I just wanna say thanx for makin this page. I have a huge test on it tomorrow and I o u 1 for this page cuz i didnt know anything about the book till now. you should sell the info cuz u could make bucks for it. but thanxs kid I dont know u but your a good kid. |
Vanessa - 10/25/00 05:46:55 My Email:NessaMoo8@aol.com City: Atwater State: California Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes, twice | Comments: I really like your page. I had to had to do a book report on this book and your page really helped me out. I think this is the best book that I have ever read. THANX |
Porce - 10/23/00 22:35:42 My Email:porce01@hotmail.com City: ??? State: ??? Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I wasn't sure if I liked this book or not. I would have to read it again for the 2nd or 3rd time. It is like The Matrix...it is confusing and have to watch multiple times to fully understand the movie. Yea! Well this site helped me understand it a lit le bit better and yea... Thanx porce |
Porce - 10/23/00 22:35:29 My Email:porce01@hotmail.com City: ??? State: ??? Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I wasn't sure if I liked this book or not. I would have to read it again for the 2nd or 3rd time. It is like The Matrix...it is confusing and have to watch multiple times to fully understand the movie. Yea! Well this site helped me understand it a lit le bit better and yea... Thanx porce |
- 10/23/00 21:23:12 | Comments: |
Kayla - 10/23/00 20:39:44 My Email:kaylajv@hotmail.com City: Garrison State: North Dakota Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Hey awesome job on your summary. I just got done reading the book and your report and work was good. I am a senior from ND, yeah, i know i am not a hick though! he he. well take care Kayla |
kWeEn pOLy..... - 10/22/00 07:07:11 My URL:http://www.bobmarley.com My Email:bobmarley@hotmail.com City: waianae State: hawaii Country: us Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: eIgHt ->> 8 | Comments: yo' site is tyte.. keep up the good work and keep readin' yo' macc ass book of yo's... aight peace, kween poly.. |
the fuc* - 10/20/00 05:58:20 Have you read this book?: NO Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: haven't read it yet.it sux shit | Comments: this book sux.the guy called holden sux.the theme of the book sux and everything in this book sux shit like ell.alright..........?? |
- 10/20/00 00:59:52 | Comments: |
Bruce Hill - 10/18/00 03:27:58 City: Orlando State: Florida Country: America Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: THE BOOK WAS GREAT I ENJOYED IT A LOT AND AM CURRENTLY READING IT AGAIN!!!! IT WAS JUST THAT GOOD!!!!!!! gggggRRRRRRReeeeeeeeeAAAAAAAAAtttt!!! |
Bruce Hill - 10/18/00 03:25:59 City: Orlando State: Florida Country: America Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: THE BOOK WAS GREAT I ENJOYED IT A LOT AND AM CURRENTLY READING IT AGAIN!!!! IT WAS JUST THAT GOOD!!!!!!! gggggRRRRRRReeeeeeeeeAAAAAAAAAtttt!!! |
Natalie B. - 10/18/00 03:22:31 My URL:http://angelfire.com/myband/natspage/index.html My Email:Nautica518@aol.com City: La Puente State: California Country: USA Have you read this book?: yea Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 7.5 | Comments: Great page, helped me a lot on reviews, and reports I had to do on it. |
KC - 10/17/00 18:43:30 City: London Country: England Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: you touched on the main aspects of the novel, but on some particular pages especially the one on themes and description, you only stated one theme and there are many more within the novel. your approach to that area was pretty weak and for an advanced st dent you could have taken a more in depth approach. I must commend you though on your site because i probably wouldn't have been able to comment on such a wide area of Catcher |
krystal - 10/17/00 16:21:19 My Email:carebeargurl15@aol.com City: elkhart State: indiana Country: u.s.a. Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 7 or 8 | Comments: i thought this book was really weird i think its because its so open-ended or something.. it confused me quite a bit.. maybe it was written to confuse readers.. im not sure. but i have to write a report about it so if anyone wants to help me out please f el free to email me! it would help a tun.. thanks. |
Steph - 10/16/00 02:49:29 State: Georgia Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: T really enjoyed your web page, it is very useful. Keep up the good work guys and Thanx a lot. |
Steve - 10/15/00 19:39:17 City: Montreal State: Quebec Country: Canada Have you read this book?: half way through | Comments: I don't understand why all you dumbasses spend so much goddamn time talking about a stupid book, it's just a book, get over it for christsakes!!!!! |
- 10/14/00 00:37:57 | Comments: qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq |
J.E.B. - 10/11/00 18:51:47 My URL:http://people.clemson.edu/~jefferw/ My Email:jefferw@clemson.edu City: Clemson State: South Carolina Country: USA Have you read this book?: ?????? Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Great page. It leaves me speechless. |
- 10/11/00 03:56:29 | Comments: |
- 10/11/00 00:30:57 | Comments: |
sonal - 10/03/00 02:19:27 My Email:lazydaisy45@hotmail.com City: pinellaspark State: fl Country: usa Have you read this book?: yeppers Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 8.5 | Comments: it is a good page and has helped me alot u should read the book the perks of being a wallflower it is about a boys depression and how he ends up in a mental institute fer a while it reminds eo of this book a little. this site has enlightened me and i hope it will others |
- 10/02/00 05:39:56 | Comments: |
Trent Borders - 10/01/00 18:32:13 My Email:ghaleon@yourmom.com City: colorado springs State: colorado Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: You're an idiot. Holden would have never written this letter to Stradlater, you moron. What a crappy page. |
- 09/29/00 00:16:37 State: Connecticut Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Very basic. If you lived in Connecticut, then you probably wouldn't be in Advanced Placement English |
jessica - 09/27/00 01:04:30 My Email:fantasyx15@asianavenue.com State: fl Have you read this book?: no Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: hey,.. wuts up.. well i've never read this book before but from what i've been reading from your site.i noticed holden is a very different person with different personality as other people.. .i was just curious... would you ever be friends with someone li e holden? My sn is fantasyx15 IM me sometimes.. |
jessica - 09/27/00 01:03:58 My Email:fantasyx15@asianavenue.com State: fl Have you read this book?: no Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: hey,.. wuts up.. well i've never read this book before but from what i've been reading from your site.i noticed holden is a very different person with different personality as other people.. .i was just curious... would you ever be friends with someone li e holden? |
jessica - 09/27/00 01:03:28 State: fl Have you read this book?: no Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: hey,.. wuts up.. well i've never read this book before but from what i've been reading from your site.i noticed holden is a very different person with different personality as other people.. .i was just curious... would you ever be friends with someone li e holden? |
melissa - 09/26/00 12:10:06 My Email:lil_miss_shortie@hotmail.com | Comments: Hey, I hafta do a book report on the Catcher in the Rye as well. however, I have to have some kind of visual aid, something that it significant through the story, do you know of anything? |
Ashe Bent - 09/25/00 23:24:59 City: Chatsworth State: GA Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: it was very facinating and interesting to read...i'nm pleased that i have looked up this website though i wish there would be more details on it. |
Beef - 09/25/00 17:46:04 Have you read this book?: No | Comments: This page sux cock like your mom!!! |
Marcelle Hunt - 09/18/00 16:30:04 My Email:gar-mar@scs.wcape.school.co.za City: Cape Town State: Western cape Country: South Africa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I enjoyed reading your reviews and reports on this book. It helped to to find out about what I think of the book aswell. I thought the quiz was a clever idea. |
Bekah - 09/14/00 05:07:31 My Email:sprouts217@aol.com City: ocala State: florida Country: united states Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I found your page as agreat source of information on this book. I enjoyed the book, but I didnt enjoy the fact that Holden drug out almost everysituation with a long story of something that happened to him. |
Tim - 09/14/00 00:18:58 My Email:ak47afb@icq.com Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 9.5 | Comments: Great Book Great page |
- 09/12/00 17:50:43 My Email:kdfadfcsf@willie.com City: kdafgh State: of depression Country: africa Have you read this book?: kinda Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -1111111111119999999 | Comments: sux |
- 09/12/00 17:49:14 Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -1111111111119999999 | Comments: sux |
Theodore - 09/11/00 01:37:03 City: Springfield State: MA Country: USA Have you read this book?: YES | Comments: What other examples of idealism are found in the book? |
Aeris - 09/09/00 23:53:39 Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 1.5 | Comments: Your site is awful. |
Emily - 09/05/00 20:51:08 City: Stanhope State: nj Country: us Have you read this book?: yeah | Comments: Well, since i don't like to read to much, actually reading this book was quite an accomplishment. But i read it two years ago and am doing other work with it again in another class. thanks anyway for this web page-it did help. -Emily |
uilani - 08/24/00 03:14:07 My Email:uilani_gurl@yahoo.com City: kaneohe State: hawaii Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: aloha! well i was wondering if you could help me with this question???..... analyze the use of obscenity in the novel. what effect is the author trying to create? Some critics object the obscenity not because it is "crude" but because it is " too much" taht is no one would interject so much obscenity into nearly every single utte ance. what so you think? well i was just wondering, and i would appreciate it if you could answer me as soon as possible. well write to me soon! |
John Reyes - 08/22/00 06:03:32 My Email:Goobster2002@aol.com City: LA County State: CA Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes!!! | Comments: This book was incredibly awesome. I had to read it for English Honors 5-6 and I fell in love with it. It touches me so like no other book has. With Holden, I can relate. I see myself in him, except for that whole mental problem. Nice work on the page too! =) |
Anke - 08/19/00 15:36:38 City: Wuppertal Country: Germany Have you read this book?: yes, had to, but i loved it Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 7-8 | Comments: Well, the book is great, the page is OK, I gotta say, I found some pages which where more interesting but I liked this one, too. You seem to have put a lot of work into this. Great book--good page! |
Julia - 08/17/00 21:40:30 My Email:runnergal02@hotmail.com City: Fort Collins State: Colorado Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: You have a great website, but your theme page is lacking - there's more than one theme in this book! Also, you need to be more extensive on what the theme exactly is. Holden being an idealist is a motif, not a theme. |
Gary Najeeb Solomon, Jr. - 08/16/00 05:17:44 My Email:gary6300@aol.com City: New Orleans State: Louisiana Country: United States of America Have you read this book?: Partially. Not completed yet. | Comments: I found your page very informative and helpful. I appreciate the posting of this page. |
Glenn - 08/14/00 09:41:43 My Email:ozcam83@primus.com.au City: Melbourne State: Victoria Country: Australia Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I think this was a good effort on the page. This novel would have to be my personal favourite, as Holden's confusion over who he is can be shared by a lot of people his age. My only criticism is that I don't believe you covered some of the main themes and plot quite deep enough. |
Heather - 08/11/00 23:26:16 My URL:http://yasmine345@aol.com My Email:yasmine345@aol.com City: Iowa City State: Iowa Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: i thought this site as not so descriptive about the characters, many words in this site were spelled incorrectly, and that irked me |
- 08/11/00 22:25:32 My Email:gjm City: jhgfk State: hkfdk Country: dghk Have you read this book?: fkgkfg Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: gkfh | Comments: fgkkghmg dfg d rye hgj |
MATT - 08/10/00 20:59:08 Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 5-7 | Comments: Im a 13 year old and i enjoyed the book. Your sight is a little confusing, but good. |
Matt - 08/10/00 20:35:16 Country: U.S.A. Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I think you have a good page here I would like it better if you had the answers to your quiz. |
clara moore - 07/30/00 08:49:57 My Email:wolumma82@hotmail.com City: Vancouver State: British columbia Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: your page was extremely goodya...But I need an explanation about characters(antagonist or protaconist), setting, conflict.....please help me.. |
sed - 07/25/00 01:18:37 My Email:berserkerjoe City: prince george State: bc Country: canada Have you read this book?: yes, i did a report on it last year... Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: one of the best i've ever read...influential...a ten. | Comments: ok bro, from the look of your contents page you get really mixed reviews across the board...so you probably think that's pretty normal...and a certain amount of criticism probably is... its cool to see someone out here making a site out of something worthwhile...but your site is poorly researched, very surfacy and basically...does not provide a very good picture to any visitor of what this book has to offer. you left out all mention of the book's controversial nature...ie why it has been banned in highschools across the us off and on since its publishing in 1951... you left out the book's connection to the murder of john lennon, and david chapman...and the FBI your quiz questions are really, really superficial and have nothing to do with the themes and concepts of the novel... people studying this page to better an exam mark may think they will do better, but they will undoubtedly do worse, for being distracted by the lack of depth offered by your explanations... sorry if i'm sounding altogether derogatory here, but i put a lot of hours into a book report on this, for which i received much acclaim from my teachers and a 100% grade, so i do consider myself a bit of an authority on the topic... hey, if you're interested, i could email you the entirety of my report...not to sound toity but i know the information in it could really, really better your site and help people out... i would probably have my own site for it but i don't spend much time on the comp... so if you're interested email me... congrats on making a worthwhile site...none for doing a half-assed job... oyea, you should probably delete some of the more nothing-to-say comments...christ, your comments list had to be at least fifty pages long! sed. |
Nikki O'Connor - 07/23/00 01:53:28 My Email:nicollelyn71@hotmail.com City: H.A.F.B State: N.M Country: U.S.A Have you read this book?: YES! | Comments: Your page kicks ass! I am 29 years old writting a paper for philosophy and scanning sites to see whats out there. Very good job! |
aaa - 07/19/00 16:24:19 My Email:aaa@aaa.com City: aaa State: aaa Country: aaa Have you read this book?: aaa | Comments: |
- 07/19/00 16:22:39 | Comments: |
natalie l - 07/18/00 04:13:42 City: vancouver Country: Cda Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: i love this book, i just read it cos i wanted too..i think ur page is cool but to MAKE THIS PAGE BETTER: i think u should elaborate in your Theme section and give answers to ur goddam quiz page..yeah..please do okay? thanks |
sana - 07/11/00 18:50:07 My Email:sanasser99@hotmail.com City: beirut State: mm Country: lebanon Have you read this book?: no | Comments: |
- 07/11/00 02:59:46 | Comments: |
- 06/27/00 20:49:27 | Comments: |
- 06/27/00 10:25:56 | Comments: |
hax0r - 06/18/00 22:02:18 My Email:nope City: nope State: nope Country: nope Have you read this book?: yep Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 8.5 | Comments: who the fuck cares if the god damn guy can't spell.. holy fuck... that pisses me off people - what in the hell does it matter!? if you are too incompetent to read slight spelling (or perhaps typing errors, how the fuck do you know) then you probably shoul stick to reading the newspaper. not every single person on the internet will give a rats ass what you think, and even less of those people will spend valuable time spell checking every fucking word... oh and to those morons who say they can't print the site... GOD DAMN, "yea, uhh, i'm in university and i need your fucking page so lemme print it" .. you fucking fool. just paste that shit into notepad, how fuqing dumb are you man, think - THEN talk... shit... |
Lorenzo "MC Ren" Patterson - 06/16/00 02:25:28 My URL:http://compton.8m.com My Email:dj-run@mailcity.com City: Compton State: Cali. Have you read this book?: Read the book twice | Comments: Damn niyya, i tell you what. Not only do you have grammar errors (ue ca'nt spel); but i think you're missing the point of the book. I don't know why your webpage comes up in the search engines but i'd like to advise all the readers of the guestbook about he book. If you have a question, please don't use information from this site, you'll get a D+ if you do. E-mail me: (dj-run@mailcity.com) and i'm sure i can help you out. |
weed-id it - 06/15/00 22:08:17 My Email:linnie3 City: verona State: nj Country: united states Have you read this book?: yes,i loved it Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -1000000000000 | Comments: i didnt get shit out of your site is sux royla dick and blows monkey nuts you reslly should close this site is t so horrible its funny if you guys smoke da chronic you got to stop giving us shwagggggggg!!!!!!!11 |
Sam - 06/15/00 10:32:36 State: ON Country: Canada | Comments: It was very intersting book I think I will kill somebody soon |
Nicole - 06/14/00 13:48:12 My Email:nicolegrueter@hotmail.com City: Altbueron State: Luzern Country: Switzerland Have you read this book?: Yes, I have had to | Comments: Thank you You were a great help for my, because I had to read this book for my exames and I don't understand anything!! Now, I know what the whole story want to say! Sincerely Nicole |
Nicole - 06/14/00 13:47:46 My Email:nicolegrueter@hotmail.com City: Altbueron State: Luzern Country: Switzerland Have you read this book?: Yes, I have had to | Comments: Thank you You were a great help for my, because I had to read this book for my exames and I don't understand anything!! Now, I know what the whole story want to say! Sincerely Nicole |
- 06/14/00 04:39:39 | Comments: |
Anthony - 06/12/00 09:32:50 City: Chicago State: Illinois Country: United States Have you read this book?: Yes (More than 5 times) | Comments: I only have one thing to say to this webmaster: You did not understand the book. |
Bobbie - 06/10/00 00:00:12 My Email:bobbie_burton@hotmail.com City: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 7.5 | Comments: I really enjoyed this page. I have read the Catcher in the Rye just recently for my own pleasure, then I did a project on it for my grade 11 english. The book is excellant and also for the page please include the answers to the quiz. Thank you and please e-mail me back. |
Get with it - 06/09/00 23:47:28 | Comments: Hey Drew, your page was pretty good. It expressed your point of view and gave your opinions on the book. For all those who gave criticism you dont know what your talking about. First of all the book wasent that great it was predictable, and the views Hold n has on the world aren't always the case. Holden isen't the most convincing troubled teen and dosent ever comes to terms with the real world which most teens are able to do. Over all the book wasent that great there are better and it's Drew's opinions no yours, so stop telling him how to view a book. I agree with the kid who said, "If you want a book to tell you how to live read the Bible." |
Rebecca - 06/09/00 23:28:09 City: Sharon State: Mass. Country: USA Have you read this book?: no but i was sopposed to a while ago | Comments: Pretty good page lots of good information, there are some grammatical errors though. Besides that it was a nifty page. |
Abraham - 06/08/00 21:15:48 My Email:ncaafootballrulz@hotmail.com City: Sludgecow State: Missouri Country: US Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: This was a cool book. The ending and all the bad language in it sucked though. Your site was OK. I won't critize it that much cause it look like you did a lot of work on it, but some of your esseys and views of the book were confusing. I think when Holden said his brother was a prostitute he did'nt mean it literally. |
Kevin - 06/07/00 23:45:28 My Email:GoNY12983@nyc.rr.com City: New York City State: New York Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yups Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 0.5 | Comments: from the impression your website gave me it shows that... You have no idea what this book is about and your mental capacity lacks the ability to comprehend the moral atributes of this wonderful bokk... in short your site sux. I'm a junior in highschool an have read this book for and advanced english class just like yourself and I fully understand the symbolism and moral stature this book is trying to portray. If you didnt pick that up yet i think you should re-read the book or transfer out of that class o your because it obviously sucks big time. One more thing, you should delete that website of your because its an insult in the face of fine literature. Plus you cant spell for crap. |
- 06/07/00 15:08:46 | Comments: |
Leah - 06/06/00 00:34:58 My Email:gummy63@hotmail.com City: prince frederick State: md Country: us Have you read this book?: in process | Comments: There are a few spelling mistakes, but you are only human. Since I have not finished the book yet, I can't quite use my knowledge to contribute to your page. It couldn't quite help me for my AP summer assignment that much, still it contains a lot of inf rmation! |
Shane - 06/03/00 15:16:53 My Email:sheepie@hotpop.com City: Las Vegas State: Nevada Country: United States Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I'm sorry to say, but after reading the book and your site, you've obviously missed the entire value of the book. Positive criticism, before posting anything on the web, I recommend you perform a spell check (especially if you plan on turning it in as sc ool work!). You obviously scored big points with your teacher by making your report accessible online, which I'm not sure if you deserved or not. The metaphoric value of this novel is beyond this site, and it's a sad thing you didn't get the message. I m not surprised though, many people who do read the book often times do not understand it. I really don't like seeing sites like this put up, you're defaming Salinger's genius tremendously! |
Maz - 06/02/00 17:58:25 My URL:http://obese.com Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: I'm fat and sassy |
Jill Larson - 06/01/00 06:26:03 My Email:goatass_froslap@hotmail.com City: Edmonton State: Alberta(Province) Country: Canada Have you read this book?: 3x's Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -infinity | Comments: Okay you carny folk bastard. If your freakin' bullshit "site" comes up one more time when I'm looking for INTELLIGENT discussions of this kick ass novel, I think i'll be forced to throw my fucking computer out onto the pavement. You're completely missing he point of the entire novel bud. You really shouldn't put your half-assed ideas on the net for others to read...just think of how many kids' english marks were ruined after taking ideas from your site. You should be ashamed. Way to go you bastard - you'v no doubt prevented millions from getting into any type of literary course in thier now depressing futures. I'm sure you're good at other stuff...so leave anything to do with literature alone and try making a site about something you've learned a thing or two about. |
BECKY - 05/31/00 22:11:28 My Email:ebecara_h@yahoo.com City: tujunga State: ca Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes, i am reading this book in my litturature class at school. Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 8 1/2 | Comments: i think that this is a good book other than all of the bad language that's in it. So far i like it and i think that it is a good book. |
BECKY - 05/31/00 22:11:12 My Email:ebecara_h@yahoo.com City: tujunga State: ca Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes, i am reading this book in my litturature class at school. Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 8 1/2 | Comments: i think that this is a good book other than all of the bad language that's in it. So far i like it and i think that it is a good book. |
Poopy head - 05/31/00 15:54:24 My Email:Ric2004@aol.com City: New York State: NY Country: America Have you read this book?: I'm almost done reading it for the first time | Comments: Cool page over all. Very nicely done and a very interesting topic. The quiz was cool also. |
Poopy head - 05/31/00 15:52:48 My Email:Ric20042aol.com City: New York State: NY Country: America Have you read this book?: I'm almost done reading it for the first time | Comments: Cool page over all. Very nicely done and a very interesting topic. The quiz was cool also. |
Krazyivan - 05/31/00 14:47:48 My URL:www.mycat'snameismittens.com My Email:angel@heaven.net City: Nowhere'sville State: MN Country: ahhh....... Have you read this book?: maybe if she and I were the last two human beings on the planet and we had to repopulate the earth............and there were no goats......are there goats? Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 7, but you guys still rock! | Comments: Hey, I can't wait to see you guys this saturday! Maranantha Church parking lot. See you there! And don't stop 'a rockin'! |
carolina salgado - 05/30/00 21:50:51 My Email:carolinas31@hotmail.com City: petaluma State: CA Country: california Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I think that this book was cofusing because I didn't understand it some of the book. |
CATCHER READER - 05/30/00 10:31:53 My URL:http://dont have one City: somewhere State: outthere Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: no comment | Comments: well drew, the organization wasn't bad but it didn't really have anything i was looking for...like what about the themes with an s? and how does "Holden thought that it was so depressing that Mr. Spencer smelling like cold medicine" prove that Holden is n idealist? Plus, you totally gave us the wrong idea of DB. He isn't a prostitute or some whore or something. No, Holden only thought of him as a prostitute because he was in Hollywood. Get the facts straight before writing it out on the net. Plus th poem doesn't sound like Holden at all. Nice try, but not quite there yet. |
Jill - 05/30/00 08:14:29 My Email:goatass_froslap@hotmail.com City: Edmonton State: Province=Alberta Country: Canada Have you read this book?: twice | Comments: I found this page to be really disappointing.I think my little brother could've come up with the same crap you stated. The letter written from Holden to Stadlater sounded absolutely nothing like Holden. For an advanced English student, you sure as hell di n't reach any sort of admirable level of achievment with this one my friend. TRY, TRY, TRY AGAIN SWEETIE. |
Joe Shmoe - 05/28/00 19:54:09 My Email:lepardskinspeedo@aol.com City: New York City State: New York Country: USA Have you read this book?: YES | Comments: your page is full of bull shit ideas that should be used to wipe my ass. the theme is all about phonies and how holden doesnt want to grow up that is why he keeps failing out of school. |
- 05/28/00 06:14:16 | Comments: |
