Look around - just don't touch anything! You Break it You Bought it!

Kelley the Shameless - 02/14/00 19:24:09
My Email:kelley72@yahoo
SCA/hobby groups: Bluefeathers
Which of my pages do you like the most?: All :)
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): linked
Have we met before?: If my memory serves me correctly I think I have the honor of being trained by you
this space is for you - whatever you want: I don't wanna work - I just wanna bang on my dumbach all day!!!!
Never run with a stick in your mouth.

- 07/10/99 02:02:42

- 06/07/99 03:44:02
nos nobis nomine, nos nobis sed nomine, tuo da gloriam

Stanislas - 04/06/99 14:48:08
My URL::80/Area51/Comet/6660/index.html
My Email:sjbst20+@pitt.edu
SCA/hobby groups: Skullwood/fighting/music/art/food/brewing
Which of my pages do you like the most?: They are all useful
any link suggestions?: Skullwood link perhaps?
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): refered
Have we met before?: Why yes we have!

Wendell O'th' Moors - 03/02/99 16:36:49
My Email:apocantec@hotmail.com
Which of my pages do you like the most?: Bodhran
any link suggestions?: more bodhrans
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): surfed, linked from....
Have we met before?: Don't think so..
this space is for you - whatever you want: I think I've found someone who understands my penchant for trad. Celtic Music !!!
Would love to see the next installment to your bodhran lessons....I'm all ears and eyes....

Thoraxe - 02/22/99 05:47:04
My Email:AnthonyTroost@GTE.com
SCA/hobby groups: The Lost Vikings
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): surfed
Have we met before?: no
Just got an internet acct and looking for sca stuff

Torvik(Chico) - 02/08/99 22:55:30
My Email:jesst65+pitt.edu.com
SCA/hobby groups: fighter/mercenary
Which of my pages do you like the most?: all o' dem
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): by you (duh)
Have we met before?: guess

Todd - 12/08/98 19:04:45
My URL:http://www.chainmaille.org
My Email:lachlann@chainmaille.org
SCA/hobby groups: The Chalkman Pub
Which of my pages do you like the most?: The Knight's Templar of course
any link suggestions?: change the bloody colors!
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): from the chalkman site
Have we met before?: sure have, and sometimes I have second thoughts.. hehe..
this space is for you - whatever you want: Need chainmail? come see me.

Chad - 12/01/98 10:06:46
My Email:trouble220@aol.com
Which of my pages do you like the most?: fighting
any link suggestions?: links to SCA rules@regs
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): refed by april
Have we met before?: yes
this space is for you - whatever you want: thanks for the lesson, i'll be back for more.
your colors for the words matched with the back round on most pages makes it kinda hard to read...

Chad - 12/01/98 10:05:44
My Email:trouble220@aol.com
Which of my pages do you like the most?: fighting
any link suggestions?: links to SCA rules
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): refed by april
Have we met before?: yes
this space is for you - whatever you want: thanks for the lesson, i'll be back for more.

Brie - 11/15/98 19:53:30
My Email:honeyb@mwweb.com

Scott Striegel - 11/02/98 01:37:41
SCA/hobby groups: working at Ryder/MLS
Which of my pages do you like the most?: all
Have we met before?: yes

chib - 10/30/98 06:19:51
My Email:chybby@hotmail.com
SCA/hobby groups: Mac Erc
HI friend play a little beat?? william macerc chybby@hotmail.com

10/27/98 10:16:27
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Mo - 10/13/98 18:51:54
My Email:fatalatapouitte@hotmail.com
SCA/hobby groups: MacGowan's Party!!!
Which of my pages do you like the most?: Templar...
any link suggestions?: MacGowan's web site
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): ChalkMan !!!
Have we met before?: and be drunk a lot of time !!!
this space is for you - whatever you want: i would like to thanks my ....
Hello Robin! Great site! I'll send you a e-mail...

][chor the Pukemaster (aka Phillip Hazlet) - 10/11/98 00:05:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/dungeon/7907
My Email:philliph@nauticom.net
SCA/hobby groups: fighting with you!
Which of my pages do you like the most?: Knights Templer
any link suggestions?: armor and weapon suppliers, SCA hierarchy
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): refered by Jon Henry
Have we met before?: just today as a matter of fact
this space is for you - whatever you want: Dragon Dice rule! Everyone should play!
First, thank you for the lesson. You'll be seeing alot more of me. Second, you may want to rethink your color schemes for the page. In your guestbook the white links are hard to read. And the background on the main page makes reading there very diffic lt. My suggestion, change the background. I know this because I have talked to some people who do professional page design and all of them recommended the exact same thing for me. May your enemies' blood flow like wine.

