Please Visit our Official Website by clicking Here


We are a mercenary troop.

 We are for hire.

We do not pretend to be politically correct.

We will get the job done - whatever it is.


We are a structured military group, with our own internal chain of command. When we are hired, the orders come directly from our employer, and are passed down to our men internally. We have little respect for outside structure. We don't take orders from our employers superiors. We sign a contract for each event we are hired for.


We have no allegiance with any form of government - unless we are hired by them - and only under the terms of a contract.


We are affiliated with The House of the Golden Rose, located in Pittsburgh, PA. We are not a part of the Household, we just use their resources.


We are more than happy to help you attain whatever military goal you desire. Our prices are set according to your needs. There are certain situations that include bonuses, and increased payments - but that is covered in each individual contract. For a better idea of our prices, you can view our Pay Schedule.

If you are interested in hiring us, please contact THE CAPTAIN

Internal Resources
Practice Schedule

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