Roxorz McOwnage - 05/26/00 03:47:18 My Email:something@somewhere.com City: Me State: Him Country: This one Have you read this book?: Maybe Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: er...7? | Comments: Needs a page of Quotes. And pr0n. Quotes and Pr0n. |
mike flathers - 05/25/00 23:56:41 | Comments: you misspelled navigating |
- 05/25/00 16:21:16 | Comments: |
Carina - 05/25/00 10:45:09 My Email:hansoncloud@t-online.de State: Bavaria Country: Germany Have you read this book?: yeah! | Comments: hi, i read the book in german and in english and i did like it very much! somehow it changed me a bit, can you imagine??? would anyone like to email me stuff about the book and we could talk about it???? LoVe carina :) |
N/A - 05/24/00 18:28:17 My Email:crazytwiggs@aol.com City: Houston State: TX Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: It's a great site but where are the answers to the questions? |
- 05/23/00 01:26:01 | Comments: SPELing isa prbolem |
foofan - 05/23/00 00:34:39 City: Toronto State: Ontario(province) Country: Canada Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 6.8 | Comments: Goo. Not great. But good. >^..^< |
chris - 05/23/00 00:04:15 City: Canberra State: ACT Country: Australia Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: The Page was Ok, you really need to check the spelling though! Did not help me with the english essay though! |
bill - 05/22/00 23:44:04 City: prov State: ri Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -1 | Comments: not only is the information in your site wrong, but you don;t know how to spell, you complete moron! |
bob - 05/22/00 21:06:52 My Email:bob@aol.com City: bobville State: Bobland Country: Bobania Have you read this book?: Yes, I have read it. | Comments: This sight needs a page of quotes to help out all us highschool students who have to do reports on it!! |
REALISTIC - 05/22/00 05:17:44 | Comments: I just wanted to say that I feel really sorry for all those people who are critical of you to the point I believe they would like to whip some ass over your interpretation. I picture them in the same catagory as the assassins who were found to have copies of this book. Get a real life people, books are for entertainment, like movies, not for living your life by. If you want a book to tell how to live your life, go read the bible. |
- 05/21/00 04:09:11 | Comments: |
Vanessa - 05/20/00 23:56:12 My Email:Melogrl12@aol.com City: Bridgewater State: New Jersey Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I thought this site was really good. I can relate to you cause im in 10th grade too. I dont even think i could make a site like this haha. It is very organized but u really didnt have what i was looking for. : ) Oh well , good job Drew |
Heather - 05/20/00 14:01:32 My URL:/virgo132000/index.html?949043400440 My Email:vancara@primus.com.au City: Melbourne State: Victoria Country: Australia Have you read this book?: n/a Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: n/a | Comments: Gee somehow your guestbook got crossed with a website about dogs... sorry about that... not sure how it happened either... will look at your site when i get time to see what it is about ...bye... again sorry for websites getting crossed over into your gue tbook |
Heather - 05/20/00 13:50:50 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/virgo132000/index.html?949043400440 My Email:vancara@primus.com.au City: Melbourne State: Victoria Country: Australia Have you read this book?: n/a Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: n/a | Comments: Wow!! Wonderful site.. great dogs and more importantly, great respect and love of these beautiful animals show through your site;.. Love the sound of Patrician. We have always had shepherds but sammies were always up there with my favourites. Well done. I will be back again to see extensions made to this site. |
The Fifth Child - 05/20/00 11:29:17 My Email:fifthfusion@start.com.au Country: Australia Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 7.5 | Comments: Well, I thought that your analysis sorta sucks. I'm reading Catcher in the Rye for my year 9 grammar school book report (So standards might be a bit high) In fact, the whole book does explicit some depression to the reader yet what really makes salinger's book stand out is the fact that his mentality is probably the resutl of something very small. I dunno, I havn't even finished the damn book yet... heh heh |
billy - 05/19/00 06:26:15 My Email:camp_kill_yourself City: woodsboro State: california Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes i have Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 13 | Comments: movies don't create psychos, movies only make psychos more creative |
Lindsay - 05/18/00 23:54:52 My Email:chikeeta_banana@hotmail.com State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: My grade 10 English class was assigned to read this book earlier this year. I thought the book was well written and stimulating. I loved the way J.D. Salinger wrote the book as if it was a conversation; like Holden was actually talking to me (eg. "I do 't know what you think about this, but I think it's phony"). However, I do think that the book was a little to monogamous. Page after page, event after event, Holden continually disappoints himself and others because he fails to grasp the concepts of th world we live in. His dreams, his views, his beliefs are all unrealistic and immature. Naturally the world has it's problems, but one of the signs of becoming an adult is the ability to accept those problems and deal with them. |
larry walker - 05/18/00 13:51:31 City: detroit State: michigan Country: america Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 9.5 | Comments: the page was very well put together do to the fact that you are just a high school student but, well job mr.dude |
Shakti - 05/17/00 06:58:05 City: Honolulu State: Hawaii Country: U.S.A. Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Well, Drew, it looks like you have to do some researching on the book and its contents. First of all, the kid singing the tune in the street about a body being caught in the rye is a BOY. It says so directly! This is important to get right. At my High School, Punahou, the English Department would have named a new laughing stock of the school. On second observations, there are many underlying themes, not just the main plot. The way Holden looks at things can be a theme. What really is phony? Is ther a phoniness to the world? So you see, there is a litany of themes, not just one. Also, the part where you said that D.B. (Holden's brother)was a prostitute is not meant to be taken literally. The meaning that Mr. Salinger wrote about was the Prostitut on of one's skills for money, the selling of personal things, things that mean a lot. Once again, you have failed to see that this is not something with one meaning, it has many meanings. I'm not sure that you understand or comprehend what is going on in the book, I'll leave you to guess what I really mean (and believe me there are many things that this statement means.)The organization is O.K. I don't think that you should go off and put up a website on something that you are not 100% sure what you are t lking about. I think that Strider was right when he/she said read it again and look over everything. If intelligent people like that write up and say this and that are true, listen to them, they know what they are talking about. If you don't know it, t en You should not put it up on the web. |
Strider a.k.a. Aragorn - 05/17/00 06:30:58 My Email:ignaszm@punahou.edu City: Honolulu State: Hawaii Country: U.S.A. Have you read this book?: Oh yeah! Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: okay ~5.5 | Comments: This is a direct reply to Allisen. Listen, those of us who read the book and clearly derived a sense of deeper universal placement would really like to see somebody understand abd feel the book just as we did. Teachers and students that are SERIOUS don't ry to run down anybody. All we are saying is if the webmaster wants to state something, he should state it correctly. Also, I'm sure Drew doesn't need anybody to stick up for him. To those of you who just like writing insults, READ THE DAMN BOOK!! I kid you not, this book will make the serious thinker ask 2 Questions 1) What kind of world is this? and 2) How do we live in it? In fact, all great literature does so. Try reading ALL THE PRETTY HORSES by Cormac McCarthy or better yet THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO by Alexander Dumas. Those who scream out problems and state no solutions have no sense of critical thinking. Remember, if the reader says "This book is so good, I can't put it down." it is probably not good for critical thinking. A good book makes the reader want to stop and think "What would I do?" To the young lady that this is addressed to, don't take this as an insult; it is just a way of clarifying what I was saying before. Also, if the last part of what I said confused you, I was just saying that this book, like many critical thinking books, ust be read slowly and with a lot of consideration towards the facts. These types of books are meant for observations and inferences, that is why I stated those 2 questions. This book should also be read at least twice. If you have any questions, DO NOT F EL FREE TO E-MAIL ME. It should be better for us to correspond through this message board. P.S. great organization of this website, Drew! |
Allisen - 05/17/00 01:42:36 City: Orlando State: FL Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 7.5 | Comments: I thought the book was well written by Salinger. I thought Drew's website for The Catcher in the Rye was well done. Although some points could have been mention, it is hard to list them all. For Drew's grade level, I think he did a great job! Congrats As for the other rude people to comment negatively on Drew's page, either you are not smart enough to comment intelligently on the book considering the way you present yourslf about this website, or you are just down right rude people! Trust me, no one cares to hear your impolite and unwanted comments. I think Drew did a wonderful job on this website! |
Brian - 05/12/00 14:47:06 My Email:bdelshad@yahoo.com City: NY State: NY Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 8.5 | Comments: awesome website, is just missing a important page on quotes thanks, bye |
Strider - 05/12/00 07:33:36 | Comments: hey, read it again |
Strider aka Aragorn - 05/12/00 07:29:23 City: Honolulu State: Hawaii Country: U.S. Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: let's not go there. I'd say about a 5.5 | Comments: Well, for one thing, the little kid singing in the street is a BOY. Please, this is a very important occurrance. Another thing, I don't think Holden's in a Mental hospital. Maybe, maybe not, as he would say. I do like the metaphorical connection you made etween the Fall off the cliff and the loss of innocence; but other aspects aren't as simple as you put them. I am not trying to say that you don't know what you're are talking about. I am pretty sure you are competent in your understanding, you just make he plot and theme too simple. There are many other themes; Depression, loneliness, joy, anger, fear, to name just a few. I could give you examples; Depression is experienced when Phoebe asks Holden why he "did it" meaning why Holden "got the ax," meaning ail ou of school. Holden is always lonely. Joy when Holden sees Phoebe on the carousel. Anger right before and after Stradlater "fight." Fear when the pimp busts into Holden's hotel room. Listen, just read the book again, and think critically. Write the t emes down on a pad of paper. In fact, right everything down on an "Observations" pad. Show it to your teacher. Next time you right a paper, use your notes. Trust me, I'm a Sophomore too, it helps. |
- 05/12/00 07:10:55 | Comments: |
- 05/12/00 05:51:53 | Comments: think this site lack too much in content. eg. the only theme in the novel is not idealism. u should give more contents in the themes, and comment on the characters how they affect holden, |
Athena - 05/11/00 23:24:39 State: IA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I would just like to say to all the people out there that some people can't interpret as well as others, but that is no reason to bitch them out. I find it hard to find a deeper meaning in books, so I read things like this to find others opinions. It th n helps me form my own opinions. I enjoyed the book, I feel like I connected with Holden, yet some things I didn't understand. So deal with it. |
ZoD - 05/10/00 18:52:02 My Email:back@again | Comments: FUCK...i spelled book wrong...damn ah well...you still suck |
ZoD - 05/10/00 18:50:22 My Email:kissmyass@idiot Country: The Netherlands Have you read this book?: yeah Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: somewhere far away from tha one.. | Comments: i read through the comments..then realised you signed it yerself?!?...are you that fucking stupid?...arrogant bitches like you piss me off..and what makes it even worse is that you think that this page rocks...it's fucking pathetic..how can you say the th ngs you do about the book?..you are so fucking wrong.. i might be dutch and (only) 17 years old...but i know what this boom is about. you really need to check what you understand about the book.. |
- 05/10/00 05:41:26 | Comments: |
Fary Fuentes - 05/10/00 05:25:53 City: El Monte State: CA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Well i really like this page it really does help me with my paper i had to do for my english class thanks it was really helpful you alos had one mistake on the first page and that is other |
- 05/09/00 22:47:14 | Comments: |
drew disilet - 05/08/00 23:54:18 My URL:http://suckit.net My Email:drewdisiletsuxdick@ss.com City: tigard State: or Country: us Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -999999999999999999 | Comments: your site sux! your report sux! fuck you and tigard, oregon BITCH! dam beeee-atch |
- 05/08/00 23:51:45 My URL:http://suckit.net My Email:fuckubith | Comments: |
eddie izzard - 05/06/00 02:06:08 My Email:1z@aol.com City: nyc State: ny Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: - 10 | Comments: YOUR'E A MOTHERFUCKIN' CUNT! READ THE BOOK AGAIN THIS SITES ENOUGH TO GIVE YOU A BREAKDOWN! |
maria villavicencio - 05/04/00 17:09:48 My Email:se_fa_matias@hotmail.com City: weston State: florida Country: n.america Have you read this book?: nope Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: ..... | Comments: |
Adam - 05/04/00 00:45:15 My URL:http://members.aol.com/vakattak/ My Email:vakattak@aol.com Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes, of course | Comments: I think this site gets through the main ideas of this book. This book really has influenced my life and gave me a new perspective on teenage angst and adolesence. I'm only in 8th grade, but it really was a great page, and it's always nice to have good s tes like this to represent their greatness! Awesome site! |
- 05/03/00 02:36:36 State: Missouri Have you read this book?: many times Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: i don't think there is a number that low! | Comments: I have serious concerns for those people who use your site to gain any kind of understanding at all about this novel. You have got to tell me what your instructor gave you on this report. I am an English instructor. My grade would be a Z-! I was wondering if you purchased this novel in comic book form. I also have my concerns for your future in college for I can only assume that you are trying to prepare for college by taking an AP course. If I were you I would invest in a spelling dictionary and possibly ome courses through Sylvan learning center. You have a great deal to learn about interpreting literature. You need to know about what you are talking before you put it on a web site for thousands of people to see. As a sophomore, I doubt that you have had much practice in literary interpretation. As Mark Twain once said, "The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and lightning bolt." This is much the same with the difference between interpretation a d intelligent interpretation. Sorry son, the lightning bolt hasn't struck you yet. Please save yourself embarrassment and do away with this page until you have fully read and comprehended the novel. Also, some advice for those who feel that that this youn man knows about what he is talking - he doesn't. Please don't use any of this information in any report that you write for a class if you care anything about your grade. |
- 05/02/00 08:37:31 | Comments: |
Laura - 05/02/00 02:25:00 | Comments: The people that said your site was good are even stupider than you are!!!! |
mark - 05/02/00 02:22:39 | Comments: don't use this site as a reference or for any information..........its off the point alot |
JAck - 05/02/00 02:20:33 Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -100000000 | Comments: your so wrong its funny |
Adam W - 05/02/00 02:12:06 My Email:eeger00@yahoo.com City: Toronto State: Ont. Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: ummm....you misunderstood the character of D.B. totally, he's not a poet but a writter and he's not a prostitute in hollywood but Holden thinks that D.B. is prostituting his knowledge and gift by writting cheat scripts instead of great books.......read th book again |
jann - 04/30/00 23:32:28 My URL:http://bsuvc.bsu.edu/~jeewbank My Email:jann01@yahoo.com City: muncie State: in Country: usa | Comments: you did a good - taking the book at face value, however, i feel you missed the major underlying theme of the book. you said that holden wants to show the world that he is an adult, when in fact, it is the complete opposite. that was what i thought the fir t time i read the book, too. but reread it, and you will see that holden does not want to live in an adult world, nor does he want anyone else to. the title "the catcher in the rye" is about the only job he thinks he would ever like to have. he would lik to stand at the edge of a cliff where children are playing in a rye field, and catch them in case they were to fall. the fall represents a loss of innocence. holden does not want to grow up and become a part of the phony world. he wants to be like phoebe like allie (allie died before he could lose his innocence). that is why he gets so scared when phoece almost falls off of the carousel horse, and why he is so disturbed by the word "fuck" where the children can see it. i enjoyed you analyzation of the bo k, but i really think that you should consider all of these things. |
- 04/30/00 22:26:56 City: ottawa State: ontario Country: canada Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -10 | Comments: it sucks! |
- 04/30/00 19:34:45 | Comments: |
Agen - 04/30/00 07:32:34 State: California Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes... Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: Rather not comment... | Comments: Looking through your site, it is quite obvious that you read the book only once and used Cliff Notes (or to the like) for the rest of your report. You have no understanding of the ideas presented in this novel. Most of this page is based on your opinion. lease, I suggest you read Catcher In The Rye again or obtain a better understanding of the book before you insult it by making this page. |
- 04/30/00 02:47:31 | Comments: |
- 04/28/00 23:06:39 | Comments: the letter from holden was truly offensive. stupid,petty and dim. i disapprove of your attempt to mirror salinger in this,even moreso because it didnt msh with holdens character. if i were your teacher youd get a very low mark;id almost fail you simply be ause of this. by the way the novel is inwardly tragic,with comidic exterior |
poop man - 04/28/00 12:57:45 City: woburn Have you read this book?: 1/2 Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 27 | Comments: |
Holden - 04/28/00 03:08:33 My Email:holden@gravedigger.com City: pency State: cuba Country: canada Have you read this book?: purple Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: bill clinton | Comments: Should i have a ham sandwich or a turkey sandwich? Thank you |
susy - 04/26/00 13:58:23 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: i don't feel your interpretation was accurate but other than that good job |
Hugh - 04/25/00 23:26:07 City: Ottawa State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Judging from your spelling, you musn't be that old, and to get the true meaning of this book, you should be mature enough to know how to spell the word requirement. But nice site all the same and please read the book again in the future- you might find s mething that you missed the first time. |
Rajiv Ganeshan - 04/25/00 16:51:06 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rajiv_g10 My Email:rajiv_g200@hotmail.com Country: UAE Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Hello there Marre! Great Site you have here, well done!!! I enjoyed my visit. You must have put a lot of hard work into it. Definitely book marking this site!! Im a member of the RAOK too! Drop in to my Country Cavern Sometime too:-)and please sign my gue tbook too, if possible:-) ![]() ![]() |
Chris - 04/24/00 17:19:34 My Email:chillout@monaco.mc City: Monaco State: Monaco Country: between France and Italy Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Why didn't you put the answers to the quiz? I wonder, ... |
Chris - 04/24/00 17:16:13 | Comments: |
Colin - 04/19/00 13:35:03 My Email:hardnova@goplay.com Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Smoke Weed |
- 04/19/00 12:15:39 | Comments: |
- 04/18/00 15:56:28 | Comments: |
RobertBaur - 04/18/00 15:51:16 My Email:RobertBaur78 City: Union State: NJ Country: US Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: The Catcher in the Rye is so much more than you claim it to be. Holden does not want to become a phony. He sees terifying flaws in humanity. You leave out so much and don't really give the book justice. Holden in my opinion is the ultimate good person His hatred for the world is hatred for those who judge people for no good reason. and those who cling to phony notions of what is really important in the world. Why should he care who wins at the football game or endeavor to become a kind of person that the world thinks he should become. The most depressing thing is that he sees the entire world around him falling under this superfisial corruption and he feels truly alone in the world. He does see hope in children. That is why he wants to be The Catcher in the Rye. To prevent them from falling into that type of world. But Holden s trying really to prevent his own soul from disipating and disappearing. He concieves many ways to escape. Like asking Sally Hayes to come away with him. But he had to come out of his delusion and see that Sally is like the rest of the world who can n t understand his journey for meaning. The reason why w=he is in the hospital is because Holden can not function or will not function in a world of heartless bastards who don't care about anything except phoniness and making money. Holden is in my view a model for all people. You really leave out the fundamental importance of the novel and Holden's character in your site and should look beyond the surface. His probl m is not that he is trying to be more adult but is trying not to become like every other person in the world resigned to shallow middle class values. |
- 04/18/00 01:03:17 Have you read this book?: YES, but I don't think you have Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -1000000000000000000 | Comments: First of all, what grade are you in? Secondly, are you illiterate? Thirdly, are you serious this is an enrich class you're in? You are so fucking dumb! You can't spell and you can't fucking interpret the meaning of the book! This site should be fucki g shut down because you don't do justice to this book! I suggest you get your mother to fucking read this book for you since you really didn't understand it! I hope in the future, you'll be able to make a site worthy of people! For the time being why d n't you take this site, turn it sideways and stick it straight up your candy ass! |
- 04/17/00 20:39:43 | Comments: im pisssed cause i cant print your page so fuck you |
rookie - 04/17/00 15:44:15 Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: This was a good book. I really think that many teenagers can relate to Holden. Even though Holden had a few psychological problems. It was the best book I read in along time. Holden is just like any normal teenager he tries his best to keep other people f om knowing his problems. Wonderful Book!!!! |
Nika - 04/17/00 09:57:30 My Email:triana@hotmail.com City: Ljubljana Have you read this book?: Yes i have | Comments: I like the book, but I think it is alredy a little out of date. You should have more themes listed here, because there is a lot more to this book than just what you wrote. There are many symbols you havent mentioned and a lot of other important stuff. i l ked the plot summary best, and I must thank you for it. It helped me writte my own. |
Richard - 04/16/00 12:33:09 My Email:Richard@Toulcher64.freeserve.co.uk Country: England Have you read this book?: Just started too Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Hello i just came across your page while looking for some more information on "The Catcher in the Rye" i am a 16 year old high school student living in England and i have just recently rented the book out from the local libary, because i have heard so muc about the book. At the moment im just about quarter the way into the book and so far i have found it very interesting to read and im not one that reads many books at all. the reason why i wanted to read this book i because the book has had alot to do wit conspiricy type of things, so i decided to start and read about it to see for myself what it was all about and i was just wondering because you reviwed the book if you knew anything about this, if so please e-mail me and i would be very greatful as ive b en wanting to find the truth about this book for quite some time now. Thankyou very much for your time Your sincerly, Richard Toulcher |
cassie - 04/14/00 19:45:14 My Email:cfowleror@earthlink.net City: boring State: OR Country: united states of america Have you read this book?: i am just starting it Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: it is a really good book, and i am starting to identify with Holden, whether that is a good thing or a bad thing. i like how Holden is out for himself, and really doesn't care what others think of him. i admire that, although some despise it. well, anyway, i just wanted to thank you for your page, as it was very informative. regards, cassie |
Mieke - 04/14/00 10:07:17 Country: Belgium Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I liked the book , and one of the reasons: you can't never really understand it completely. Some of the comments prove that Holden was right about this world and some of it's persons living on it. But to give one advice don't live and think like he does or it will make you crazy , there still are good things in this life to. |
yAniCk - 04/13/00 19:11:37 My Email:xWeilandfairyx@aol.com Have you read this book?: yeah Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 1000000 | Comments: though my teacher begs to differ, the book is about escapism. this is clearly shown when Holden is with Sally Hayes at the Radio City skating rink. He starts ranting about hating New York City and wishing to just suddenly leave. I have that page marked he vily.... |
Angel - 04/13/00 00:27:51 City: San Jose State: CA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I really enjoyed the book. What I thin I liked the most was how honest and open Holden was. People say that it was a bad thing and the book needed to be censored. I strongly disagree! This is the first book (that we had to read in english clasS) that i AC UALLY read. I enjoyed it very much and thought it was something everyone should read. I found it very intriguing and I'm glad to see so many other people did too. Thanks for letting me contribute, just wanted to share my thoughts on this great book. |
Lisa - 04/11/00 03:09:05 My Email:Angei1618@aol.com City: NY State: NY Country: USA Have you read this book?: yep | Comments: Loved your page it helped me so much on the book review i had to write, i think i understand the book now : ) |
Jeff - 04/10/00 19:35:33 My Email:jefffwd@hotmail.com City: Houston State: TX Country: USA Have you read this book?: Almost finished | Comments: Great page, I'm not just going to hand out a 10, heh. But seriously though, I haven't finished the book yet, I have a farely big paper due next week for a Junior AP English class, I really appreciate your effort to make your knowledge global and very unde standable. Great Job! ~Jeff |
olga - 04/10/00 10:06:20 My Email:okolesnichenko@mail.ru City: Krasnodar Country: Russias Have you read this book?: sure | Comments: Your point of view of this book is interesting. and your URL is done well. But I have a little bit another understanding of this book. |
Marguerite - 04/10/00 01:57:03 My Email:mags_mo@hotmail.com City: Atlanta State: Georgia Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: When I read this book, it instantly became my favorite book because Holden was very honest about being a liar and a phony. The only suggestion I would make to you is that you could have some more traits about each character in the book. AWESOME SITE! |
Ana - 04/09/00 04:05:31 My Email:Ana1@primus.com.au Country: Australia Have you read this book?: fukin oath Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 11 | Comments: I loved you web page Karim. Awsome car pics!!! you sure got style mate. |
- 04/05/00 16:12:11 | Comments: hi |
latish - 04/04/00 18:36:25 My Email:msmama60644@yahoo.com Country: U.S.A Have you read this book?: sure did Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: I think it was a nice book and I enjoyed it a lot. |
isaac ehly - 04/04/00 03:22:45 My Email:isaacehly@hotmail.com City: donie State: TX Country: 75838 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: hey, ive got an essay that i did and ill send it to u if u want it |
B$ - 04/04/00 01:14:03 My Email:xoom009@hotmail.com State: California Country: USA Have you read this book?: Most of it Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 7 or 8 | Comments: I think that you did a good deed to all of the students that have to read the book. Even though this was a past assignment. Even though you didn't go into great detail, I think that it's good that you provided the info for people that don't want to read Thx man. |
Leah - 04/03/00 22:47:27 City: portland State: oregon Country: America Have you read this book?: yep Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 11 | Comments: This book has changed my entire life. I feel like it's turning me into a character out of the goddamn book or something. After reading it, I found myself talking like Holden and criticizing everything like some kinda goddamn maniac. I've changed the wa that I dress, the way that I think and even the freakin way that I eat. The world seems more depressing to me now that I've read this book but that's how I want it. Just recently, I have begun to wish I was Holden; I fantasize about looking in the mir or and seeing a sixteen year old boy's face. I've considered a sex change and plastic surgury but as of now I don't have that much money. I fantasize about going to Pency just to be where Holden was in the story. I am now becoming confused as to how I' ever going to find someone for me. I'm going to end up a lonely old bastard with no one. I love Holden, I want to make love to him, yet i want to be him. He is the ultimate personality. |
- 04/03/00 22:33:10 City: Boise Have you read this book?: yep Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 11 | Comments: |
emma - 04/03/00 14:19:00 My Email:vi99ebeck@alsager.schoolzone.com City: cheshire Country: great britain Have you read this book?: yes- a number of times | Comments: I enjoyed your site. My own observations were that you should have more on the theme of alienation, which personally I feel is the whole book. |
Saffron - 04/01/00 12:32:28 My Email:forgetmenot_planetZ@hotmail.com City: New York City State: New York Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I thought Catcher in the Rye is just the BEST book evr! I love it and I love Holden. I fhe was a real perosn I would love him. When I read the book I felt right as if I was there shadowing him- it was great! Holden has really rubbed off on me and everyth ng I see I think- "is that phony?". I love every bit in the book but near the end when he's with Phoebe in the zoo I love that! It made me laugh and depressed and now everythiong I do it reminds of the book. I know I sound obsessed but its true! I love hi ! Just wanted to let you know that I thought this page was ex! |
Anne-Mette and Anne Marie - 03/30/00 11:18:48 My Email:annemette_82@yahoo.dk and ann-mary.moeller@sol.dk City: silkeborg Country: Denmark Have you read this book?: we are not quite finished yet | Comments: We think that it is a very good book!! And we love it!! Holden is a very strange boy, it`s not often teenagers get a nervous breakdowns so he must really hate adults and teachers. We are reading this book in English and we have just discussed Holden's view of teachers, and we had a big bang out of it!! :) |
Meg - 03/29/00 05:26:54 My Email:meganmouse5@hotmail.com City: Napier Country: New Zealand Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: As I read the book to complete an essay for school I didn't really think much of the book. I kind of thought it was a little crazy. It is not until now that I am writing the essay that I have decided that I kind of liked it. Your page has offered a different insight about the book. Well Done I think you have done an excellent job. |
Bob - 03/27/00 17:52:57 My URL:http://www.bob.com My Email:bobbob@bob.com City: Bobville State: Bobinson Country: Bobsley Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I likeed this book, it is a real eye-opener... But I didn't like the goddamn fact that Jane never comes into the picture.. I was so upset, I jammed my fork into my wrist... |
Racheal - 03/26/00 21:13:39 Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I loved this book and I find the page very helpful for a creative report I am doing. I just have two minor comments about your otherwise intelligent page. On your character Page you say that James Castle commited suicide. I think that even though he cho e to die, it was not really suicide, he felt he had no other choice and the boys who were with him, who tortured him at the time should be held at least partially responsible. As a small ,but in my opinion influentual, character in the book, he deserves little more credit than "student who commited suicide". The second is that on your theme page you haven't really even started to explore the complex nature of this novel. When you talk about the kid Holden sees running on the street you got that whole p rt completely wrong. Firstly, the kid was a boy, not a girl. He didn't think it was "DUMB" at all. He says "It made me feel better. It made me feel not so depressed anymore. Don't believe me? Refer to page 115 and see for yourself. Thanks for creati g such an otherwise informative page. Bye!!! |
Kevin Johnson - 03/25/00 21:49:24 My Email:tbtat@hotmail.com City: Tucson State: AZ Have you read this book?: Of Course | Comments: The question is, have YOU read this book? Half the info on this page is inaccurate. |
- 03/25/00 02:17:47 My Email:grizou@aei.ca City: Laval State: ----------------- Country: Canada Have you read this book?: on ch. 17 | Comments: It is an intersting website with a quick summary of the book. Thanks for the info provided in your book report. |
Jake - 03/24/00 21:28:59 My URL:http://sixstrings.deftonesweb.com My Email:headbanger13nrx@yahoo.com City: gibsonia State: pa Have you read this book?: yes it is my favorite Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 11 | Comments: i was just wondering your thought on a part in the book that troubles me when holden is talking about james castle being locked in the room and the guys did something disgusting to him what do you think they did to him?? i belive they raped him |
- 03/23/00 22:29:10 My Email:socerlw@aol.com Have you read this book?: no Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10! | Comments: Since I did not read the book and I have a huge test in 2 days, i needed answers to the book fast! This was the only web page that was able to help me. All the questions that my teacher said would be on the test was on this page. Thank you very m |
van - 03/23/00 22:15:42 My Email:v_johnson15@hotmail.com State: tx Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Thank alot this will help me write an essay on this book. thank a buch |
khaoula - 03/23/00 10:39:18 My Email:a_droplet1@caramail.com City: annaba State: alg Country: algeria Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: ok | Comments: dear i am still making research. i love the book! would u help? |
rosalyn perez - 03/22/00 22:18:26 My Email:ROSALYN5689@.com City: Brooklyn State: New York Country: United States Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: You should give a event that happen in the story that you thought was memorable |
rosalyn perez - 03/22/00 22:17:12 My Email:ROSALYN5689@.com City: Brooklyn State: New York | Comments: |
Liz - 03/22/00 16:12:10 My Email:lizzyzimmerman@hotmail.com City: St.Paul State: MN Country: USA Have you read this book?: yeppers Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: seven | Comments: You might want to try and look at your supports to your theme. They don't seem to illustrate your point very well. They're good examples, I'm just not sure if they suit the theme. Also, you might need to open up a couple of theme pages for this book, ther are so many views and themes of the world that it's impossible to sum it all up in one. I know, I"m the official stater of the obvious. |
Critisizie - 03/22/00 06:41:58 My URL:http://www.baldtaco.com My Email:coolabdul@hotmail.com City: Chi -Town State: IL Have you read this book?: YES Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -50 | Comments: Some people who wrote on this are like complete losers. like this stupid chick i think its the third or fourth one down, and what a loser i mean she is got to get a life by reading this book with in 24 hours i mean come on reading during class and shit. amn what a pathetic loser. And then there is some stupid guy who has nothing but satan on his mind i mean what a freak. and then there is some girl on the bottom like the third one and she wants a porn site set up so she goes to freaking sophmore kid to et it up for him. and for the kid who set this shit up has absoloutly no life cuz there is nothing useful on this site it would have been better to just write a goddam paper about the book. then there is another chick who wants the site to have all this rap about spelling and content of the book. now that girl defitnetly needs a life. i came to this site to find out what happens in the ending of the chapter so i wouldnt have to read all of it but this complete loser has no good info. and there are so man characters in this book you have like 10 on your site. and by the way the site suck dick, compared to my site. my site has everything for this book something you will never have. i even have a paper i wrote on there about the book and got an A for it to . you got like what? a F? or was the teacher just telling you fuck off once he saw the home page? |
Kelly Kelly - 03/22/00 04:00:18 Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Umm...sorry but for an advanced placement sophomore I would think that you'd be able to spell better. Also...a lot of the information you give is an opinion, or the view that was taken on a certain level of reading. I'm 14, and in an advanced English cl ss. We have read this book on a much higher reading and analytical level than the one presented here. This basically gives what's on the surface, and nothing really of the deep, symbollic meaning. Well it was a good try. thanks anyway. |
Peter - 03/21/00 16:19:07 My Email:info@bib-bombarral.rcts.pt City: Bombarral Country: Portugal Have you read this book?: Yes, once | Comments: I have already read this book, but to be honest I would like to know more about J. D. Salinger himself and all about his motives to write such an incredible book. thank You |
amy - 03/21/00 02:02:23 My Email:amytob@yahoo.com City: st.louis State: MO Country: US Have you read this book?: YES Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: I dont even know where do start. I read this book in less than 24 hours!! I could not put this book down, i got in trouble in my classes because i was so involved in this novel. I just kept on reading and reading. IT touched in so many ways! I Just wan to thank Sallenger for writing such a wonderful nover! THank you |
- 03/19/00 03:17:31 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: this book was good but holden should not be a role model |
matthew dicks - 03/17/00 01:35:06 My Email:mdicks7@hotmail.com City: cumberland State: maryland Country: united states Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: |
[RGS]Duckie! - 03/17/00 00:55:48 My URL:http://www.quakeclan.net/rangers City: la State: cali Have you read this book?: nope Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: ??? | Comments: OMG THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! OMG!! YOU JUST WROTE MY ENTIRE ENGLISH PAPER FOR ME I LOVE YOU! |
- 03/16/00 23:29:13 | Comments: |
RUTH - 03/16/00 08:33:06 My Email:smoke1980@hotmail.com Country: Australia Have you read this book?: Yes - Many times Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 9.5 | Comments: I am doing a university assignment on this book and i was wondering if you know of any good critic's sites that discuss this book. If so please email me. By the way excelent site. |
kaite - 03/16/00 01:06:09 Country: us Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: no answers to the quiz |
sethgirl128 - 03/15/00 23:38:56 My Email:sgfuel28@epix.net State: PA Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: The Catcher in the Rye is an awesome book. I encourage everyone to read it, although i still dont know what the 4th school was holden was kicked out of, oh well, maybe some out there can find out. Anyway cool page |
joyce - 03/15/00 10:53:17 My Email:ymjc@hotmail.com City: Rotterdam Country: The Netherlands Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: |
Jen - 03/15/00 03:30:16 State: Florida Country: US Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: The plot summary page wasn't about plot necessarily as much as it was about symbolism. There was plot about the beginning and then the very end. The theme page only showed theoretical representation with idealism, not the themes of the book such as the Am rican dream, or some other major themes in which I came here to find, but didn't. |
Jessica Rodzik - 03/14/00 01:08:18 My Email:rodz@mnsi.net State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I think it is important to add more sujested themes of the book. Although Idealism is frequent throughout the novel, many more themes linger throughout the pages. For instance, the loss of innocence should be identified on your web page to inform readers of it's significance throughout the novel. |
Meagan - 03/14/00 00:02:03 My Email:Pacsunngrl@gateway.net State: Ilinois Country: U.S.A. Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: i thought that the book was too wordy and took too much time to explain one little thing. It was a boring book and had no point. I think that the schools who have banned this book are almost right in thinking that. I don't agree that they banned it bec seu of the swearing, but because it was so boring. |
Noonian Soong - 03/13/00 20:09:00 My Email:NSoong2000@hotmail.com City: Thousand Oaks State: Ca Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I thought the book was a little dull in places, a lot of the characters should have had more depth. Mostly Stradlater and Jane Gallheger. Over it was a good read. |
satan - 03/13/00 17:57:03 My Email:jogamp@ISOC.net City: 666 State: ohio Country: usa Have you read this book?: no Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -100000000 | Comments: die you suck eat shit and die you fucking bitch go to heaven cause i dont want to see you in hell!! |
satan - 03/13/00 17:48:53 My Email:jogamp@ISOC.net City: 666 State: ohio Country: usa Have you read this book?: no Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -100000000 | Comments: die you suck eat shit and die you fucking bitch go to heaven cause i dont want to see you in hell!! |
ayrton gampfer - 03/13/00 17:29:03 My Email:jogamp@ISOC.net City: cincinnati State: ohio Country: usa Have you read this book?: no | Comments: this book sucks so much i didn't even read it. i think the auther deservies to get beat down like a mofo.this book has no uses but to whip my ass with |
lelyana - 03/10/00 04:11:03 My Email:five_and_I@yahoo.com City: surabaya Country: indonesia Have you read this book?: yupe... Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: this is a wonderful book i've ever read. i found this book incidently in my univ. library. i thought it was just a joke as the cover of its book said that 'this is an unsual book and bla bla bla'. but then i caught something's different with other book 'v read before. i like the character of holden best. he shows that people usually do phony things rather than being or thingking things as what they are. it's very rare to find the author who's able to describe how many phony thigns still done by some peopl through a very young boy. his life seems not so happy in a way but it doesn't make him to be such a bastard or something as losing things on and on like flunk from univ., his bro, allie, his gf, jane and other things. of course in a way he's very fragile but in other way he still has sense of clear thinking, so he is able to look the world as it should be. holden's character can make girl falls in love, as my friend and i did. in short, I REALLY LOVE THIS BOOK, and going to read it over. fortunately, i c n take this book to do my proposal and the final project further. therefore, i'd like to know anyone's idea abt this book, so hopefully i can consider it to be my topic of my proposal later on. so if there's anyone is interested to do it, please email me. thank u. |
- 03/09/00 23:57:27 State: MD Country: USA Have you read this book?: sadly yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -10 | Comments: Worse book ever! |
Karen - 03/09/00 06:30:05 My Email:Gavinluvr818@aol.com City: Brooklyn State: NY Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: This book is the best goddam book I ever read. I read it everyday. It is like a bible to me. Holden is the only person that I could relate to. If I knew him in person, he would understand me more than anybody. He would be my best friend. He is my role mod l. |
Emily Bartholomew - 03/09/00 03:55:32 My Email:bartholo@saberr.net City: Willits State: CA Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Catcher in the Rye is my favorite book and I was overjoyed to be able to read it for the 4th time in my 11th grade Honors English class. Never had I read anything so truthful or so page-turning. The confessional voice in which the story is written is so engossing that you feel as if you could reach out and touch Holden. It's for these readings that I have elected to do an author study on Salinger. I just finished Franny and Zoe and am looking for other literary pieces by him- preferably something out of the ordinary such as essays or speeches. If you have any ideas, please e-mail me. Thanks. Emily |
Mehran - 03/09/00 03:53:11 My Email:Mdadar@hotmail.com | Comments: please if it's possible for you, right the main points of each chapter. |
- 03/09/00 03:13:03 | Comments: |
- 03/08/00 19:58:05 | Comments: This book sucks |
fony - 03/08/00 07:54:18 My URL:http://thispagesux.com My Email:bendover@myhouse.com City: assville State: horny Country: uranus Have you read this book?: fuck you | Comments: the book is good, the page sux |
Lord of Darkness - 03/08/00 04:52:10 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/lordofdarkness_au My Email:webmaster@undertakerswwfpage.freeservers.com City: Sydney State: NSW Country: Australia Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Catcher in the Rye is truly the embodiment of a young adult's book. I can relate to this book in more ways than one and teenager's in general can also. As for your site, I'm sorry but I'm being honest (like Holden Caulfield) this page lacks integrity, inf rmation and a multitude of other things. This is one of the first sites that come up after a search for Catcher in the Rye and you should devote yourself and put effort into this page. Or have you forgotten about it? As for all those people who have been isappointed in this site goto my site: UNDERTAKER'S WWF PAGE! For themes, lyrics, news, rumors, results and WOMEN OF WRESTLING! Click on the URL and your there! For all your WWF needs. |
Jonny Martin - 03/08/00 03:06:01 My Email:jonny_04@hotmail.com City: Houston State: TX Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I am a Sophomore in an accelerated English class as well. We have a paper due on Monday (3/13/00), and I decide to start tonight. I wanted to write something on this novel, but I didn't know what. When I read your "quiz questions", I decided to write abou the role that children play in this novel (particularily affects on Holden's character). It a relatively short essay, but I would be glad to send it to you upon its completion . . . just let me know. -jonny- P.S. - The only reason I rated your page a 7, was because I did not find it very in depth. |
John Kendall - 03/07/00 16:58:40 My Email:jkendall@iful.net City: Somerset State: NJ Country: USA Have you read this book?: Many times! | Comments: Great web site! My ninth graders are just about to start reading the novel. May we have your permission to use your pages for our class? We're on spring break, so such a format would be particularly helpful. John Kendall, English teacher |
Lutz - 03/06/00 19:04:04 City: Bonn Country: Germany Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Yes, I also enjoyed reading this book. I love the way Holden analises the different characters in his superior but amusing way... This Page is not so great though. The letter for stradlater is very posy. The page-author seemes to be quite a phony guy. |
- 03/06/00 02:28:16 | Comments: |
Shane Solomon - 03/04/00 15:49:43 My Email:sheepjuice@yahoo.com City: Las Vegas State: Nevada Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: This is by far the best book I have ever read, I never got bored reading it once. Holden's theories on life can be interpreted so many different ways. I read this book in 2 days, no problem, very rare of me to do.. but anyway, Salinger is a genius! The site looks pretty nice, by the way |
zack - 03/03/00 16:29:22 My Email:zrice17@aol.com City: nyc State: ny Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: hi i am doing an essay which analyzes the idea that Holden is an individual and indipendent thinker which causes him to be an outkast from society. i need outside sources and was curios of your opinion or any possible sources please email me at zrice17@aol.com than |
Amy - 03/02/00 01:11:35 My Email:aims106@hotmail.com Country: U.S. Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I just wanna say your page was really good and I liked the book alot, I had to do a book report for my english class so I pick this book. Your book report was great! Sincerely, Amy |
Rebekah - 02/29/00 23:25:37 My Email:rebekahcabral@yahoo.com City: Royal palm bch. State: Fl. Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yeah 6 times Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10+++ | Comments: This book Rocks! I read it six times and I'm going to read it agian as soon as I remember where I put it last....KUTE PAGE!! ITS AWESOME. Oh yeah u should really put Holdens last name in it. well gotta go bye! |
Andy - 02/29/00 02:22:08 My Email:Andyleone@worldnet.att.net City: Holden State: MN Country: U.S. Have you read this book?: Yep | Comments: Holden C. is the Collest |
Matt Jarbo - 02/28/00 22:54:26 My URL:http://www.maxpages.com/jawbone My Email:mjarbo@pdxrox.com City: Lakeside State: CA Country: USA Have you read this book?: no | Comments: Hey man...wasssup? I didn't know that you made this site. I'm in Lakeside CA now...I moved down here about 3 months ago...how are things with your ass...well I just wanted to say hi...talk to you later, e-mail me sometime. Later |
Sonja - 02/28/00 17:34:53 My Email:sonja.ba@web.de City: Schw. Gmünd Country: Germany Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I had to read this book because of my advanced course of English and I must say that it's a very good book, I think it's one of the best books I've ever read in school. Tomorrow I'll have to write a test about it. I hope I'll like this book still when thi test is over... |
NewYorksDevil - 02/28/00 06:27:21 My Email:NewYorksDevil_2k@yahoo.com City: bklyn State: NY Country: USA Have you read this book?: No | Comments: I hate this book.. i had one week to do a report on it.. Minus the days i was on vacation.. I had 2 days.. and i needed to find out what the conclusion was. I dont know what it is Still!!!!! I hate this book.. put me in alot of pressure.. Bye all.. (tomorrow the thing is due) |
Heather - 02/28/00 03:56:55 My Email:www.brantman@earthlink.net City: Overland Park State: Kansas Country: U.S. Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Your missing a very big thing on you well laid out page.......a chapter by chapter summary page. I got on your website hoping to refresh my memories of reading the excellent (since it's been so long since I read it), and I coudn't find anything to assit e that much in a detailed way. The closest thing you had(which was still far) was the bshort blurb of the entire book. Try to change it for me....I really don't want to have to get Cliff's notes =( |
Star Child - 02/27/00 18:38:14 My Email:starchild4u@hotmail.com City: Timbukto State: Alaska Country: Germany Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: For the page, I think that you should put the answers to the Quiz. If they are already here, then I apologize, I haven't seen them yet. Keep up the good work. |
samantha - 02/24/00 01:54:39 City: peoria State: az Country: usa Have you read this book?: no | Comments: |
- 02/22/00 22:47:39 | Comments: this is a awsome book I could read over and over |
Amy - 02/21/00 20:39:32 My Email:Daniels07@msn.com City: Jacksonville State: FL Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: I absolutly LOVE this book,and your site really helped me understand and appreciate it even more.Thanks so much for your site! |
John Williams - 02/21/00 07:14:54 My Email:Jchar23@aol.com City: East Amherst State: NY Have you read this book?: Just finished | Comments: I'm also a high school sophomore, and I chose to read the book on my own. I think your site is lacking in comparison to others. The themes page wasn't as good as it could be. I think the book was an examination of the human condition and most certainly can't be taken at face value, although I myself am just beginning to examine the main themes. The quiz page was nice but some of the questions were irrelevant. The numerous spelling and grammar errors were a huge annoyance and the text was a little hard to read with the background. Still, you have done a commendable job putting up the site, and it's good that your getting your ideas out there, it's just that the content is a little lacking. |
- 02/21/00 06:45:01 My Email:fleige02@hotmail.com State: NE Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 8.5 | Comments: This was a great page. It helped me clear a lot of stuff up. Thanks a bunch. |
anne - 02/20/00 16:46:21 My Email:detdrideme_ihotmail.com City: stavanger State: rogaland Country: norway Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 8+ | Comments: You should check your spelling next time you put a report on the net. |
Lucia Soto - 02/20/00 14:53:25 My Email:psoto@worldonline.es City: Tres Cantos Country: Spain Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I think this is an oririginal book, out of the normal. It gives an example of howhumankind can degradate itself. I find amusing his way of thinking but I don't admire it, nor do I think it's true that we have unuseful lives. He is not happy, maybe that's hy he thinks that way, I think Holden, and anyone who thinks that way should change their lives, search for their goals in lives and try to be happy. I think that we can help other, help the world progress and make our enviroment better if we look into ou selves and learn from the world around, not shut up to it as Holden does. |
Sherrie - 02/17/00 04:41:15 My Email:ssexton51@hotmail State: KY Country: US Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Holden Caufield is 17 years old when he is telling this story; not 16. |
Bente - 02/15/00 08:17:51 My Email:haugen69@hotmail.com City: Ualand State: Rogaland Country: Norway Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: This book was a part of our syllabus, and not a book I chose of my own. But as I read, I started to like the book more and more. At the end of it, I really wanted to know more about Holden and his life. I mean, the story always end when you feel that you ave a "relationship" with the main character. In this case Holden is special. We all want to take care of him in the end. The reason for it is that we get to know him through what he does and thinks. We know the reasons to his actions. Worth reading!!!!! |
caroline tjaland - 02/15/00 08:14:41 My Email:carolinetjaland@hotmail.com City: egersund State: rogaland Country: norway Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: We read this book in my English class, and I have to admit that it was a good book.It was really amusing.Holden is so funny!!!Especially I enjoyed reading about Holden and the slut.That "just killed me"!I really miss you Holden! -When are you coming back |
Bente - 02/15/00 07:59:45 | Comments: |
kitty - 02/13/00 19:22:19 My Email:meowme@bellsouth.net City: Ocean Springs State: MS Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: To me this book is just depressing! If i wanted to hear a story like that all i had to do is talk to some of the crackheads around here. It was just a bland book in my opinion. |
Ragnarok - 02/12/00 14:44:21 State: MS Country: US of A Have you read this book?: dang skippy!!! | Comments: I think you should put more of an analysys on this page along with the bare facts. Otherwise, this is a superb page; the best I've seen by far. |
selby - 02/11/00 03:19:30 My Email:selbyblink@aol.com Have you read this book?: not yet Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 9.5 | Comments: thankz for this page/pages they are gonna help me when i hafta write a report ya know? but don't worry i won't plagerize! thanks- selby |
Jordi Mas - 02/10/00 09:29:49 My Email:laiamas@teleline.es City: Barcelona State: Catalunya Country: Spain Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I like this page, but there is a problem : there are too many inmature people writing stupid comments.I suggest you to check the page very often in order to eliminate all that stuff. The catcher in the rye is a wonderful book. It talks about adolescence. The think is that I also felt insecurity and I also was an idealist when I was sixteen, so I enjoyed reading this book because this is the best description of adolescence that I've re d in my life. |
Richard Mazzarino - 02/09/00 01:16:18 My Email:Rcmazz2@aol.com City: Clarksville State: Maryland Country: United States Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Hi Ms. Hooper! |
Franco - 02/08/00 23:17:24 My Email:none City: clarksville State: MD Country: USA Have you read this book?: in progress Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: From what I read of this site, I enjoyed it a lot. I didnt read the plot summary, because I didnt want it to give anything away, since im currently in the progress of reading it. To. Ms Hooper: I'm currently in the process of reading this book. As of now, I find it to be very interesting because of Holden's attitude towards everyone. By the way things are going it seems like he's going to get hurt or something of that sort. I can't see what happens next! |
RMHeller - 02/07/00 17:07:40 My Email:rmheller@worldnet.att.net State: Illinois Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Hi Drew, I hit your page first when I did a general search for Catcher in the Rye. It has been years since I read it in college and it remains one of the most important and compelling novels I have ever read. Your report of it was impressive, particularly in lig t of your age at the time (highschool sophmore, right?) One of your questions, about Holden's use of the word phony to describe different people in his life was excellent. The book can be very complicated and it is relevant on many levels. However, the e is also a simple truth to Holden. The "phony" people in his life seem to be those whom he perceives as having promised him something, either explicitly or implicitly, and then let him down. Phonys are the killers of idealism. Idealism for Holden see s to mean the same as trust. He no longer can trust and discourages others from trusting the people in their lives. Well, like I said, yours is the first sight I visited. Seems to me that many people share my fascination with the book and I will have to make it a point to check them out. Continued success in school. RMH |
jesus - 02/07/00 06:28:58 My URL:http://www.jesus.com My Email:god's son@heaven.net City: zion State: state of grace Country: GOD'S COUNTRY Have you read this book?: yes my son Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: follow the path | Comments: Please my son,you must not put fucking garbage on the heavenly internet...just of rthat,you'll be going to hell mother fucker. And when you get tto heaven i'm gonnna smack yo ASS SO FUCKIN HARD YOUR'RE NEVER GONNNA KNOW WHAT HIT YOU BITCH!!! I'M GONNNA CRACK YOUR SKULL OPEN AND PISS IN IT FOR GOD SAKES...EAT SHIT...PUT MUSTARD ON THE SHIT AND EAT THE FUCKING SHIT!!!!-sincerely...Jesus. |
jass - 02/05/00 23:50:58 My Email:j296@hotmail.com Have you read this book?: no | Comments: |
- 02/05/00 00:52:32 Have you read this book?: in the middle of it | Comments: This is the absolute worst work for a sophomore in high school, advanced English not to mention, that I have ever encountered. I am in advanced English also, I am a Junior this year. For one thing, shouldn't you know that "adult" and "sister", etc, are NO capitalized? C'mon, these are just basic grammar rules. Your usage of commas and other punctuation is also terrible! Did you actually read this book? Your analyzation it is so infantile and stupid! Lay off the word "depressed", for God's sake!Obviously, olden was not depressed about the world, he was merely an adolescent that had yet to discover himself. He is a social misfit and a hypocrite. He didn't like his roommate, either. Holden was insanely jealous of him while wanting to be him. What grade did y u get on this crap anyways and why in the hell would you have the nerve to post it on the internet as if it was good? I suggest that you reread this awesome book, as you are (hopefully) older and wiser now! |
MÏÑϧTR¥_LÊÅÐËR_ÑËØ - 02/04/00 02:18:54 My Email:m_neo@limpbizkit.com City: NASHVILLE State: TN Country: USA Have you read this book?: NOPE Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 15 | Comments: YOUR A LIFE SAVOR AND THIS PAGE RULES YOU SHOULD HAVE LINKS TO OTHER PAGES LIKE THIS BECAUSE THERE IS A LOT OF LAZY ASS PEOPLE OUT THERE LIKE MY SELF AND THIS IS A GIFT FROM HEAVEN!!! |
Your mom - 02/03/00 18:47:29 My Email:FuckYou @ cocksucker.com City: Ottawa State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Maybe | Comments: You can go fuck yourself!! |
gerald - 01/31/00 04:40:15 My Email:yousuck@hotmail.com Have you read this book?: NO!! Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -50 | Comments: Drew- What kind of loser would waste their time setting up a web page for a gay ass book report about The Catcher in the Rye? Only you. Get a life. |
Bob Monkhouse - 01/30/00 19:43:00 My Email:Sandrafgjh City: rethr State: tyjy Country: srth` Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Good layout. It is however a bit vague and does not contain any indepth relevant information about the novel. Despite this I still enjoyed reading your coments about "The Catcher in the Rye" |
hani - 01/30/00 18:10:58 My Email:amakhani99@hotmail.com City: abu dhabi Country: united arab emorates Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: i wantto know theit's an climas or anti climas and state the reasonswhy and discuss if the climax is plausible.and who is the protagonist and antagonist using and talking about the charcter in the in ROUND/FLAT,STSTC/DYNAMIC,UNIGUE/STEREOTYPED.and talk a out them in PLAUSIBLE,CONSISTENT,MOTIVATED. dicuss whether the main charcter CHANGE IN THE COURSE OF TE BOOK,ARE HE CHANGES PLAUSIBLE,DO THEY HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO MAKE THE CHANGE,DO THE CHARACTERS HAVE GOOD REASONA TO CHANGE THIS WAY.. and tell how succesfully or how poorly etc the author devolps characters in the novel.. and show how effectively the author develops plot in this novel.. describe which elements of the novel you will eamine in the review... and how will u feel the author develops and uses theme in the novel.. and show if the great novel,good novel,medicore,etc. and explain your topics of paragraghs2,3,4,5. and what is ur opininon.. |
Jamie - 01/30/00 14:44:38 My URL:I don't have one. but my icq # is 55155303 My Email:ja-mie@texas.net City: Austin State: Texas (ew) Country: USA!! Have you read this book?: of course | Comments: Sorry about that other entry. I'm stupid. Anyways, if you really want my opinion, which you probably don't, I think your analysis did lack...something. I also think that Catcher in the Rye is too good of a book to analyze. It most definatly means differ nt things to different people. Now, as that idea will get you nowhere in an english class, I am glad that I don't have to write this book up. Anyhow,when I finished the book I was in awe. It must take a very special person to capture so well the though s and the cries of so many Americans. Needless to say, J.D. Salinger is a genious. In a time when I was depressed and alone, Holden made me laugh (uncontrollably, almost to a point of convulsion. A tip from Jamie: never try to read this book (illegally) hile you are supposed to be doing something else. Doesn't work and your teache WILL catch you) and he eventually made me cry. Although I can't quite put into words what the novel "means" (laddyda) or its "theme", Catcher in the Rye is one of the most mea ingful,relatable, profound, and best books I have read in my life. It reached a place inside of me that I thought was unreachable. Holden- you rock. |
Jamie - 01/30/00 14:29:59 My URL:I don't have one. My Email:ja-mie@texas.net City: Austin State: Texas (ew) Country: USA!! | Comments: |
A EVRYTHING ON ONE LINE! - 01/28/00 01:22:51 Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: !! | Comments: Plot Summary Summary of the Plot: "The Catcher in the Rye" is a story of an emotionally disturbed young sixteen year old boy named Holden Caulfield. Holden is telling this story in first person, although the whole thing is all one big flashback. The story is one of a young Boy trying to g ow up in an Adult world, and trying to show that he is an Adult. As Holden is learning, there are many depressing things in the world. Holden, being the Idealist that he is, searches to find everything that needs to be changed, but never gives an alternat ve to the situation or thing. In the four total days that the story covers, Holden ends up getting himself from Pencey to New York where he and his Sister meet. While with his siter, he sees the little girl in her, so inocent to the world around her, that he thinks is so depressing. H tries to shelter Phoebe from the world by not letting her do things that he is doing. So in a sence, Holden is himself, a hypocrite, by doing particular things and then turning around and telling her not to do them. The Story really begins and ends in the Mental Hospital or Resting Home as he calles it. The story ends as Holden is talking to a Doctor as if he were telling this whole story to the Doctor. This is a symbolic ending to this story, becuase Holden always t ought that he didn't need to share His Depressing stories with other people. Also, he didn't like listening to otehr people tell him their depressing stories. Allie Holden's brother, diead of Leukemia July 18, 1946, 2 years younger than Holden D.B. Holden's elder Brother, a Poet who is now "Out in Hollywood...being a prostitute." Holden The Narrator, main character Phoebe Holden's little sister, 10 years old Miss Aigletinger Holden's Grade School Teacher Mr. Atonlini and Wife English teacher at Elkton Hills Mr. Spencer and Wife History Teacher at Pencey Prep Mr. Vinson Oral Expression Teacher at Pencey Prep Robert Ackley Student at Pencey Prep Ward Stradlater Holden's Roommate at Pencey Mal Brossard Student at Pencey Jane Gallagher Old Girlfriend of Holden's Sally Hayes A girl with whom Holden has a Date James Castle Student at Elkton Hills who committed suicide Ely Ackley's Roommate Lillian Simmons A girl previously dated by D.B. George something Andover Student, friend of Sally Hayes Carl Luce Student at Whooton Al Pike, Rob Robinson, Roberta Walsh, Richard Kinsella Various other Students Theme Page The Theme of "The Catcher in The Rye" is one of Idealism. Holden is an Idealist, he always thinks of things as they should be not as they are. Here are a few Examples of Holden being or acting like an Idealist: He thought that it was so depressing that Mr. Spencer smelled like Cold Medicine. Holden thought that the little kid running around the streets of New York while following her parents was dumb. Because her parents were not paying attention to her while she was in the street. But he didn't do anything about it. He thought that telling people all the "David Copperfield" kind of crap was depressing. Holden feels that he is an Adult, yet he still does many childish things. |
bart - 01/26/00 04:59:59 My URL:http://elbarto99.tripod.com My Email:snoblower@hotmail.com City: mississauga State: ontario Country: canada Have you read this book?: yea | Comments: honestly holden caulfield, his life is exactly like mine, although i may not be as messed up i could some how relate to everything about him in the book. even when i was in desperate needs with a girl (fucked up) he had the same problem and the girl was n my class and thats how we got together....thanks holden....this is a wicked book and although some of the language is inappropriate to teach throughout schools the book is amazing and.........(cant think of nothing more to say) |
Karl - 01/25/00 21:26:48 My Email:seib714@hotmail.com City: Houston Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Imagine your childhood as one big field of rye. Your childhood experiences are running blindly through the rye, tripping over stones, finding warm spots in the sun. Until you reach a certian age and find yourself at the edge of the cliff of adulthood. t's pretty to think that there would be someone to catch you as you fall, or even to show you the way down, but life doesn't work that way. Like the prodigal son, we all have to stubmle and fall down the cliff by ourselves or we will grow to resent the c tcher for not letting us experience life as we see fit. K! |
becky - 01/25/00 20:51:16 My Email:nekisd@yahoo.com City: st louis State: where the hell else is st louis in Country: the jinited states of merica Have you read this book?: yes!!!! Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: id give it from 1-10, a 1000000000000000000000000000000000 | Comments: wow. my friend recomended it to me, and i was uneasy about it at first. i went out and bought the damn book, thinking itd be shit. i put off reading it for a couple weeks, then i just picked it up 2 weeks ago and couldnt put it down. i couldnt believe hat they acually let high school teenagers read that kind of stuff...i mean, this wasnt even for a class or nothing either..just for the pure hell of it, and who knew. holden is like a few guys i know, and i wonder, if i was back then and met him..what k nd of shit would he rag on me about. its kinda cool to think about, but i dont know. i thought he was a little "off" at first when he kept saying things were always so depressing to him..god now THAT god depressing to me, but it was good reading. if a yone out there wants to converse about this book, itd be awesome to trade thoughts. |
jaren brown - 01/25/00 17:09:03 My URL:http://altavista.com My Email:invnba@yahoo.com City: bakersfield State: california Country: america Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: i had a hard time finding a weg site classifing catcher in the rye reviews. using yahoo i found your site easily and to be the best site. you could use a little more detail but i liked your organization and how you broke up the different categories withi the book. |
José A. Yubero - 01/25/00 15:51:37 My Email:eoi.de.móstoles@centros.6.pntic.mec.es City: MÓSTOLES State: MADRID Country: SPAIN Have you read this book?: YES | Comments: iT IS ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND PART OF THE AMERICAN CULTURE, THE REBELLIOUS SPIRIT AND THE SURVIVAL OF THE INDIVIDUAL AGAINST SOCIAL UNDERCURRENTS. |
Aleida Hinojosa - 01/25/00 01:20:58 My Email:SublimeQT7@AOL City: Corpus Christi State: Texas Country: USA Have you read this book?: YES | Comments: This was OK but have you cheked out mine? It's pretty good! But thanks for all the good info you had to offer about J.D. and The Catcher In the Rye. |
Aleida Hinojosa - 01/25/00 01:17:00 My Email:SublimeQT7@AOL City: Corpus Christi State: Texas Country: USA Have you read this book?: YES | Comments: This was OK but have you cheked out mine? It's pretty good! But thanks for all the good info you had to offer about J.D. and The Catcher In the Rye. |
Aleida Hinojosa - 01/25/00 01:13:07 | Comments: |
shawn williams - 01/25/00 01:05:42 My Email:rcoold City: sanbruno State: ca Country: usa Have you read this book?: not that much | Comments: This website is great. this site gave me alot of info. on my exam i gota b- thanks to this website peace out |
Jerónimo - 01/25/00 00:04:39 City: mexico city Country: MEXICO Have you read this book?: no | Comments: thanks for the help, this place is great. now I want to read it. A los de la escuela que esten buscando info, aquí no busquen. mejor leanlo huevones. |
T.H. - 01/24/00 06:37:58 My Email:seemsthatway@yahoo.com City: Parrish State: Alabama Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I thought the book was wonderful. For any comments or discussions please e-mail me at the above address. Thanks. |
sona - 01/23/00 03:00:21 My Email:reina6501@aol.com City: plano State: tx Country: usa Have you read this book?: YES!!!!! Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 1000000000 | Comments: I would just like to say that this is the best book i have ever read in my whole entire life and Holden thinks exactly how i think. It felt god reading it because it made me realize that im not the only one who despises this messed up world. If people j st keep it real like Holden, then the world would be a much better place. Hats off to Jd Salinger |
- 01/21/00 10:58:24 City: Madrid State: married Country: Spain Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: |
Flanders (Andrew) - 01/20/00 00:14:32 City: Ottawa State: Ontario Country: Canada, Eh! Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I just wanted to say that I loved the book, and I thought that your page helped me understand a little more about all the issues. I thank you for your help. |
Marcus Kirkwood - 01/18/00 05:15:43 City: Long Beach State: California Country: United States Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: "The Catcher in the rye" is one of the best books I've ever read. It wasnt boring at all it was very interesting. Holden's life is so similar to real life situations and I was actually relating to some of the things that he was talking about. |
Scarlett - 01/18/00 01:03:10 City: Houston State: TX Country: USA Have you read this book?: about to | Comments: Man, I like Your page but you should really makre it printable.It would completely help people out |
Kramer - 01/17/00 15:17:18 | Comments: |
unknown - 01/16/00 21:56:50 State: ontario Country: canada Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: page=1, book=8 | Comments: The book was pretty, cool ,but unfortunatly this page does not live up to its standards. It is too short full of worthless information, and without any of your own decent thoughts or opinions. You should try and expand and give us some insite on Holden nd his world, relationships and the symbolism used by J.D Salinger. next time please keep this in mind and also, do not take up valuable space with worthless information. |
Aveline - 01/14/00 00:53:31 Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I loved "The Catcher in the Rye" because it was a book that I felt I could relate to. Sometimes I think the world can be too corrupt and that maybe I would want to live in those "glass cases" in the museum so that everything would stay the same and nothin would have to change. Anyway, I think the book deserves a 9 but I gave your website a 5 because I don't think you understand the book that well. "Catcher in the Rye" has more themes than just Idealism. (hint: loneliness, corruption, how change affects others, I could go on a d on). My suggestion: read between the lines. |
Crissy - 01/13/00 07:47:30 My Email:SweetRaindr0p@yahoo.com City: Nikiski State: AK Country: USA Have you read this book?: Only about 75 times (literally) | Comments: Well I should start out by saying that Catcher In The Rye is my favorite book. I have never been emotionally involved with a fictional character but Holden changed all of that. I see it like if I could ever meet anyone with 2/3s of his characteristics I'l be completley in love. I don't want anyone thinking I'm some obsessive psycho that leads her life after the book but I did relate to it immensly. Your page was impressive in only one aspect...and that was the names of the characters you could verify. Although you didn't go into any detail about the book or the characters. I thought your page was a poor attempt at explaining anything about the book. I am soon goign to start my own page about the book and yours gave me a good impression from which to start from. If anyone out there would like any information or has comments about this post my email address is above and I also can be reached at Raininmnms@yahoo.com and my ICQ number is 53435070 |
dick solomon - 01/13/00 06:59:01 My Email:dicksolomon@hotmail.com City: rutherford State: wisconson Country: america Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: this page sux shit and is not helpful to anyone whatsoever. this is false advertising of help. get your shit together |
ash - 01/13/00 02:23:48 My Email:unique_999@hotmail.com Have you read this book?: yeppers | Comments: I loved the book, Holden reminded me of my fiance who currently lives 5000 miles away from me, not only that, but the book was filled with image and symbolism and it was fun to argue with friends what they were and ment. thanks |
Wix - 01/12/00 20:07:27 City: West Newbury State: MA Country: USA Have you read this book?: NO | Comments: This page sucks @$$ |
Javi - 01/12/00 13:56:09 My URL:http://www.javiertello.internetven.com City: Madrid State: Madrid Country: Spain (Europe y'know) Have you read this book?: A thousand times Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: Cute | Comments: It's one o'my favourites. Ilove anti-heroes like Holden. It's an essential book to live. If you think reading means live twice, readin' it is the first one. Good work. |
melissa myers - 01/11/00 20:04:04 My Email:mommalissa6969@hotmail.com City: schroon lake State: ny Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: i feel many teenagers can relate to the life of holden caulfield and how he deals with himself. |
Donna - 01/11/00 19:08:57 My Email:DDiDomenico@DanaHall.org City: Wellesly State: Mass Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes 4 times | Comments: Hey I really liked your web-site, I was just wondering if you have read the other books by J.D. Salinger and what your opinon was on them compaired to The Catcher In The Rye |
Nancy Heystek - 01/09/00 22:26:23 My URL:http://www.yahoo.nheystek.com My Email:nheystek@yahoo.com City: Kzoo State: MI Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: |
Claudia - 01/09/00 03:50:41 My Email:olco@coquinet.com City: Rio Piedras State: PR Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I like this book. Is wonderful. This book reminded me my best friend, he have the same character as the main character in the story |
- 01/08/00 18:06:29 | Comments: loved it |
Sarah - 01/08/00 18:04:23 My Email:rayito@lovemail.com City: Las Palmas de G.C. State: Las Palmas Country: Spain Have you read this book?: yeah, just finished reading it | Comments: Your page is alright, but I can't seem to get the journal entry part for some reason, and there are a few spelling mistakes...I just finished reading this fantastic book, and this page helped me a great deal to wrap the story up. THANX A LOT!!! |
Adi - 01/08/00 14:04:41 My Email:redkotz@hotmail.com City: Kiryat Malachi State: Israel Country: Israel Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: i wanted to say that this book was one of the gratest books i have ever read. thank you for making this wonderfull site which helped me a lot. keep the good work. |
Go - 01/07/00 18:56:21 My URL:U R LOser My Email:a@a.a State: PA Country: Usa Have you read this book?: Yeah Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -10 | Comments: hi |
Hilarie Young - 01/07/00 18:30:26 My Email:Brezygirl8@aol.com City: San Francisco State: CA Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I'm teaching Catcher for the first time this year. Is there a video for catcher or one that is similar to the book? Hilarie |
eivind bentsen - 01/07/00 08:35:21 My Email:eiv-b@online.no City: Oslo Country: norway Have you read this book?: no | Comments: I could need a summary of the book, if you have one, I dont know witch book i want to reed for my exam and a summary would help allot. If you could mail it to me I would be Thanks! eivind |
Marie - 01/07/00 02:22:55 My Email:Roanie19@optline.com State: ny Country: us Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: First of all i would like to start off by saying anyone that left there comments ,just filled with curses is just a sign of their ignnorance(and they probaly didnt understand the book at all.Most people,i myself can not fully understand it.i think it is o e of those books that you have to read it more than once.As for my thoughts on your home page some of the greatest authors were lousy spellers i mean who knows if Salinger had bad spelling himself.Anyway,I thought the page was alright but the book had al t of symbolyism,maybeif you readit again youll catch on to some of it.The book was about alot of stuff but I think one of the main points of the books was childrens innocence and how when you get older you become corrupt.In one point of the book holden is daydreaming and he quotes"ikeep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big feild of rye and all.and nobodys around nobody-nobody big.i mean except me.and im standing on the edge of this crazy cliff. what ihave to do,i have to to catchcatch everybody if they start to go over the cliff-imean if there running and they dont know where there going ihave to come and catch them.I'd just become the catcher and the rye.(thats were Salinger got the name of the book,but the whole point of that quote is the point of the whole story.The 2 people that holden seems to admire the most are children alie and pheobe.throghout the book holden talks about how much he admires and loves pheobebecause she is innocentand not orrupt.and he feels he has to watch over her.this is just one of the things i think .i'm sorry my comment was so long. (by the way,rye is a type of grass)- - |
Perica - 01/06/00 05:07:19 My Email:Tinysolja7@aol.com City: Los Angeles Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I liked the book, and the actual web page is nice, but something lacks in the substance. First of all, I didnt see where you even stated the author's name or gave credit to him. Second of all, you probably have excellent points, but it is lost in the gram ar and spelling mistakes that you made. This is constructive criticism and is not meant to offend anyone |
- 01/06/00 00:41:42 | Comments: |
*fReAkGiRl* - 01/05/00 04:35:55 My Email:mansonstalker@hotamail.com State: oNtARio Country: cAnAdA Have you read this book?: uHH..yA..buT i foRget it Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: thANx sOOoooOo mUCh..YOu haVE sAveD mY liFe mAn.. its liKE sUpeR late..and i nEeDed to rEfREsh mY mEmory so i cOuld do my uGLy aSs proJeCT...now i caN...thaNx a mIlLIOn maN!!! you kIck aSs!! |
Sweetie Pie - 01/05/00 01:38:35 City: Hell/Lemoore State: CA Country: PROUDLY- USA Have you read this book?: YES Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 3.555 | Comments: Well, you had a good grasp on the subject, but you obviously need to tune up your spelling. Also, the journal entry page seemed to have no purpose whatsoever. Maybe I didn't understand it, but as I read the comments others had, they didn't seem to under tand either. Thanks Though HAPPY NEW YEAR Y'All |
Charlie Rau - 01/04/00 20:55:22 My URL:http://Blah My Email:Charlie_rau@hotmail.com City: London State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes I have | Comments: I enjoyed this book and I will read it again some day. Your brake down of the story is very well done you gave me good ideas. thanx. |
u suck - 01/04/00 04:22:26 My Email:suckit@yourmom.com | Comments: You can't spell and your page is horrible. How the fuck did you get into advanced english? |
Brian Voltz - 01/04/00 00:10:40 My URL:http://geocities.com/cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry My Email:brianvoltz@hotmail.com City: Toledo State: Ohio Country: USA Have you read this book?: No Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 100 | Comments: This page helped me alot because I needed a report by tomorrow. THANK YOU!!!! |
- 01/03/00 19:40:18 My Email:danic@gmx.net Country: Switzerland Have you read this book?: yes!!! Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: hm... no comment | Comments: I don't want to say s.th. about your page, but I think the book is great and I will say hello to all my friends from my class who are looking for a summary.... no ne schöne und das isch ehrlech gseit e scheiss-page, do finget dir nüt!! |
- 01/03/00 02:57:22 My Email:Acinom42@yahoo.com State: Washington Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I don't think that you did a very good job with this website or understanding the meaning of the book. You delt with the book completely superficially, when there is so much more to Holden. All in all, the true phony in the book is person least likely o see it, Holden himself. |
- 01/03/00 01:39:03 | Comments: Learn to spell |
samara savdie - 01/03/00 01:14:04 My Email:samsavdie@hotmail.com City: thornhill State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: The book was very complex and deep. The write up however did not focus on the primary issues that needed to be addressed. An example would be how Holden feels that he lives in an evil and misguided society, when in actuality, he himself is the biggest pho y of all. (is a conformist through admitting his tendancy to lie and have drinks with "phonies".) Good book huh? |
samara savdie - 01/03/00 01:08:57 My Email:samsavdie@hotmail.com City: thornhill State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: The book was very complex and deep. The write up however did not focus on the primary issues that needed to be addressed. An example would be how Holden feels that he lives in an evil and misguided society, when in actuality, he himself is the biggest pho y of all. (is a conformist through admitting his tendancy to lie and have drinks with "phonies".) Good book huh? |
- 01/02/00 19:48:19 | Comments: |
- 01/02/00 00:39:19 State: fl Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: That letter from Holden- No way it was written by him... |
Ronan - 01/01/00 19:36:01 State: Buckinghamshire Country: England Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Absolutely fantastic book, one of my all time favourites. Your page is alright, but I can't seem to get the journal entry part for some reason, and I think that this situation should be rectified soon! I may still be getting over from a particularly large night, but nevertheless, Happy New Year!! |
- 01/01/00 14:31:32 | Comments: |
lol - 12/31/99 21:33:20 My Email:ha City: ooo State: lll Country: uuu Have you read this book?: yeah | Comments: good info the background hurts my eyes |
christy and sarah - 12/30/99 23:49:32 My Email:xxxcinderella@collegeclub.com City: surrey State: Vancouver Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Hell no! | Comments: I think this web page is nothing out of the ordinary and doesn't really stand out.The only reason i came to this web page is to get knowledge on the book so i could do a project for english 12.It helped me out a great deal, i can now peice things together wihtout reading this terrible book.Thanks if i fail, i wil blame it on you and wish i took the advice of the people who responded and said you didn't know shit! |
- 12/30/99 22:48:03 City: Hell State: Ca Country: usa Have you read this book?: no, and I still don't know anything about it... that's why I came to this site... to learn useful things about the book... too bad. | Comments: heya kiddo. I hope your english teacher didn't trash you on this one. Next time you publish something and lend your name to it try to take some pride in your work. Ya gotta stop all this capitalisation in the middle of a sentence. If theme's that important to ya tak out a whole sentence and do it up proper. Also your analysis of the book was a tad misguided, you might try reading it again in a few years so that you'll truly grasp the implications involved here. A question for your quiz, if you don't mind another sug estion, Are troubles like Holden's still plaguing young people, and old, today? It's 50 years since the book's setting but have things changed that much in the human condition? |
Zaman - 12/28/99 16:13:48 My URL:http://shut the fuck up.com My Email:ajzamana@aol.com City: Hell State: Michigan Country: Asia Have you read this book?: No Shit Sherlock Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -25 | Comments: The books okay but yo page sucks like shit |
SharkMan - 12/27/99 08:34:21 City: Los Angeles State: CA Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Coolest book i ever read. |
b_ - 12/26/99 23:19:24 My Email:b_@owned.org City: frothell State: frothell Country: united states of america Have you read this book?: yes. Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: no. | Comments: read the book next time. |
danielle - 12/25/99 22:04:06 My Email:danielle@hotmail.ca City: Lindsay State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 9...It helped me alot with my own essay! | Comments: The page: Very good info...Its helping me alot with my own essay and there is some really good stuff in here. GOOD JOB!! |
Maize - 12/24/99 00:48:47 City: jamestown State: Ny Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Personally, I thought the book was quite good. For anyone that thinks that is "sucked", well I just think that you point blank didn't understand it and never will. Everyone complains about how he complains all the time and I get so mad because they don' understand that he is "crazy", "messed up"!! That is why nothing is ever good enough for him because he doesn't understand how society works mainly because he wants nothing to do with it. My English teacher told me that the reason why he lies so much is so that he can feel better about himself which is so true. He doesn't have the balls to fess up that he will have to enter the world of adulthood wether he wants to or not. |
Nadia - 12/22/99 12:55:29 My Email:gingerpower@hotmail.com Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: this really sucks!!!u didn't understood the book at all!!!have u read the only first 20 pages or something????? Holden's an idealist 'cause he thought his teacher smells like 'cold medicine'???? what's the connection?? god,you're stupid! |
Kajsa Zachariae - 12/21/99 17:54:36 My Email:kajsazachariae@hotmail.com City: Aarhus Country: Denmark Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I think the book is really good. I was "forced" to read it inmy school, but was positivly suprised by its theme and what happens in it. Your page is a good thing. I accidently fell across it as I was writing a paper over the book. I found alot of help her , thatg couldn't have found else where. KAJSA - Denmark |
Alvaro - 12/20/99 04:21:49 My Email:cain98@hotmail.com City: caracas Country: Venezuela Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I just finished this book today and wanted to read what other people thought about it. |
Heather - 12/20/99 03:46:08 City: Lexington State: Tennessee Country: U.S>A. Have you read this book?: yeah | Comments: Your page could have had more information a few points were left incomplete but overall it was good. It was helpful with a report I am doing. I noticed that some people have chosen ignorance over intelligence--don't let it bug you, at least you aren't in mental institue having flashbacks |
Reverser - 12/18/99 14:17:15 My URL:http://www.reverser.de.cx My Email:reverser@redseven.de City: Cologne State: NRW Country: Germany Have you read this book?: twice | Comments: The comments on your page are the most interesting thing. I missed characterizations of the actors in the novel. |
Sarangan - 12/18/99 03:00:49 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi3/Sarangan My Email:Sarangan@fairnet.com City: Toronto Country: Canada Have you read this book?: of course...twice Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10......the best | Comments: I really liked reading this book. You page is very good. the this I want to say is that..I feel as if I resemble... after reading this story twice...I start realize that...holden and I feel, and react the same way... for example..I really think...adults are phony.. I don't like to seperate my self from a teen to adult... well.. thanks.. biby.. |
Eynat - 12/17/99 21:00:55 My Email:postrgrl85@home.com City: south brunswick State: nj Country: us Have you read this book?: yeah | Comments: this book is good. read it. just remember that cigerttes are not symbols or are symbolism. |
Jaya - 12/16/99 21:04:03 My Email:RetroQT126@aol.com City: East Brunswick State: NJ Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Thank you very much for creating this page. I found it very helpful and concise when creating a project on the book. |
fascinated pupil - 12/15/99 07:39:51 City: spaichingen Country: germany Have you read this book?: i will have to | Comments: your site is one of the most interesting sites we have found in the internet! it´s well-arranged and all! we will surely load your page a few more times to get more information about this book! thank you... |
- 12/15/99 04:54:51 | Comments: |
Assmaster - 12/14/99 23:38:15 City: Scarborough State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: The book was very interesting to read and I really liked it, but your site really sucked and I really hated it |
chris - 12/12/99 23:43:10 My Email:spookym96@hotmail.com State: pa Country: usa Have you read this book?: three times | Comments: i love the catcher in the rye. i think everyone can relate to this book. everyone once in a while has felt like no one cares. they feel like they will disappear before they reach the other side of the road. i truly love this book. |
Nav - 12/12/99 22:10:18 My Email:Naveed7759@aol.com City: Mesa State: Arizona Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Well I'd like to start off by saying that this page saved my english grade somewhat. Thanks. But for those people who have written rude comments such as those that use cuss words and say that this site is crappy, all I can say to you is go to school bec use you are beyond rude and you are not intelligent at all. I don't understand why you would come to a site and write completely useless criticism about a piece of literature. I think that if you had the brains to read this book then you should be able o give the webmaster constructive criticism to say what you think. Just because you dislike some of the things that he/she got out of the book doesn't mean that you have to throw a tantrum. |
I've got a question - 12/12/99 16:37:03 My Email:fred.bartel@worldnet.att.net State: MI Country: USA Have you read this book?: No | Comments: What does this quote from the Catcher in the Rye mean? "If a body catch a body coming through the rye." |
Patrick van der Hoven - 12/12/99 12:58:27 City: Amsterdam Country: The Netherlands Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: It is a very good book. |
- 12/10/99 10:14:48 | Comments: |
David - 12/09/99 22:38:59 My Email:www.kicker__11@hotmail.com City: morris State: Il Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes very good Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Would you know where to get the movie because I want to make a sneak preview of it for my English class. |
Lindsay Long - 12/09/99 14:36:44 My URL:http://www.remc12.k12.mi.us/quincy My Email:piglet_1_@hotmail.com City: Montgomery State: MI Country: United States Have you read this book?: Yes siree Bob | Comments: This is a good page, some things are left out. I'm doing a 13 page essay on this book. I was kind of looking for a thesis statement. I'm in American Brit Lit class and it requires us to read a novel for each semester. I chose Catcher in the Rye becaus I've heard that it was a good book. Was this site to help us with essays or was it just to tell you stuff? |
Jimmy Frink - 12/09/99 07:22:39 City: Houston State: Texas Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Good sophmore effort, but the report lacked a little bit of insight into what a struggle life is for people ill equipped to handle it is. Holden is not tragic in the sense that he is not in a tragic situation. he is tragic in the sense that he is overwhelmed, and fails to know this in time to avoid much of the pain he experienced. |
Steve D'Angelo - 12/09/99 00:35:23 City: Phila. State: P.A. Have you read this book?: NO Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Everything I wanted to know about the book. Thanks alot, if i could i would rate this page a 100!!!! |
- 12/03/99 02:21:10 City: Glendale State: ca Country: usa Have you read this book?: no | Comments: why was the book, banned in America after it's first publication? "what was the controversy!" |
- 12/02/99 15:53:23 | Comments: |
jimmy - 12/02/99 05:15:03 My Email:swtavenue@hotmail.com City: Orange State: CA Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -46 | Comments: I thought your page sucked and I rather have fun fucking a donkey than viewing it. eat a dick. xoxo jimmy |
EGGBOY - 12/01/99 22:16:04 My URL:http://U-R-a-loser.com Country: Mexico Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: HAHAHAHA. You probably saw the other comment of the copyright guy. Since I first saw this shitty page I knew it was headed for that. You are Busted! If first I thought you were pathetic, now I am sure you are a fucking gay American who needs to buy a bra n. FUCK U BITCH, and I hope you get what you deserve for plagirizing! |
Ally - 11/30/99 00:42:52 Country: U.S Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Josh, thanks for your page it helped me get some answers to questions, because I have a test on it tomorrow. Thank you so much and keep up the good work! Ally |
Robert B. Kaplan - 11/30/99 00:27:33 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/3126/quiz.html City: Lincoln State: Nebraska Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I have proof that your a phony. You knocked me out when I saw your page. Then I realized that your a flitty moron. Kid, I have proof that you plagiarized out of Salinger's Catcher in the Rye Cliff Notes. I am following up this e-mail with ones to your school and ones to Cliff Notes Inc. if you do no remove that phony information off your web site with in 30 days. - Robert B. Kaplan, Ph.D. University of Southern California |
- 11/29/99 19:17:26 | Comments: |
Zhong Zheng High School - 11/29/99 09:13:26 City: Taipei Country: Taiwan Have you read this book?: yes! Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 8+ | Comments: The following are a collection of responses to The Catcher in the Rye. The writers are a group of English as a Foreign Language high school teachers from Taipei, Taiwan. They read the book during the summer, and in the fall discussed and analyzed the mean ng of the book. As their group facilitator, I have posted their writings and comments here. All participants have agreed to this posting. Misspellings and typos are my responsibility. Megan Montgomery megeranksi@excite.com English as a Foreign Language Instructor National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Reading through the pages, we really have a hard time finding the truest truth in life. Through Holden’s eyes, we spent four days with him, and yet we are given a chance to take a close look at ourselves. To our surprise, we find ourselves to be just the phonies" Holden keeps on criticizing. We preach one thing, but act another. We encourage other people with the sweet words we ourselves never believe. We encourage other people to do something which we never try ourselves. We are not brave enough to say w at’s really in our minds. We are not brave enough to behave against others. Are we happy? Are we insane? Who knows? Maybe it is just as well that we are not ourselves sometimes. Sohie Su Like a teenager, Holden was curious about sex. He tried to act like an adult who would have a prostitute release him from his desire. However, physical sensation isn’t the cure-all for his depression. He is more empty than lonely. A couple of minutes of c mpanionship won’t fill his emptiness. Even with Sunny on his lap, he did not cheer up or even get excited. What he was bearing was a lot bigger burden than he could imagine. Isadora Lin If Holden lived in this age, we might not regard him as an abnormal young man, because we see a Holden to some degree in most of the young people around us. To me, it seems inevitable to struggle through the mental disturbances and confusion before a youn teenager turns into an adult. That’s what Holden and most young people have been going through. Eunice Shih I am much different from the "me" who read "The Catcher in the Rye" ten years ago. The younger one, with no teaching experience, considered Holden nothing more that a character in a novel. But now, with several years’ teaching experience, it seems that Ho den behaves like some of my students; in fact, he might be one of my students! Bedsides, Holden reminds me of the lyrics: "Even though I was really young at the time All my pain and tears were genuine. Mom, please take them seriously Mom, don’t think that they were not real." Both Holden’s and my students’ sufferings, I believe, are real. Rita Lin "The Catcher in the Rye" is a novel written in a monologue criticizing the dark side of human nature from the viewpoint of a 16-year-old boy, Holden Caufield. Being an under-achiever expelled from school, Holden not only loses enthusiasm for his life, bu also his faith in the bright side of humanity. It is true that no one is perfect in this world, but it is not necessarily that every human is vicious, or a hypocrite; in other words, there is no absolute good or evil. Teenagers tend to judge things or p ople in binary opposites – good or evil. They have very radical emotions, which are always hard to control. When they love someone or something, they cannot resist it. If they hate someone or something, they also cannot help doing so. When they encounter ny difficulties, they usually do not know how to solve them and tend to escape from them just like Holden Caufield in this book. This book brings about a serious issue, which deserves out great concern. We should pay more attention to our adolescents, try to understand what they are thinking about and offer our assistance when they are in trouble. We should let them know we care mo e about them than we care about their academic achievements. Alice Chen While reading the story, my thinking was constantly interrupted by Holden’s monologue. Paranoid, ironic and angry at the adult world, Holden attempts to dive into his own ideal world and shut out all the phonies. Though the theme is obvious and repeated t rough the whole process, I think Holden has made a mountain out of a mole hill. The adult world is no big deal, actually. One can still keep innocent and keep their ideals in the adult world. And I myself don’t feel that there are so many phonies around m as Holden thinks. Alice Chiu Holden is an oppressed, lonely and angry boy. He doesn’t interpret things in the normal way. He has his own insights, which are not accepted or understood by others, not even by his own parents, and that’s why he is sent to the mental hospital. I think he is an idealist, is very naïve and unrealistic. Furthermore, I think he is a humanist with great love and that explains why he is so lonely and angry seeing all the unjust and unfair stuff around. He just can’t strike a balance between the ideal and the re listic world. He is in a sense a so-called "tragic hero", trying to fight against all forms of hypocrisy with his limited, unaided strength, and no matter how humble and miserable, he is, he just won’t give up this mission. He thinks it would be beneath h s dignity to compromise with the "phony" and "disgusting" reality and as a consequence, he is rejected by the reality, too. This book offered some food for thought. It reminded me of my adolescence, most of which I managed to forget. I was cynical and sensitive just like Holden. I tried to find answers to the chaotic world I was facing from books, so I did some profound readin at that time. I concentrated my time and energy on schoolwork, and my good grades gave me a kind of satisfaction and a sense of achievement which to some extent served as a compromise to the real world. I am really glad that I have ridden out that stormy period of my life. Also as a teacher, I now doubt whether I should preach what I myself cannot follow. As Holden would think, if teachers can’t practice what they preach, they are fakes. I don’t want to be a fake, so maybe I’ll just stop nagging my students, teaching them s many philosophies of life which I cannot carry out myself. Eunice Wang. |
- 11/28/99 22:01:08 City: Toronto Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Your page is quite good and I applaude you for putting your work on the internet where others can criticize you to death. I appreciate all the sections you've created, but I disagree with your idea of the theme of the story. I do not feel it is idealism at all. I truly think it is more along the lines of Holden's fear of becoming an adult. He dislikes most adults he meeets, it seems, and he doesn't want to become one of them, a "phony". I think you should add a few more ideas to support your view on he theme, so that fewer people will be harsh towards your opinion. As long as you can convince them they can't really tear you apart. Great work though, it has helped me a fair amount. |
Jason DeVries - 11/27/99 23:53:42 My Email:puppies_on_acid@excite.com City: Winnipeg State: Manitoba Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I thought the page was pretty good except you totally missed the whole reccuring theme of Holden wanting to protect the innocence of children. He slowly breaks down as the "good" representative in the good vs. evil against corruption and at the end is sen to a Mental Hospital. His fights with Maurice and Stradlater, who are symbols of corruption, (because Maurice is a pimp and Stradlater is phony)he loses. After his fights he turns his hat backwards. In the days of this novel the only people who wore thei hats backwards were backcatchers in baseball. Holden feels that change is bad and displays this through his choice essay topic of egyptians. He refers to the preservation of the mummies, so they wouldn't change. This is also why he likes the museum. Thin s are always the same. He, however, is astonished to find that everywhere he goes someone has written "Fuck you". This bothers him because it is change. He likes the carousel because the music doesn't change and everything looks the same. He later realize that when Phoebe is riding the carousel that he cannot keep children from growing up and becoming "corrupt". This is when he breaks down. This site is very good and I hope this information can help you! Thanks! |
Jason DeVries - 11/27/99 23:53:34 My Email:puppies_on_acid@excite.com City: Winnipeg State: Manitoba Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I thought the page was pretty good except you totally missed the whole reccuring theme of Holden wanting to protect the innocence of children. He slowly breaks down as the "good" representative in the good vs. evil against corruption and at the end is sen to a Mental Hospital. His fights with Maurice and Stradlater, who are symbols of corruption, (because Maurice is a pimp and Stradlater is phony)he loses. After his fights he turns his hat backwards. In the days of this novel the only people who wore thei hats backwards were backcatchers in baseball. Holden feels that change is bad and displays this through his choice essay topic of egyptians. He refers to the preservation of the mummies, so they wouldn't change. This is also why he likes the museum. Thin s are always the same. He, however, is astonished to find that everywhere he goes someone has written "Fuck you". This bothers him because it is change. He likes the carousel because the music doesn't change and everything looks the same. He later realize that when Phoebe is riding the carousel that he cannot keep children from growing up and becoming "corrupt". This is when he breaks down. This site is very good and I hope this information can help you! Thanks! |
jon - 11/27/99 20:03:54 My Email:jonathanholcomb@hotmail.com City: clovis State: new mexico Country: us Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: just read the book. related well with it, but it left me wondering about the full meaning that the author was trying to say. if you know please share the knowledge. one more thing, at one part in the site you mentioned the kid, with the parents who didn't pay attention,as a girl. I believe the kid was a boy. |
ben dover - 11/25/99 17:59:58 My URL:http://bloddyhell.com My Email:suckmyass@hotmail.com City: toronto Country: canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: i can't believe they allow shit like this on the internet, this is worse than porn |
Ginny - 11/23/99 23:14:29 City: Chicago State: IL Country: U.S.A. Have you read this book?: Yes, 7 times | Comments: This page was O.K. It could have been a little more in depth. |
D-Rex - 11/23/99 19:38:09 My Email:bugs911@hotmail.com City: Toronto Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -10 | Comments: This was a shitty web site because there was no info on this dumb book. And I think you should read the book again because you are full of shit. |
Jocee Burke - 11/21/99 03:40:57 My Email:angelgrljp24@aol.com City: denver State: colorado Country: usa Have you read this book?: yep | Comments: Personally, I expected more from this web site than it gave. I was looking for info that would help me on my essay and I found none. The info you gave was info anyone could find if they read the book. And I really dont think you understand Holden or wh t he represents to society. In the words similar to Holden," This site is phony. Its full of crap. Phony stuff always is." |
Eugene - 11/21/99 00:49:02 My Email:Solidous16 City: Brooklyn State: NY Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: you can't imagine how much u helped me. i'm a junior at Brooklyn Tech High School and I had the same exact assignment. thanks a lot! |
Dave - 11/20/99 18:39:06 My Email:Eso@vancouver.net City: vancouver Country: canada Have you read this book?: 3 times | Comments: Great page, helped me out a bit. I wish you had explored the symbolism, but what are you gonna do, right? |
YOur nigHtmaRe - 11/19/99 01:32:27 My URL:http://www.usuck.com My Email:trustno1atall@hotmail.com Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I just want to say this page was BULLSHIT! You are definitedly a fucking american boy that doesn´t know what the fuck you are talking about. Really, you confused the whole fucking book and didn´t really understand it, man you are pathetic indeed! |
Edwin Guerra - 11/19/99 01:26:34 My URL:http://habitantes.elsitio.com/alienegg/ My Email:trustno1@conecta.com.mx City: Mexico City State: DF Country: Mexico Have you read this book?: I´m in the process... | Comments: I haven´t finished the book but I can say it is a great one. About this page, well it is CRAP, Its bullshit and I can´t believe some people actually say ¨thanx so much it really helped me¨ because it is the cheapest shit I´ve seen around the web for a whi e. Thanx 4 nothing! |
Caprice Massak - 11/18/99 16:13:50 My Email:capi@cable.vol.at City: Dornbirn State: Austria Country: Vorarlberg Have you read this book?: Yes, I think 10 times! Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: I really love the book! For my final exam I took the Topic "The catcher in the Rye". This pages are really good for somethin like that! A lot of informations, really great! Go on like that! |
Pikaboo - 11/18/99 02:57:42 My Email:Megaman200@xoom.com Have you read this book?: Yes I have | Comments: This book didn't do much for me. It was basically full of crap. |
lisa goog - 11/17/99 12:33:58 City: london, Country: england Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: very good. straight to the point. intriging and it pays the book justice. |
Jon - 11/17/99 00:33:39 My Email:jonloge@aol.com City: montrose State: ny Country: usa Have you read this book?: no Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: this was the best page i am so happy that u made it because i didn't read the book and you made it easyer for me thanks soooooo much |
Pellé - 11/16/99 15:19:39 My Email:bengan@hotmail.com City: stockholm Country: sweden Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: It's the worse book i've ever read!!! How can anybody want tom make a page about it? The resaon I found it was because I have to make a special project about it... |
- 11/15/99 07:09:03 Country: Sweden Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Are you sure it was a mental hospital he ended up in???? I must have missed that part somehow... |
Desiree Brafford - 11/15/99 02:40:04 My Email:DCDBraff@aol City: San Antonio State: Texas Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: This was such an awesome thing to do, it has really helped me alot, in remembring a little bit about the book. I am a senior in high school, and i read this book when i was a sophmore and dont remember much about it, and this semester i am going to do a ittle project on a book, adn decided to pick this book since i had already it, but when i started on it i remembered not much about it, so i resorted to the internet and found this, which has helped me so much. thank you for doing this and it is so aweso e. i have only one question... did you make up the "letter to Stradlater from Holden, or was that in the book? i looked for it but couldnt find it...just wanted some info on that. this is awesome hope you got a good grade on it. thanks for the help. |
Mike - 11/15/99 02:07:20 My Email:rather not say City: - - State: - - Country: Delaware Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: The site itself was pretty weak, it had a myopic view of the book and i don't think you understood it at all. Thank god people in the comment section set you straight or else I would have failed with the information you gave me, so I give the comment sec ion a 10 (only because of the accurate info, not the ludicrous and derogatory comments) and the actual site a 4. Good job otherwise! |
Phreaker - 11/14/99 15:09:18 My Email:Dimeaminute@netzero.net Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: You missed the very important theme in this book which was the transfer from childhood to adulthood. This book wasn't just about a humorous and depressed young man, but Holden's struggle in becoming an adult. I think you should also add deeper character t aits to the characters you listed. Theres so much more to say about Holden and his sister than just the fact that they were sisters. I recomend reading the book again when your older so that you can appreciate the book better |
- 11/12/99 00:11:34 | Comments: |
Liz brooker - 11/11/99 18:33:30 My Email:lizbrooker@hotmail.com City: winnipeg State: manitoba Country: canada Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I actually enjoyed this book. this paged helped me because i didn't understand some certain stuff in the book. I would recomend it. |
s.griess - 11/11/99 12:18:17 My Email:s.griess@sielkamp.etc.tu-bs.de State: Germany Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Hi!! I need an information...the title "catcher in the rye" is taken from a poem..who wrote it?? Please answer quickly, I have to know ist until Monday 16th. |
Joel Hartse - 11/11/99 10:33:44 My Email:nertles@yahoo.com City: Seattle State: WA Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Did you actually read this book? I read it as a sophomore in high school, too. I'm afraid you've missed the entire point. I don't want to sound like a jerk, but I believe that this site is severely misleading, incomplete, and unjust to Salinger's great work. Please reread the book- without the benefit of Cliffs Notes and all- and think some more. |
- 11/10/99 22:35:47 | Comments: |
Jonathan Krantz - 11/10/99 19:47:02 My Email:Kranzen@hotmail.com City: Stockholm State: uppland Country: Sweden Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: A very good book, but I cant understand why Holden didnt fuck the hocker |
bec - 11/10/99 09:32:59 My Email:beckz30@hotmail.com City: melbourne State: VICTORIA Country: Australia Have you read this book?: yup | Comments: cool, helped me with my exam, although i wish u would of put an answer page on it |
cj - 11/08/99 21:40:56 My URL:http://www.go.to/z3us My Email:icase_11@yahoo.com City: anonymous State: anonymous Country: anonymous Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: This page is well organized and neat in a way. But in a way it lacks the detail, the information that is covered in the 4 day period of this book. It would be much better and consice if you were to add more specific detail containing Holden,Phoebe, Stradl ter, and Ackley. There are many important keyfact in this book. Many symoblic messages. IF u havnt figured that out yet, i suggest reviewing the book, for the book lyes the true meaning of life and everything in it. In conclusion i must say this webpage h ve many misspelled and gramatical errors. I hope you take a note of that and fix the damages on this page. Yours Truly anonymous. |
hordur - 11/08/99 21:32:08 My Email:jon@jon.is Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: |
Joanna - 11/08/99 10:36:50 My Email:joey@get2net.dk City: Copenhagen Country: Denmark Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Great book! I read it when I was 16 now again when I'm 30...and I still love it :) It's one of the books that learn one about life. |
Nosh - 11/08/99 02:46:00 My Email:paki_girl81@hotmail.com City: Toronto State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: |
nxcg - 11/07/99 20:52:13 | Comments: u need to put the answers to the quiz somware |
liz - 11/07/99 19:05:04 My Email:dyslexik@yahoo.com City: hammond State: IN Country: USA Have you read this book?: yup | Comments: i think that the character page should be more detailed (i.e. tell the importance or how the character affected the story) your journal page isnt working. i also think that you should have links to other Catcher in the Rye pages, so people trying to find ore than one source or trying to get more than one opinion can. overall i think the page is good and it looks like you put a lot of time into it, good job. |
James Plumb - 11/07/99 02:57:32 My URL:http://1.gs/plumb My Email:undisclosed City: Edinburgh State: N/A Country: Scotland Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: A very comical book in which Holden is very troubled and distressed. Especially liked the scene in chapter 12 with the 'ducks & fish'. |
Dave Smith - 11/04/99 16:05:05 My Email:singleshot_20@yahoo.com Have you read this book?: no | Comments: I would really like to stay on the e-mail list so that I could get further help on my papers. |
Ellen Pauline - 11/04/99 04:04:54 My Email:elenore27@hotmail.com Have you read this book?: No | Comments: I appreciated you site very much for my freshman english class I was assigned to read a book one of my friends suggested the catcher in the rye so I decided to read it and then I didnt read it, tomorrow I have a test over the book that counts for a large ercentage of my English grade, I used your site to study for the test Thank you very much for writing it most of the other sites I found about the book asked many questions and gave no anwsers. Later I might update you on how I do on the test Thank You Much, Ellen |
Lauren - 11/04/99 03:17:39 My Email:Stellie5@aol.com City: hudson State: oh Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes, many times | Comments: I think it's a pretty good page, but how can you go wrong, it's on my favorite subject, my favorite book. I enjoyed lots of stuff but your theme page is a little wacked (are you sure about the idealist thing?) and the letter from Holden to stradlater was totally wrong. The thing I love best about this book is Holden's voice, and it wasn't in the letter. A good idea, though, and the letter did have some good points, I think many of the ideas included were along the right lines. Over all, a good page. I njoyed the question page, it really made me think. Thanks. |
- 11/04/99 02:26:43 | Comments: |
Cal Statford - 11/04/99 02:19:36 My Email:A_CUTE_DUDE5@yahoo.com City: Nowhere State: OK Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes, like 20 times | Comments: People rated your page rather harshly. Even though there are many misspelled words, any mature could realize that the value of this page is great. The Catcher in the Rye is my fovorite book and anyone that has the patience to write a report on it and de ign a web page deserves a great deal of credit. More so than most inmature teenagers, whatever your name is realized the book has many, many meanings and looked at it in a very adult like way. I think this is an okay website worthy of notification by mo t high schools. I willl surely recommend the site to my teacher. Thamk you. |
Hairy Dick - 11/04/99 00:57:24 Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: shit | Comments: Your site was the biggest piece of crap that I have ver viewed in my whole entire life. i am a junior in high school and I came to this site looking for some helpful information to write essay. Instead I mumbled through a list of completely mispelled word that appeared as if a third grader had wrote them. Also, your plot summaries and themes are very off topic and so incredibly simplified that it seems like you must definitely have the mind of a five year old trapped in a sophomores body. Thank you for ut erly wasting my time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Hairy Dick - 11/04/99 00:54:14 | Comments: |
Hairy Dick - 11/04/99 00:53:41 | Comments: |
Babe - 11/03/99 23:17:13 City: winnipeg Have you read this book?: yup | Comments: cool book |
Allen Song - 11/03/99 18:30:19 My Email:kxpynguk64@aol.com City: El Sobrante State: CA Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: I feel that Holden is just another boy stuck in the hardships of adolescence and because of his personality, it is a lot harder for him. He has a very pessimistic view towards everything and he feels a need to preserve innocence and ignore reality. It r ally impacted me in the end when he finally realizes that you must let children loose their innocence because that's the way the world works. I really enjoyed this novel because it had a lot of symbolism and everything seemed to represent some indirect t ing. I am still curious about why this book is banned in some schools and all that John Lennon stuff, but i do feel that this is a good book for anyone to read. It is a very meaningful book and will change the way you look at everything if you take it t e right way. |
Lindsay Keys - 11/03/99 01:55:30 My Email:LindsK1134@yahoo.com City: Beaverton State: Oregon Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I thought that the page was fairly helpful but I thought it could be better. By the way I live In Beaverton yeah well I just thought that was pretty cool I guess. |
ryan - 11/02/99 03:54:41 City: surrey State: b.c. Country: canada Have you read this book?: no | Comments: Thanks for the help on the homework and i hope the story is good when i read it.. |
Grant Robertson - 11/01/99 22:55:10 My Email:grant_robertson City: Toronto State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 1.5 | Comments: I do not like this page. The information given on it is incorect and there are too many spelling errors. If someone has the time to make a web page they should make it right. |
anh le - 11/01/99 00:18:56 My Email:al@hotmail.com Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I want to know What happens to Holden at the end of the novel? A critic says that this is a truly ironic ending because of what Holden represents and what society represents in this novel. "Caulfield doesn't belong in the booby-hatch, any more than Hedda abler would if she had bungled." Support or reject this view of Holden's sanity. |
anh le - 11/01/99 00:16:45 My Email:al_150@hotmailcom Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I want to know What happens to Holden at the end of the novel? A critic says that this is a truly ironic ending because of what Holden represents and what society represents in this novel. "Caulfield doesn't belong in the booby-hatch, any more than Hedda abler would if she had bungled." Support or reject this view of Holden's sanity. |
GLee - 10/31/99 20:33:46 My Email:gyl1202@hotmail.com State: NY Country: USA Have you read this book?: no.. | Comments: I have a report due tomorrow and i didnt read the book yet..im screwed! Someone help me and give me something to write about..pleasE!!! email me.. what's the rye Neway?! |
mok - 10/30/99 09:10:47 Country: Switzerland Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: it's a good book. |
- 10/29/99 14:40:25 | Comments: |
Jay colins - 10/28/99 20:20:59 Country: canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Well I never knew he ment Mental hospital! that changes a lot in my point of view. I did not particulary like this book, he never called jane!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would have given it a 6 if he "gave Jane a buzz" |
Frank - 10/27/99 22:30:51 My Email:flemieux6@hotmail.com City: St-Jerome State: Quebec Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Doing it | Comments: What is the "rye" |
H - 10/27/99 13:50:59 Country: UK Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: The best book i'v ever read and i'v read an awful lot. |
Robert Barrios - 10/26/99 16:53:22 My Email:Don't have Any City: Mamaroneck State: N.Y Country: United States Have you read this book?: part of on chapter 13 | Comments: I have a question on chapter 13. The question is: Why does Holdon think of himself as a coward? Do you think he is a coward |
amiss - 10/22/99 21:25:12 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: pretty good webpage did u like the book; i didn't! |
Stephanie - 10/22/99 03:48:05 City: Fremont State: CA Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 9.5 | Comments: Thank You for sharing your view of this book with me. I appriciate your opinion. And as for all of your negative and imature critics tell them to try to come up with something as interesting and intriging as this web page. |
Gorila - 10/21/99 23:56:25 My Email:Gorila4@hotmail.com Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Good page, but you never mention half the hidden agendas of the story, like what the Rye really is and why he stops people from falling, there playing baseball like children do and them falling off is kids becoming adults, phonies, something he hates, his dream is to stop people from becoming these so called phonies. |
chantel - 10/21/99 18:10:53 City: wpg Country: canada Have you read this book?: in prosses Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: well organized, very thought out, and it helped me understand it a little better. |
Ray - 10/19/99 02:59:46 My Email:venisenvy@prodigy.net City: SB State: Cali. Country: U.S.A Have you read this book?: a few times | Comments: First of all the person that said niggers suck can suck a left nut. And if you have anything to say to me, e-mail me. Second, to the author, your site may not cover everything there is in the book but it's your summary, dont listen to these phony bastar s that come to your site and criticize it. This is your over view of the book and if they dont like it, they shouldn't have even visited your site. |
- 10/18/99 05:43:23 | Comments: |
jack ass - 10/15/99 15:13:00 My URL:http://www.the_catcher_in_the_rye_sucks.com/sucks.html My Email:the_catcher_in_the_rye_sucks@hotmail.com City: Puke State: Penis Country: United States of idiots Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -5 | Comments: I tihnk this books sucks and is the worst in the world. If you disagree with me than e-mail me at the_catcher_in_the_rye_sucks&hotmail.com |
- 10/14/99 21:51:17 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Your page sux, allwhat you've wriitten is useless, the only part that helped me was some of other peoples comments. You suck |
dirt - 10/12/99 23:39:40 My Email:BenSBev@aol.com City: Richmond State: VA Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Niggers Suck |
dirt - 10/12/99 23:38:48 | Comments: |
Lori - 10/10/99 18:58:06 My Email:Lor2383@aol.com State: MI Country: US Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: this page is good, but i was wondering if you could help me with this question: "Critics claim that the book promotes running away from problems and the use of profane language. How does Salinger respond to these charges in the novel itself?" If you can not help me with this question that is ok, but do you know of any good extended quotes from this book that explain why Holden uses such profane language? THANX for the help! |
Isabel - 10/10/99 16:49:33 State: NY Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: This was definitely one of the best pages I've seen on the Catcher in the Rye. It really helped me with the English project that I'm doing. I think that you should expand your themes section. A piece of literature can have multiple themes and motifs. ther than that... great job. |
Isabel - 10/10/99 16:46:22 State: NY Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: This was definitely one of the best pages I've seen on the Catcher in the Rye. It really helped me with the English project that I'm doing. Thanks a bunch! |
Heather - 10/08/99 01:33:22 My Email:BabyGrlHW@aol.com State: Maryland Country: US Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I disagree with your theme. I also believe that the theme is how Holden losses his innocence. Good work on the other things, use spell check though. |
- 10/07/99 22:59:21 City: Philadelphia State: Pennslyvania Country: U.S.A. Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: The site's a good idea, but you're missing SO much. Go back, reread the book, nothing you've said is really relevent. |
Priya - 10/06/99 22:25:23 My Email:cabbie13@yahoo.com City: Brandon State: MAnitoba Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Hi i totally familirze my self withthe character of Holden Caulfield, and i think you did an ok job.. its juts bothers me taht some of thsoe comment you recieved were actually made, i cant beleive the gaul some ppl have. But is obvious that can not back w at they say, b/c they left no email address, so trust me man, you gotthe upper hadn.. way to go... neat idea.. Take care Love adn PEace Priya |
Sean Cole - 10/05/99 20:20:20 My Email:kiss_my_asscot@rocketmail.com City: Crown Point State: In Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: I think it is funny that my Advanced Sophmore english teacher, also Mrs. Wilson, assigned the same assignment to me.......its kinda freaky |
Mike Craghead - 10/05/99 17:53:45 My URL:http://www.northcoast.com/craghead My Email:craghead@northcoast.com City: Eureka State: California Country: USA Have you read this book?: many times... | Comments: Hi! I'm a musician about to release a new CD. The Title track, "Straight With You," is about Holden Caufield. on my site, I have lyrics and a RealAudio stream of the song. Thought you might be interested! Take Care Mike Craghead http://www.northcoast.com/craghead/ |
- 10/05/99 01:12:48 | Comments: Learn how to spell. I read the exact same summary on another webpage. I don't remember Holden speaking to a doctor in the end! |
mule - 10/03/99 22:28:47 My Email:shotgun City: paper State: mill Country: us Have you read this book?: going to. Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: can;t say yet | Comments: going to read this book . just glad to find something about it on the web . good job kid . |
Mohammed Adnan - 10/02/99 21:37:12 My Email:adnan_74@hotmail.com Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Hey, my name is Adnan. I am from Canada. I just want to say that your homepage is very cool. I would give this page 10 if there was picture of the place where the ducks were. I would just like to know what you think of Mr.Antolini. Was he just patting Holden's head because he cared for him or something else. I had another problem understanding, does he believe in God? One time he doesn't and other time he does. E-mail me your thouhgts at this e-mail address adnan_74@hotmail.com Thanks. I would really appericiate it. |
Chanel - 10/02/99 19:43:00 My Email:channelpp@hotmail.com City: Geneva State: ------------ Country: Switzerland Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: You do not really take the slant in his tone. Pg 173, Holden talking to Phoebe saying "Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big feild of rye and all....What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go ov r the cliff..." Read it over and it is really quite significant, it is the first time he reveals himself as innocent and confused missing his childhood. That is the where the title of the novel comes from. |
Michael Rodakis - 09/30/99 02:19:43 My Email:mrodakis.yahoo.com.br City: Recife State: Pernambuco Country: Brazil Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Your page really helped me in my book report. The book is one of the best books I have ever read, so thanks |
XXXXXXXXX - 09/23/99 03:06:35 My Email:XXXXXXXX City: XXXXXXXXX State: XXXXXXXX Country: XXXXXXXX Have you read this book?: XXX Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -99999999999999999999999 | Comments: X |
- 09/19/99 23:44:55 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: You're page sucks. it has unhelpful informations that no one cares about like you're quiz and the letter that Holden writes to Stradlater is so unrealistic. Holden wouldn never have written that piece of crap. Thanks for wasting my time and energy on t is crappy page., |
- 09/16/99 20:25:55 | Comments: |
mary - 09/07/99 22:12:53 My Email:vixendixon@yahoo.com City: tally State: fl Country: us Have you read this book?: yes, many times Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: no rate | Comments: Regardless of what some of the other people thought about your page, I liked it. I've read the 'Catcher in the Rye' three times now. Each time I see more and more further into the book. Using a webpage as a bookreport was a pretty sharp idea. I don't what the teacher wanted, but I like it. Those of you who didn't like this page, there are over 9000 other sites to this book, look at them. |
- 09/06/99 01:56:18 My Email:lawnbobkb@yahoo.com | Comments: What I do not like is that you can not print out the material. |
- 09/03/99 19:48:13 My Email:winger82@hotmail.com Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -10, -10 as sucking | Comments: Your page is very unhelpful to me and my asg. I'm trying to find the places holden visited in NYC and your giving a bunch of Crap and a stupied pointless quizz about something I need to know nothing about. Thanks for wasting my valuble much needed time. |
- 08/24/99 20:33:35 My Email:homer14435 City: don't know State: mass Country: us Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10000 | Comments: what does the title mean oh yeah great page |
BOB - 08/24/99 02:43:31 Have you read this book?: YES | Comments: I think you really missed the point of this book |
laura - 08/02/99 14:25:41 My Email:yousuck@suckup.com Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: first of all you have the theme way wrong- what grade did u get on that paper anyway?? if that had been handed in the my 9th grade english teacher she would've failed you!!! basically your report is a bunch of bull that you made up because you obviously d dnt understand the book |
- 08/02/99 01:17:08 | Comments: I never understood this damn book and your crappy summary didn't help. |
Paige Sutherland - 07/25/99 22:22:27 City: Sydney Country: Australia Have you read this book?: Nope | Comments: I really have no opinion, because I can't judge the book by a report. I just wanted to check out this site because 'Catcher In The Rye' is Erik von Dettens favorite book. |
- 07/04/99 20:20:21 | Comments: DAMN BROWN NOSE. YOU KIND OF PEOPLE MAKE ME SICK |
An English Teacher - 07/04/99 20:18:32 My Email:yourmamasuxmycock@aol.com City: Penis State: Missouri Country: UK Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -100 | Comments: I asked my students to work on a project and funny thing they copied from your site, which explains EXACTLY as Cliff Notes. You are a fraud. Your teacher should have failed you. In my book you will recieve a big fat FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFF FFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFF FFFFFFF FFFFFFF FFFFFFF FFFFFFF |
Dan Bautista - 07/04/99 20:08:55 My Email:danbau@NoSpamTheGlobe.com City: Paterson State: NJ Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: In the quiz page you should offer the answers. I am reading this book now, for summer reading for freshman yr in HS. I looked at this page to check my summary and I found it ver informative |
- 07/04/99 20:05:54 | Comments: |
J.D. Brooks - 07/02/99 16:28:31 My Email:jdbrooks@opsu.edu City: Goodwell, State: OK Country: USA Have you read this book?: Twice Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: I recently revisited, The Catcher in the Rye, and I think I enjoyed it more this time. I first read it when I was in my early twenties, and now I am sixty. I truly enjoyed the comments expressed, and they added to my present interest of censor- ship. It was also nice to see that it still sparks controversy. Thanks for adding to a still interesting book! |
- 06/18/99 02:49:34 | Comments: your page sucks, why would you want to put some crappy report you did for school on the internet? you trying to suck up to the teacher by doing a web page? get a life. |
- 06/18/99 02:49:13 Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: big fat 0 | Comments: |
- 06/18/99 02:47:05 | Comments: |
Cliff Notes - 06/16/99 02:49:21 My Email:phoenix001023@yahoo.com City: Los Angeles State: CA Country: US Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Nice web site, I liked your character descriptions, FUNNY HOw THEY LOOKED SO SIMILAR TO THE CLIFF NOTES. GET A LIFE AND STOP USING OTHER PEOPLES PUBLICATIONS FOR YOU OWN USE! |
- 06/11/99 17:24:38 | Comments: |
- 06/09/99 23:45:57 My Email:Phenix621@aol.com Have you read this book?: hell yes | Comments: For Crissiakes ur analysis of this book is a nothing better than a superficial understanding of the book! Please read this book again and think more about it. You completely have the theme wrong(innocence of Holden Caufield) and u fail to analyze Holden t roughouly. While it is brave of u of putting ur book report on the web, u do not understand the point of this novel, and u fail miserbaly to convey the embodiment of Holden Caufield. He is not an idealist, but more of a teenager trying to make sense of th s god awful world and the fucking bastards who rule it. You really need to read the book again. |
poop - 06/09/99 03:04:34 My Email:poop@poopy.com City: pooptropilis State: poopansaw Country: united poops Have you read this book?: yeahpoop | Comments: your page sucks big asshole. Analyzize characters' for poops sake.Sucky summary too |
nikki - 06/08/99 18:55:12 My Email:nikkifre@pacbell.net City: Mtn. View State: CA Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Do you know the Title of the poem used in the novel by Robert Burns? If so , may you contact me? Thanks. |
- 06/05/99 11:15:15 | Comments: |
Jessica - 06/01/99 02:56:04 My Email:MissSub82@aol.com State: Illinois Country: USA Have you read this book?: Half of it Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 7 so far | Comments: I think that you're page really helped my group doing our project. We couldn't have done it with out this. We had different sections and you covered them all!!! It is a really good web page and I recomend it to anyone! |
JAck - 05/29/99 20:20:00 | Comments: |
erdem - 05/29/99 09:56:54 My URL:http://erdems.8m.com My Email:hw@erdems.8m.com City: ankara State: na Country: turkey Have you read this book?: no | Comments: thank you for doing a project like this.....you are helped me too much...... |
C Jay - 05/29/99 02:07:20 My Email:whatevaman_1999@yahoo.com City: M Town State: CA Country: US Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: This is an ok site but it has the theme of the book completely backwards. This book is about about Holden's strugle to deal with his falling from innocense. Nothing in this book is what it seems. Everything is an allusion to the theme. Holden realizes that he is becoming an adult and he knows once you become an adult all there is to look forward to is being a "phony" and death. Holden is stuck throughout the book in the lonely area between being a child and an adult. He realizes he wants to become a Catcher in the Rye" to keep other children from heading in the same direction he's going. Anyone who does not believe this is a great book has surely not gone into the deeper meaning of all the numerous symbols in this book. Although the story itself is not spectacular, being able to analyze the passages throughout the book is very interesting and awarding. |
C Jay - 05/29/99 02:03:20 My Email:whatevaman_1999@yahoo.com City: M Town State: CA Country: US Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: This is an ok site but it has the theme of the book completely backwards. This book is about about Holden's strugle to deal with his falling from innocense. Nothing in this book is what it seems. Everything is an allusion to the theme. Holden realizes that he is becoming an adult and he knows once you become an adult all there is to look forward to is being a "phony" and death. Holden is stuck throughout the book in the lonely area between being a child and an adult. He realizes he wants to become a Catcher in the Rye" to keep other children from heading in the same direction he's going. Anyone who does not believe this is a great book has surely not gone into the deeper meaning of all the numerous symbols in this book. Although the story itself is not spectacular, being able to analyze the passages throughout the book is very interesting and awarding. |
C Jay - 05/29/99 02:03:17 My Email:whatevaman_1999@yahoo.com City: M Town State: CA Country: US Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: This is an ok site but it has the theme of the book completely backwards. This book is about about Holden's strugle to deal with his falling from innocense. Nothing in this book is what it seems. Everything is an allusion to the theme. Holden realizes that he is becoming an adult and he knows once you become an adult all there is to look forward to is being a "phony" and death. Holden is stuck throughout the book in the lonely area between being a child and an adult. He realizes he wants to become a Catcher in the Rye" to keep other children from heading in the same direction he's going. Anyone who does not believe this is a great book has surely not gone into the deeper meaning of all the numerous symbols in this book. Although the story itself is not spectacular, being able to analyze the passages throughout the book is very interesting and awarding. |
C Jay - 05/29/99 02:03:13 My Email:whatevaman_1999@yahoo.com City: M Town State: CA Country: US Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: This is an ok site but it has the theme of the book completely backwards. This book is about about Holden's strugle to deal with his falling from innocense. Nothing in this book is what it seems. Everything is an allusion to the theme. Holden realizes that he is becoming an adult and he knows once you become an adult all there is to look forward to is being a "phony" and death. Holden is stuck throughout the book in the lonely area between being a child and an adult. He realizes he wants to become a Catcher in the Rye" to keep other children from heading in the same direction he's going. Anyone who does not believe this is a great book has surely not gone into the deeper meaning of all the numerous symbols in this book. Although the story itself is not spectacular, being able to analyze the passages throughout the book is very interesting and awarding. |
C Jay - 05/29/99 02:02:54 My Email:whatevaman_1999@yahoo.com City: M Town State: CA Country: US Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: This is an ok site but it has the theme of the book completely backwards. This book is about about Holden's strugle to deal with his falling from innocense. Nothing in this book is what it seems. Everything is an allusion to the theme. Holden realizes that he is becoming an adult and he knows once you become an adult all there is to look forward to is being a "phony" and death. Holden is stuck throughout the book in the lonely area between being a child and an adult. He realizes he wants to become a Catcher in the Rye" to keep other children from heading in the same direction he's going. Anyone who does not believe this is a great book has surely not gone into the deeper meaning of all the numerous symbols in this book. Although the story itself is not spectacular, being able to analyze the passages throughout the book is very interesting and awarding. |
Mikey - 05/25/99 01:11:40 Have you read this book?: Yup Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Really cool book,very realistic in sense and thought provoking.With all the hype about it bieng the Bible of Assassins and crap,all BS.I loved it,all u gotta do is approach it with an open mind.Probably one of the top 2 books Ive read. |
JUMPER - 05/23/99 14:14:29 My Email:jolly-jumper@gmx.net | Comments: Please, I need some advice: I have to write an essay for school about Holden's abiguity in character and way of acting / isolation. Any ideas? |
JUMPER - 05/23/99 14:11:20 My Email:jolly-jumper@gmx.net | Comments: |
Brendan - 05/21/99 10:30:15 My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/taited/ My Email:brendanburrows@hotmail.com City: Chch Country: New Zealand Have you read this book?: YES! Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 7? | Comments: thankyou 4 providing me with this helpful page about the novel 'Catcher in the Rye', i am currently in the developing process of a 1,000 word essay (and believe me it was more fun reading the book than writing about it!), part of the school curriculum, yo r webpage has given me some thought on the subject. By the way I loved the book! If you ask me, Holden Caulfield was the real 'phony' in the story, he was so emotionally disturbed because of his own inner conflict, that he failed to recognise the signific nce and beauty of life, but rather tormented himself with the ideals of a superficial life in a superficial world. But his thoughts were so intense that even the slightest cut could be fatal. |
Robyn - 05/19/99 23:01:42 My Email:robcher@msn.com Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I have to write a paper on the symbolism of Holden's hat. Any ideas? |
Stefanie Richardson - 05/18/99 22:33:12 My Email:drucilla_marie@hotmail.com City: Hoquiam State: Washington Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: N/A | Comments: I would like to thank you very much for your page here. I was having a very hard time with the book and finding what it was all about and some of your pages on it really helped me out and I believe that I will do a better job on my essays and reports on t e Cather in the rye thanks to you. Stefanie Richardson, junior Hoquiam High School |
sandie - 05/18/99 04:06:46 City: oakforest State: il Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 7.75 | Comments: This book was one of the better books I've had to read for a COM class. I think this page is helpful. I needed one more reference on the views on this novel. |
Lisa - 05/18/99 01:20:44 My Email:RUAAlien2@aol.com State: NY Have you read this book?: Yeah Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 9.5 | Comments: I had to read the book for my freshman english class, I didn't enjoy it that much, but the site was good, |
Parris Sparks - 05/16/99 18:14:51 My Email:skraps@msn.com City: seymour State: connecticut Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: As a 41 year old married,woman, executive, phoney - I have read this book for the very first time - Scrolling through Internet search for Catcher in the Rye - I noticed your page - literally just putting the book down - I took away a great saddness in Cau field - deeper than I have ever sensed in any work - more than that his desire to be the savior the "Catcher in the Rye" the inability to have saved Allie or others, and the ending, which suggest to me that Phoebe saved him - that Phoebe was his Catcher - Good Work on this page |
- 05/06/99 00:10:00 | Comments: Hi Drew..This page you have is very good and has been helpful to me for character analysis. I was wondering if you could help me with a paper which is confusing me. I need to write a paper about "How Holden shows craziness in the novel." I need three idea and I have only one so far which is when he asks the Taxi drivers about the ducks. |
- 05/06/99 00:10:00 | Comments: Hi Drew..This page you have is very good and has been helpful to me for character analysis. I was wondering if you could help me with a paper which is confusing me. I need to write a paper about "How Holden shows craziness in the novel." I need three idea and I have only one so far which is when he asks the Taxi drivers about the ducks. |
Leah - 05/05/99 04:23:05 My Email:briterainbow69@yahoo.com City: MELBOURNE State: VIC Country: Australia Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 9.5 | Comments: Thanks for the help, it has given me many ideas for my review :) |
fadi fakih - 05/03/99 15:43:54 My Email:ffakih@cyberia.net.lb City: beirut Country: lebanon Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: do u in any ways think that catcher in the rye promotes violence? specualtions that there is a connection between the book, and on the murder of jhon lennon |
fadi fakih - 05/03/99 15:38:39 My Email:ffakih@cyberia.net.lb City: beirut Country: lebanon Have you read this book?: tes | Comments: do u in any ways think that catcher in the rye promotes violence? and why murder of jhon lennon |
me - 05/02/99 09:57:27 City: sydney Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: you're a completely boring stupid wanker this is the most pointless site i've ever seen |
Greg - 04/29/99 00:19:35 My Email:paulick15@AOL.com State: NJ Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: This page was a big help to me in understanding some fine points for a paper of my own. Thanks! |
alexia - 04/28/99 12:02:23 My Email:w_alexia@hotmail.com Country: nz Have you read this book?: yeah, of course | Comments: not a bad job! :-) thanx 4 the info. i need it 4 my assignment. lol. |
- 04/26/99 01:57:10 | Comments: |
Joshua Drumm - 04/15/99 00:50:13 My Email:N/A City: Stanton State: Michigan Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Thank you I needed the help with a report that I am doing and this was very helpful. |
Joshua Drumm - 04/15/99 00:48:40 My Email:N/A City: Stanton | Comments: |
Jeremy - 04/11/99 16:27:59 State: ny Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: you were right on some things, but a tad off on others. your site was all in all not bad. I think the book was just so well written from the point of view of a seventeen year old boy, and you must admit, he had alot happen to him not only in these few day , but over his whole life. I think the ups and downs he faces are a conglomeration of all those years,(y'know, all his experiences at schools, his dead brother). Also, many people say this book is about Holden's "change" into an adult. i think this too. Sure he has trouble adjusting and thinking like an adult, but doesn't every teenager? I've got so much more to say, but its hard to concentrate all my thoughts into one paragraph. But finally, the title of the book, and its significance is a major part in showing how Holden wants to grow up. I think he no longer want to be one of the children playing, but he wants to be the 'catcher in the rye', and his starting point is with his sister Phoebe. |
FRANK - 04/09/99 18:57:48 City: EB State: NJ Country: USA Have you read this book?: YES | Comments: This is the stupidist book I have ever read. This site is a total waste of time |
Gweneth - 03/28/99 20:52:37 City: Toronto State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I'm sorry but I feel I really need to set you straight on a few things. First of all, read this book again. This time try to get in between the lines. There is so much in this book that you have missed. You wonder at Holden's childish actions while he s trying to assert himself as an adult. Have you considered Holden's obvious struggle between innocence and experience. Do not take Holden's actions and words at face value. This novel requires thought. It is not the story of a depressed teen shirking responsibility. It is a story of transformation, unresolved guilt and truth!!!! I hope your teacher was more generouse than I would have been. |
Ross Stewart - 03/26/99 21:01:34 My URL:http://www.gresham.k12.or.us/students/rstewart/ My Email:rstewart@gresham.k12.or.us City: Boring State: Oregon Country: US Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Nice page! I just noticed that you were from tigard so I thought since I was a fellow Oregonian, I'd drop you a line. My name is Ross and I am a senior at Sam Barlow. I was just searching the web for some research material on The Catcher in the Rye and came across your page. If you know the significance of the Robert Burns poem "Comin Thro' the Rye" give me an e-mail back. Ross |
PinKy - 03/20/99 23:20:01 My Email:freako_82@hotmail.com City: San Diego State: CA Country: USA Have you read this book?: Jez finished it right now Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: I read "The Catcher In The Rye" because I saw this Mel Gibson movie. I was curious about the book since then. Well, before I visited your page, I didn't see the point of the novel except that it was saying that phonies are everywhere! Now, it's all cle r to what the book is really about. My book report is not until the 9th of April and your page really helped a lot!!! Thanks. |
janel - 03/15/99 00:23:48 My Email:janel34@hotmail.com State: Oklahoma Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes, twice | Comments: Not a bad webpage, I admire you for taking time to do all this work. I really enjoyed Catcher in the Rye, both times I read it. I think there is a little bit of Holden in everyone. |
BD - 03/04/99 03:11:59 My Email:bd@mailroom.com State: NJ Country: US Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Can you please help me with this essay question. thanks in advance for your time. Holden uses the word phony to describe the behavior of a number of people. define his use of the word and give examples. please email me thanks. bd@mailroom.com |
- 02/25/99 14:28:07 City: penis State: neil Country: bob Have you read this book?: no | Comments: thanks for the book report snatch heads |
Paul Smith - 02/15/99 17:18:09 My Email:adambultitude@hotmail.com City: Liverpool Country: England Have you read this book?: YES! | Comments: I'm a university student at Central Lancashire in England and I have to present this book. What do you all think of my review? A particularly appealing book is certainly 'The Catcher in the Rye' by JD Salinger, which centres on a 15-year-old New York schoolboy, Holden Caulfield. After he is expelled from yet another boarding school for poor results in his studies, he decides to spend a couple of days in New York before he has to return home to face his angry parents. The novel follows his encounters with prostitutes, pimps, an ex girlfriend and all the other people he meets in New York. Becoming increasingly depressed, he decides to run away from home rather than tell his parents he has been expelled, but when he goes home briefly to collect his belongings, he decides to stay thro gh his simple love for his younger sister Phoebe when she begs him to take her with him. The storyline may not seem to be very intellectual, or even original, but it is really about Caulfield's quick but subtle decline into a nervous breakdown, and an admirable feature of this book is how effectively Salinger conveys his state of mind but al o manages to maintain a good story by adding silly anecdotes to the main story such as a heated debate that takes place between Caulfield and a New York taxi driver on whether fish get frozen in place when the ponds are iced over during winter, and an inc dent where he remarks; This gives 'The Catcher in the Rye' the advantage of showing the reader Caulfield's descent into a nervous breakdown but also managing to maintain an entertaining kind of black humour. Because of its subtle style, the book is much easier to read than othe novels which study human nature, such as 'Lord of the Flies' and or even 'Of Mice and Men' and so because it is from the viewpoint of only one person, Caulfield's slightly demented view of the world, it offers a good insight into his character and his th ughts. The ending of the novel, where a recovering Holden Caulfield tells the reader what happened after he went home and his hopes for the future, is a particularly satisfying conclusion. Although Salinger's novel is over fifty years old, it still manages to keep a refreshing style of writing and relevance to it, and it is as funny and easy to read as contemporary. This book has gained a massive cult following and can be found in many bookshops and libraries all over the world. An international best-seller, and also an entertaining study of a teenager's mind, it certainly rates as an excellent read and 'The Catcher in the Rye' is definitely worth recommending to anyone, young or old, to read. |
gSnOB - 02/04/99 00:47:11 My Email:gsnob@hotmail.com Have you read this book?: yup Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10+ | Comments: dis book wuz so good..i luv the ideas they raised up. i mean, it related a lot to my life and everything. o yea.one thing about the webpage. put more info about the characters. |
Boúlí - 01/30/99 14:40:55 My Email:boolie35@hotmail.com City: jung State: humk Country: ared Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: the summary was really short and didn't tell the story,the character page was full of all the people in the book but you never described or analysed a single one of them. you had one theme of the novel with only 4 examples. if this is advanced english sta dard in the states. i shudder to think of an average or, god-forbid, a below average class. |
LP - 01/27/99 23:01:21 Have you read this book?: half way through Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: so far 9 | Comments: thanks for telling me about the story, i want to finish it!! |
Matt Wilson - 01/27/99 01:01:01 My Email:mwilson2@ttsd.k12.or.us City: Tigard State: OR Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Drew, you did a really good job on this. You were one of the very few students in my class who actually posted your report on the web, and it is fun to see all the responses. I disagree with many of your critics when it comes to theme. Why can't we say that Holden is a romantic idealist, but that the book is also about the loss of innocence. To say only one is right just seems too narrow-minded to me, and I think Holden would agree. Now, what I want to know is what happens to the ducks in the winter? oes someone cart them off to a warm place? And what about the fish in the pond? Do they get frozen in place until the spring thaw and then swim away freely? Which one is Holden, a duck who might die in the winter or get help to survive? Or his he a fis , stuck and frozen? Will mother nature somehow take care of him until the spring thaw? Which are you, a duck or a fish? |
- 01/27/99 00:52:16 | Comments: |
carmen - 01/24/99 15:53:52 My Email:ursula50@hotmail.com State: sogn og fjordane Country: norway Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Great page it's very informative and descriptive. The Catcher in the Rye is one of my favorite books. I love it, it's a very amusing book. |
Graven Meyerr - 01/11/99 21:56:37 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ri/gravensangels/index.html My Email:gravenlove@yahoo.com City: Tulsa State: OK Country: US Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Very informative and descriptive page. There aren't many sites about the theme(s) of Catcher in The Rye. I love this book and I'll bookmark this page for future reference. |
Jeremy Blevins - 01/10/99 21:10:14 My Email:og_shortman@hotmail.com City: Paintsville State: Kentucky Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: This is one of the best pages I have visited and does a great job of describing the book and has helped me a great deal. THANKS! |
Jeremy Blevins - 01/10/99 21:09:02 My Email:og_shortman@hotmail.com City: Paintsville State: Kentucky Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: This is one of the best pages I have visited and does a great job of describing the book. I would like to say that this page has helped me a great deal. |
Jeremy Blevins - 01/10/99 21:04:38 My Email:og_shortman@hotmail.com City: Paintsville State: Kentucky Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: This is one of the best pages I have visited and does a great job of describing the book. I would also like to add my comment on the novel: I think that this novel is to critical on society. Holden is always critisizing something or someone and is alwa s showing his hipocritical trait. |
Chris - 01/10/99 00:00:39 My Email:mack_mode@hotmail.com City: St. Albert State: Alberta Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yup Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Hi, Great web page but i was kinda looking for some character sketches. Maybe you might want to put those on your page. Any way, i think catcher is one of the best books i have read. I am 17 and i found this book very easy to relate to and to understand. hanks again Chris |
G - 01/09/99 17:59:16 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry My Email:opps@somethingorother.com City: Sandnes State: Rogaland Country: Norway Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I thought that the book was crap, because it made no sense and it had no believable characters. I had to read this book for my English Class (that has a slight effect on my reading of it, but not much) |
ask John - 01/08/99 19:06:31 City: Spokane State: WA Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: John Minthorne is a stud. I traveled to Cuba with him. He told me you could dissolve a dead body in a tub of Coca-Cola. If you know John, say hi to him for me. He lives in Tigard. |
- 01/07/99 23:09:34 | Comments: |
Christopher O'Connor - 01/06/99 16:49:03 My Email:CBunch@mail.state.tn.us City: Nashville State: TN Country: USA Have you read this book?: Oh Yeah Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 9.999 | Comments: This book is my favorite true fiction book ever. The thing I like most is that it is all characterization and theme, very little plot. If you are a true fan of action, I would not recomend this to you, but, if you truly enjoy excellent writing,this is a book for you. One thing I would have liked to have seen on this page is the supposed physcological connection between this book and serial killers and assasins. |
shawn moore - 01/06/99 14:00:59 My Email:mooreshawn@yahoo.com City: Brunswick State: maine Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I think that your page is nice but, you are totally missing the point of "The Catcher And The Rye" Please read more carefully next time when you write a book report.The theme is defineltly not that he is an idealist. |
Danny - 01/03/99 21:37:26 My Email:blasterb0y@aol.com City: Los Angeles State: CA Country: U>S Have you read this book?: No Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: -100 | Comments: This page sucks. It doesnt even tell the meaning of the title the catcher in the rye you faggit. You made me not want to read it. And how come you post fake comments or never put the bad ones you scum? you are the biggest phony |
LK - 01/03/99 20:07:46 Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: this will help me wiht my report |
Jenson Ma - 01/03/99 07:27:02 City: Burnaby State: BC Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: thanx for info it really helped me out a lot. It helped me out a lot in writing my essay for english 11. FCKYOUMSTHOMSN |
NORA - 01/02/99 13:59:49 My Email:m_haller@bluewin.ch City: Zurich Country: Switzerland Have you read this book?: yea | Comments: Hi... I`m looking for a site where this book is written in german.. have you got an idea? please help me cause I don`t understand everything in this book. I hope to hear from you by |
Scott - 12/29/98 20:57:28 State: MI Country: USA Have you read this book?: yep Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for the page. It has really helped me with a book report i had to do. The character page was the best part. Thanks again. |
l. kline - 12/28/98 22:17:55 City: Littleton State: Co Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I'm doing research on this book, for my 11th grade American Literature class, and your page was very heplful. Thanks! |
Craig - 12/22/98 23:50:04 My Email:data_3@hotmail.com City: Collingwood State: ON Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Hey I need some help finding out the data in which the nnove takes place if you could get back to me with this information it would be creatly appreciated Thanks Craig |
- 12/18/98 01:17:43 | Comments: |
Scott Merritt - 12/17/98 16:59:03 My URL:http://welcome.to/CLC! My Email:retiari@hotmail.com City: Irvine State: CA Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yeah | Comments: Very nice info, It helped me write an essay about The Catcher in the Rye. I think Holden is a Romantic Idealist, though. Anyway, nice page. |
angelabowe - 12/17/98 15:50:44 My Email:angelabwoe@hotmail.com City: chippewa falls State: wi Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I didn't like this book because to me it doesn't make any sense because all he talks about is stuff that happens in his life and to me i t is pointless. I just got done reading this book yesterday and I thought it had no plot to it. |
chirs - 12/16/98 23:19:25 My Email:cz@kw.igs.net City: waterloo State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: yo thaks alot for this info. i needed it for my english presentation that i had to do thanks chris |
Debbie - 12/11/98 00:17:48 City: Albany Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 5 1/2 | Comments: I think that this book is really good and it shows how not all peoples lives are perfect. This book shows it in a different perspective.And I think people shoul really enjoy reading it.!! |
lisa wonnacott - 12/10/98 22:44:52 My Email:wonnaclock@idirect.com City: Oshawa, Toronto Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: a good 9 | Comments: at the begining i throught the book had no plot, but it was a very good surprising ending. now i just have to write a comparison essay between The Catcher and The Rye and In The Skin Of A Lion. but it should be fun thanks for the web page. Lisa wonnacott wonnaclock@idirect.com |
mudjohne - 12/10/98 21:04:58 My Email:mudjohne@aol.com City: Derry State: ME. Country: u.s. Have you read this book?: yup | Comments: I thinks that the main character of the book is a whiny little bastard. |
- 12/09/98 15:22:20 | Comments: |
Vanessa - 12/07/98 01:20:48 My Email:vsmdist@prodigy.net City: somers State: ny Country: usa Have you read this book?: the first 50 pages | Comments: i think that you should have the answers to the quiz on your page so that we know if we really got anything out of your page and if what we now know is right |
- 12/07/98 01:08:40 | Comments: |
Geneviève - 12/06/98 21:28:35 My Email:gen6_16@yahoo.com City: montreal State: quebec Country: canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Oh! I had not see the other comments before I wrote my last message, but now that I'd read it, I can say that I agree with Chrismas and the other who agreed with him... geneviève :o) |
geneviève - 12/06/98 21:24:31 My Email:gen6_16@yahoo.com City: montréal State: québec Country: canada Have you read this book?: yes, twice | Comments: Hi! I think that you did not tell us the good theme! Just think about it a second! The themes are innocence and death! For sure innocence because of the title, catcher in the rye, he wants to protect children of falling in adulthood, because he wants them to eep there innocence and purity, and death because Holden is totaly obsessed by his brother's death. He wants to commited suicide more then twice time and sometime he thinks that he is sufferring of cancer or pneumonia. Also, he love a lot mummies, becaus they memories of them self through time. That's why I think that death and innocence are the major themes of that book! Merci! :o) Geneviève |
Thang Nguyen - 12/05/98 21:19:12 City: San Jose State: CA Country: USA Have you read this book?: Duh!!! | Comments: I totally agree with Charisma's idea from Albany, New York (though her writing is sloppy. It needs to be more concise). Holden is stuck between childhood and adulthood. He can't find an easy to enter his adulthood smoothly. Childhood is where he finds happiness. Thus, he assumes that adulthood is "phony" (fake). His confusion eventually leads him to become a confused, disturbed teenager. I'm not here to offend anybody. Of course, everyone has their own point of view, but be considerate that each book has a specific message to its readers. In this case, Salinger mainly and tightly focuses on teenagers at the stage of becoming an adult. o, those of you who use this web site as a reference for your report/essay should be careful before touching other people's ideas without evaluating them. |
D.B. - 12/05/98 20:20:23 My Email:catcher@rye.net City: Hollywood State: CA Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes, Holden gave me the book. | Comments: Just one clarification (or confirmation)! You wrote, "Holden's elder Brother, a Poet who is now "Out in Hollywood...being a prostitute." First of all, he's not a poet nor a prostitute. If you had analyzed the book carefully, you would have noticed that D.B. is a writer (most likely to be a script-writer). Holden calls D.B. a prostitute because he knows that D.B. uses his talent to make m ney (he sells his work to Hollywood), instead of creating beautiful stories. I just want to contribute my analysis about this character, D.B., so that others who have not yet read the book will not misunderstand this great metaphor. |
Charisma - 12/05/98 17:03:00 City: Albany State: New York Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I'm a freshman in highschool and I can make better connections than you.You're totally wrong about the book. It's not about idealism, it's about falling from innocence, hence the title. When he tells his sister, Phoebe, he wants to be the catcher in the r e and keep the little kids from falling off the cliff, he's saying he wants to keep them from falling from innocence. Holden does not think he is an adult, he doesn't even want to be, he wants to be a kid again so he can be innocent. he is preventing hims lf from becoming an adult, but he cannot go back to being a kid, so he's stuck in the middle. Holden is alone throghout the entire book, he wants to share his story but he doesn't think anyone wants to hear it. I pity you for being such a idiot. |
zhang - 12/04/98 20:53:00 My Email:zhong_wen@yahoo.com Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: While I appreciate the effort put into this page, I have some fundamental misgivings about your various statements; yes, I do think that the theme is idealism. However, most of your cited examples demonstrate more hypocrisy than idealism. Also, the lett r was very unlike Holden in the style--I'm assuming that the "great times and great laughs" bit was verbal irony. Good page, overall. I'm a sophmore in high school doing a project on the book and would be interested to hear why indeed we study this book |
Michelle Lancia - 12/04/98 20:30:51 My Email:mishy16@hotmail.com City: Barrie State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Thank you so much for making a page about this novel. I have an English essay to do and this page has helped me with my battle to concor my 3000 word essay. I am not to bright in English and with a little help of your breif summaries maybe I will be abl to pull my mark up into the 70's range! Thanx a bunch! Michelle |
Geneviève - 12/04/98 02:30:54 My Email:gen6_16@yahoo.com City: Montréal State: Québec Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Hi!!! I just want to thank you because this page helped me a lot for me term paper in my english class!!! This book had been one of my favorite! Thanks! Geneviève :o) |
Natalie Lucier - 12/03/98 23:24:19 My Email:natalielucier@hotmail.com City: Windsor State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: it was an interesting book. i enjoyed it to an extent, until i read the ending, it was not what i had expected. thank you. please e-mail me on what you think Natalie |
Sean X - 12/03/98 08:09:57 My Email:minus_x@hotmail.com City: Seattle State: WA Country: USA Have you read this book?: yeah man Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 100 | Comments: Hey man, the catcher in the rye was one of the most influential books of my life. I'm sorry that you and many other people dont really get what JD Salinger is trying to express, but I'm sure most of you know what the holden caulfield experience is like. |
me - 12/02/98 21:13:54 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: your page is brutal |
William Vandahl - 12/02/98 19:35:07 My Email:vandahl@ibm.net City: Kanata State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I believe that catcher in the rye is a great book and that it is amusing and very serious. The part I liked the best was when the pimp punched Holden in the chest. Also the way that he is a smooth talker when he is drunk. When he calls people phonies y u think about people you know and you think that alot of the people you now are phonies. I my self am probably a phonie acording to Holden. Anyway back to working on my English project on the catcher and the rye. |
Tara - 12/02/98 02:00:05 City: St.Albert State: Alberta Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Nope | Comments: Thanx... I've been doing last minute stuff, and this has helped me. |
- 12/01/98 18:33:36 | Comments: you suck |
elizabeth - 12/01/98 18:29:46 City: philadelphia State: pa Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 9.9 | Comments: hi! i thought that this page was great! my teacher even used your info for our review and test. good job! i hope yuo got a good grade for your project. |
- 11/30/98 23:40:24 State: UT Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I agree with most of your statements, however, I find it unfair that you deem Holden hypocritical. He is only a teenager, how can anyone who has not established their values and beliefs be hypocritical. He is overtly contradictarary of himself, but I woul n't deam him hypocritical. He curses people for being "phony" and yet those are the people that he needs most. This is a contradictary aspect of Holden, but so is his sense of idealism. A good critique, but perhaps calling him hypocritical is going too fa . |
lori ortiz - 11/30/98 18:37:30 My Email:diamond-gal@mailexcite.com City: ft myers State: fl Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: i really enjoyed reading catcher as a high school sophomore and now that i am in college and have been asked to write an essay on a specific author and his/her work. I chose none other than catcher in the rye. |
lori - 11/30/98 18:35:31 | Comments: |
lori ortiz - 11/30/98 18:34:30 My Email:diamond-gal@mailexcite.com City: ft myers State: fl Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: |
Tyson McGlaughlin - 11/30/98 17:55:10 City: Ottawa State: Ohio Country: United States Have you read this book?: Yes, part of it | Comments: I really enojoyed reading your thoughts on the book. It gave me a clear picture about what was going on during the book and helped me to write a report. Thanks Again, Tyson McGlaughlin |
Meaghan - 11/30/98 05:27:45 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/8219 My Email:satyra_of_pan@yahoo.com City: Venedocia State: Ohio Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 8.75 | Comments: Cool page! I am trying to make some sense out of Catcher which I read just a few days ago. This helped alot. |
Aditya Anand - 11/29/98 15:51:37 My Email:aditya@globalserve.net City: Toronto State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: A very well made and informative homepage. I am writing a journal for the first half of the book and needed some information. You could improve a bit on the characters by getting more detailed descriptions about them. A well made page nevertheless. |
T.N. - 11/28/98 20:55:16 My Email:thang97@sj.bigger.net Country: USA Have you read this book?: YES | Comments: Hello there, You've done such a useful (helpful) and informative web page about Catcher in the Rye. I'm doing an essay and oral presentation about Holden's red hunting hat. If possible, could you please find me some information, ideas, thoughts, suggestions, comments, anything at all about the significance, importance and meaning of his hat. I would really appreciate it. I'm looking forward to receiving your response soon. Sincerely, T.N. |
- 11/27/98 18:28:24 | Comments: die |
Nicholas Thune - 11/25/98 07:09:20 My Email:drthune01@aol.com City: Redmond State: Wa Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: I wish that i would have found this earlier to day when I was writing a report on this book. I had to compare and contrast "THe Catcher and The Rye" with the movie "Six Degrees of Separation" that is the movie that stars will smith. it was a tough paper and if anyone has any questions that the need the answer to then send it to me I would be happy to answer it for you. I am sure that I will get an 'A' on my paper.I am a freshman at Bellevue Community College. |
Vanessa - 11/25/98 06:36:29 My Email:angelprincess76@hotmail.com City: San Diego State: CA Country: USA Have you read this book?: YES Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: I think your page is great! It's really help understand the book more. I'm still reading it, but it has helped so far in the information you gave for my analysis. It's the best web page on the book. Thank you for putting it together. |
- 11/25/98 06:32:55 My Email:angelprincess76@hotmail.com City: San Diego | Comments: |
Shervan - 11/22/98 02:58:47 My Email:shervanvafa@yahoo.com City: Toronto State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: I am on page 40 right now.. Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: Can't rate, while I haven't read it yet! | Comments: Just a few things, as I haven't finished the book yet I can't say anything about your comments on the book. But for what you have done so far regardless of the comments, i just wanna say THANX alot man(well if you are male...!) Keep up the GOOD WORK! Don' give up coz U R HELPING lots of people.....:) |
Jairon Arias - 11/21/98 22:05:39 City: New york State: New York Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: I'm sure Salinger wrote this book based on most of his daily life expiriences. To tell the truth things that happened in this book have happened to some of my friends. And thank you for telling your feelings the way you feel them. So far I haven't read a ook with so many true facts. |
Andrew Higgins - 11/20/98 04:54:07 My Email:fhiggins@flash.net City: ft. worth State: tx Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: something is wrong with your journal page. it doesn't have anything in it |
- 11/17/98 10:24:52 | Comments: |
Flora Lam - 11/16/98 23:03:42 My Email:Arleta_Anu_Lugchi@yahoo.com City: Mississauga State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Did you know that a lot of the people who've read the book became psycho killers, including the one who killed John Lennon? I guess he was trying to be to catcher in the rye to save people from the Beatles's influences. |
- 11/16/98 19:02:04 | Comments: |
Paul Fruhauf - 11/13/98 04:22:33 My Email:SnVFCA@ix.netcom.com State: California Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: This is the best page I have found on the internet for the book Catcher in the Rye! Sincerely |
THOMAS - 11/12/98 22:23:02 My Email:COMPUTOMG@AOL.COM City: NEW YORK State: NEW YORK Country: U.S.A. Have you read this book?: NOT YET Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Thanx a lot men, I haven't read the book yet but the information on your website have help a lot. I really apreciated!!! |
anonamous - 11/12/98 00:13:26 My Email:-------- City: -------- State: -------- Country: -------- Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: you are wrong. the catcher in the rye is about innocence. not idealism. your page needs help, too. i run a buisness and if your interested in spoofing up your web page for cheaper than the other companies, email me |
Daniel - 11/03/98 21:41:20 My Email:daniel3garza@hotamil.com City: Monterrey State: Nuevo León Country: México Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: I've read this book and I think it is a novel that makes you see the world through a different perspective, through Holden's perspective. I think people don't have to be so brash and say that the book is wheter good or bad. There are not any books that an be rated in basis of how did you like it. It depends on how much can you "get" of it. So I don't think of this book as a bad one. I consider this novel as a way of seeing things through a different crystal. And, about your page, I think it is thoug for someone to learn this HTML thing and then make a page. So for me it seems so nice of you of having done such a great job, and I don't care about the spell checking, that is easy to change, you have done the hard work by now. I hope you will keep it up and don't care about some senseless comments done about your page before. Good job! |
John Hynd - 11/03/98 10:13:06 My URL:http://bigsun.wbs.net/homepages/b/e/h/behynd My Email:johnhynd@bigfoot.com City: Adelaide State: SA Country: Australia Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: Look, i really loved this book. And after doing a 7 page journal on it.(still 22 more to go)the conclusions i came to after reading it then recording them, well were diferent to yours. But now i see it, you have got some great views, and my opinion of Hol en has changed... Please write to me and share your ideas further... thanx... ...john |
Reene - 11/02/98 00:51:27 My Email:cnellie@hotmail.com City: Noblesville State: Indiana Country: United States Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: This comment is mostly devoted to Alex. First of all I think Drew did a good job on his page and there is always room for mistakes. Holden does think it is ridiculous that the parents are not paying attention to the boy, it depresses him. He doesn't wa t Phoebe to do what he is doing so he tells her she can't go with him. Duh, he wants to be a protector of children (Catcher in the Rye)the title gives it away! Anyway I think it was a great book and whoever has a chance to read it should. Holden is a g eat character and so many people don't realize that we are surrounded by people like him. Some are not as extreme as him, but take a look around you, and you will find a person with qualities such as his. |
sarah careme - 10/30/98 17:42:26 My Email:sarah_careme@hotmail.com City: Stonewall State: Manitoba Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Thanks for the web site. I'm doing a project on The Catcher in the Rye for a Transactional English class. We have to do a character sketch, relevance issues, reality issues, atmosphere, settings, etc. The book wasn't bad, following Holden's character as quite interesting. I'm in grade twelve and hoping to get good grades in this class and your web site will hopefully help me get a good mark. Thanks again sarah :) |
COOTS JR. - 10/29/98 21:40:17 City: WINDSOR State: ONTARIO Country: CANADA Have you read this book?: YES | Comments: GREAT BOOK. DIFFICULT TO WRITE A REPORT ON. |
alex d. - 10/29/98 00:05:36 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: holden caulfield would undoubtedly think you to be a phony after doing such a lousy job. skye is right--it does sound like a ten-year-old child wrote this page. |
alex - 10/29/98 00:04:23 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: holden caulfield would undoubtedly think you to be a phony after doing such a lousy job. skye is right--it does sound like a ten-year-old child wrote this page. |
alex - 10/29/98 00:00:56 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: the book was great, but you obviously haven't read it well. first of all, holden doesn't think the little BOY (not girl) walking with his parents is dumb, he thinks its neat. secondly, he is not hypocritical, in that he does NOT tell phoebe not to do thin s that he himself does. these are only a few examples, but there are many others that suggest you only did a cursory job of reading the book--or perhaps of reading the cliff's notes, whatever the case may be. i think holden caulfield would definitely think you to be quite a phony after doing such a lousy job. |
alex - 10/29/98 00:00:55 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: the book was great, but you obviously haven't read it well. first of all, holden doesn't think the little BOY (not girl) walking with his parents is dumb, he thinks its neat. secondly, he is not hypocritical, in that he does NOT tell phoebe not to do thin s that he himself does. these are only a few examples, but there are many others that suggest you only did a cursory job of reading the book--or perhaps of reading the cliff's notes, whatever the case may be. i think holden caulfield would definitely think you to be quite a phony after doing such a lousy job. |
alex - 10/28/98 23:55:18 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: the book was great, but you obviously haven't read it well. first of all, holden doesn't think the little BOY (not girl) walking with his parents is dumb, he thinks its neat. secondly, he is not hypocritical, in that he does NOT tell phoebe not to do thin s that he himself does. these are only a few examples, but there are many others that suggest you only did a cursory job of reading the book--or perhaps of reading the cliff's notes, whatever the case may be. |
jeff howard - 10/28/98 23:44:48 | Comments: where can I get some cliffsnotes about this book tell me please |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Stephane - 10/26/98 05:23:52 My Email:stepd@pacbell.net City: Santa Cruz State: Califoria Country: United States Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: This page is ver helpful for a plot summary ofr the book but this book has more than one theme to it as i have found out by writing a critical book review of it. Perhaps you should add themes to the plot summary then your page would cover every aspect of the book nicely. |
Annemarie - 10/24/98 20:21:18 State: NJ Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Thanks for the report , it really helped me with mine. |
Michael Bishop - 10/20/98 23:00:42 My Email:bongload_360@hotmail.com City: McKinney State: TX Country: U.S.A Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: Thanks a lot for this page. It helped a lot because i didnt know how to word the book report correctly. You were a big help. Thanks |
Rob - 10/19/98 04:23:42 My Email:cdmmodelmaker@hotmail.com City: Bemidji State: Mn Country: U.S. Have you read this book?: Yes, Just finished | Comments: It is a good over view of the book. This website answered some of my questions, that is was confused about. |
madlig,alvette - 10/14/98 03:37:04 My URL:http://www.nmcnet.edu My Email:alvette@hotmail.com City: saipan State: mp Country: usa Have you read this book?: yeah....... | Comments: i think it's great that you have created this webpage. to bad i found the page after i read the book. reading it online is better than reading the book. i read the book b/c it was assigned for my literature class. but it was not all that and it was not th t bad either. |
madlig,alvette - 10/14/98 03:26:45 My Email:alvette@hotmail.com City: saipan State: mp Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: well...interesting enough i'd say. although it just talks about this kid and how depressing his life really is. i don't think he was really in touch with reality but a little dillusional. yet it was a very interesting book. or maybe i'm just saying this b c i have to read this book for my literature class. |
madlig,alvette - 10/14/98 03:19:47 | Comments: |
Damon Edwards - 10/14/98 01:55:15 My Email:infinite11@hotmail.com City: Georgetown Country: Guyana Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Uhhh......this book sucked and you wasted your time dedicating a whole web page to it. It's about this psycho kid who can't face his own problems in life. Dumb book, little perspective on real life issues! WANG! |
Laine - 10/14/98 00:59:09 Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: I did read the book, but I didn't really like it. I missed the themes completly, Thanks. You've helped me a lot. Laine |
- 10/13/98 04:13:09 | Comments: |
Anna - 10/10/98 19:19:15 My Email:Trix_99@hotmail.com City: Toronto State: Ontario Country: Canada Have you read this book?: Yep | Comments: Hi! Greetings to Ohio from Canada! (eh?) I was also assigned Catcher in the Rye in my advanced english class. Now I have to do a seminar on the symbolisms used by J.D.S throughout the book (ie-> the red hunting cap, the museum, the record, ducks and fish in the pond, the "catcher inthe rye," th carrousel, etc) Since you know the book quite well, I was wondering if you could email me (soon!) with your opinions on what these (or others.. I haven't quite found them all yet) might mean. Okay, I hope you don't mistake this as asking you to do my work for me--I already have my own conclusions on these symbols--Iam only hoping to get a few more opinions to "broaden my interpretation." (And hey... if you don't believe me I'm willing to meet you in a chat room somewhere to have a "catcher" discussio !) Thanx....hope to hear from you soon :) Luv Anna |
Michelle - 10/09/98 02:36:51 My Email:LiLQueen67 Have you read this book?: In the process | Comments: Thank you so much for this page. Its awesome. See I have this book report coming up and I haven't even read the book. So thanks to you I'm ok. I will read the book one of these days. HEHE |
jkitz - 10/05/98 22:00:51 My Email:jkitzman@pcc.cccoes.edu City: Pueblo State: Colo. Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 09 | Comments: I feel you should have a page on reader comments that you have heard or from your own reading pals |
- 10/05/98 16:23:40 | Comments: |
luanne - 10/04/98 07:04:54 My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/zines/list My Email:list@gurlmail.com City: Livermore State: ca Country: usa Have you read this book?: yes! Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 1--s.p.e.l.l...c.h.e.c.k. | Comments: Im glad to see you put in a full three seconds of thought into your essay. you sound like a goddam prince. |
tajanae - 09/30/98 02:09:39 My Email:www.tajanae419@AOL.com City: sacramento State: california Country: US Have you read this book?: supposed to be reading it...... Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 9+ | Comments: i just wanted to let you know real quick that i like all the helpful informtion you have about the book "catcher" ....im in the 11th grade and were reading it...well i havent started yet.....but were already supposed to have rad up to chapter 13....so im quite behind....so this is very helpful and much appreciated!!--i just wonder if your a student n all......what made you want to take the time to do all this work......??....but --thanks : ) @}^~~~~ |
Chantell Arnold - 09/29/98 23:09:15 My Email:jwaldron@telusplanet.net City: Grande Prairie State: Alberta Country: Canada Have you read this book?: nearly twice Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 5, only because I don't consider this advanced English | Comments: I commend you for doing this report and posting it to the world, it's inspiring. The report was a help to me in writing a reasonable story premise for an English novel study assignment. Thank you, good job! |
Dee - 09/24/98 07:43:34 City: Tyler State: TX Have you read this book?: Yes | Comments: You did a very good job with this review. You cover just about every aspect of the novel nicely. However, I would suggest that you use your spell check function and proofread next time before submitting anything to the net. I'm sure you hear it all the time from your instructors. It is a very good habit to get into, however monotonous it may seem. Not to mention, think of how many people are going to see this page and, unfortunately, your spelling errors as well. But chin up, I'm sure you will do an even better job next time. Again, it is a good page with a really good review. I hope I didn't stand on the soap box too long. :-) Take care and good luck. |
- 09/21/98 20:15:39 | Comments: |
Josh - 09/16/98 10:16:16 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Stage/5174index.html My Email:fatboy_17@hotmail.com City: perth State: wa Country: Australia Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: hi there i was wondering if you could give me an essay or some ideas on an essay for the below topic put in word for word from ythe handout! Some books appeal to different peoplefor different reasons. Not all people like the same music. Musicians use different instruments and play them in different ways to create a finished product. Comment on the use of figurative language (metapohrs and s milies), connotative and denotative language, allusion as well as the use of dialogue and the general description in order to interest the reader. As you can see it is a rather annoying topic but anything that you can give me or anyone else out there can give me would be most appreciated!!! Thanx i will e-mail you as well okay!!! bye |
A M - 09/15/98 01:43:52 My URL:don't have one State: Maryland Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yuppers!! Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: definate 10!! | Comments: Your web page is great!! It also helped me to understand the book better. Thanx!! |
Andrea - 09/13/98 19:16:24 My Email:Cudpudd@aol.com State: New York Country: U.S Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Thanx for such a helpful we page. It definetely helped me understand the book better, especially if you have to do a book report on it.One suggestion though, you should give the answers at the end of the quiz. Thanx for all the help! |
aaaaa - 09/11/98 15:56:33 Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: I think it could have been a little more detailed. It's too much at the surface and people can't really benefit much |
Josh - 09/07/98 06:44:08 My Email:fatboy_17@hotmail.com City: Perth State: Western Australia Country: Australia Have you read this book?: yes sort of, reading it now Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: haven't finished it yet | Comments: good site. helped me a bit with an essay i need to write.The essay is about what i learned from reading this book. Pretty crap question hey? well gotta go and write some notes. Thanx for the info |
- 09/04/98 05:45:08 | Comments: |
- 09/04/98 05:17:21 | Comments: |
Skye - 08/05/98 00:47:27 City: Vancouver State: BC Country: Canada Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: It's a pretty good review, if you're under ten years old (for all I know, maybe you are). Your spelling is atrocious. I hope you ran it through a spell checker before submitting it to a teacher. |
- 08/01/98 03:28:46 | Comments: |
VLAD FRUMAN - 07/23/98 00:14:47 My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members4/warehousesales.index.html My Email:vlad@onepine.com City: BROOOKLYN State: NY Country: USA Have you read this book?: yes | Comments: Did they made movie about this book. |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Tyler Roush - 06/12/98 19:26:30 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Labyrinth/1164 My Email:jeverman@aone.com City: Rainier State: OR Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes, and I loved it Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 9.5 | Comments: The Catcher In The Rye is an excellent book, one of my all-time favorites. |
Drew Desilet - 06/12/98 06:33:27 My URL:http://visitweb.com/THE_CATCHER_IN_THE_RYE My Email:nikid@easystreet.com City: Tigard State: Oregon Country: USA Have you read this book?: Yes Rate this page. 1-10, 10 being best.: 10 | Comments: This page is a great page for a great book. I think this deserves an "A+" by Mr. Wilson. |