Cindy - 09/25/98 23:38:37
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Kelly McCoy - 09/18/98 19:26:35
My Email:oushi@hotmail.com
Which of my pages do you like the most?: fighting one!
any link suggestions?: to armories maybe?
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): linked from sunny's guestbook
Have we met before?: I should damn well hope so..
hiya, liked your page...and more congrats for the recent addition... Can't wait to fight...it's been too long!!!

Tara Conley - 08/22/98 01:09:52
SCA/hobby groups: Shire of Hornwood
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): Chalkman Pub!!
Have we met before?: Pennsic
this space is for you - whatever you want: Hi Robin! C-ya at XXVIII
Cool Site, I'll come back and visit again soon!

Allison Robbins - 08/18/98 22:51:13
My URL:http://none
My Email:Kyra7777@aol.com
SCA/hobby groups: Lady Kyra, friend of the White Mist
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): from the Charlkman web page
Have we met before?: I dont think officailly but I was at Pensic. I am the one who took the picture of Jeff in Drag

Allison Robbins - 08/18/98 22:47:20
My URL:http://none
My Email:Kyra7777@aol.com
SCA/hobby groups: Lady Kyra, friend of the White Mist
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): from the Charlkman web page
Have we met before?: I dont think officailly but I was at Pensic. I am the one who took the picture of Jeff in Drag

Allison Robbins - 08/18/98 22:45:43
My URL:http://none
My Email:Kyra7777@aol.com
SCA/hobby groups: Lady Kyra, friend of the White Mist
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): from the Charlkman web page
Have we met before?: I dont think officailly but I was at Pensic. I am the one who took the picture of Jeff in Drag

astrega - 08/04/98 02:04:07
My Email:astrega@imagixx.net
SCA/hobby groups: yup
Which of my pages do you like the most?: ugh
any link suggestions?: nah
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): mail
Have we met before?: yup
this space is for you - whatever you want: keep kewl dude
check your e-mail. nice site, se ya....astrega

Raissa de Beauvoir - 07/31/98 18:09:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/westhollywood/village/7465
My Email:carie_bear@hotmail.com
SCA/hobby groups: The Chalkman Pub
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): The Chalkman Pub
Have we met before?: I believe so, m'lord...
Saw the link and decided to stop buy and congratulate you and Kendra on your new addition! I'll see you soon.... Carie

Hennessy MacAdder - 07/08/98 21:10:07
My URL:http://www.chalkman.com
My Email:pub@chalkman.com
SCA/hobby groups: The Chalk Man Pub
Which of my pages do you like the most?: the secret ones
any link suggestions?: The Chalk Man Pub
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): your email
Have we met before?: I do believe
If it's not Scottish, it's crap!

Sunshine - 07/08/98 01:16:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/6526
My Email:samhainlady@hotmail.com
SCA/hobby groups: Fencing, brewing, etc..
Which of my pages do you like the most?: Main page
any link suggestions?: links to other sca web pages
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): Staggered in drunk, been here for days..help me..
Have we met before?: umm..who are you again?
Wishing you always-- Walls for the wind, And a roof for the rain, And tea beside the fire. Laughter to cheer you, And those you love near you, And all that your heart might desire!

Kara Townsend - 06/28/98 18:55:37
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)

Jon Henry - 06/20/98 18:15:13
My Email:jlhst91+@pitt.edu
SCA/hobby groups: rattan target
Which of my pages do you like the most?: Page O' Robin
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): via email
Have we met before?: yes
this space is for you - whatever you want: I want to dance like i never danced before
How's about patterns for things like helms and shields (and how to balance them)

Jon Henry - 06/20/98 18:10:42
My Email:jlhst91+@pitt.edu
SCA/hobby groups: rattan target
Which of my pages do you like the most?: Page O' Robin
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): via email
Have we met before?: yes

testing... - 06/15/98 22:27:04

name what? - 06/15/98 22:01:47
My Email:I'm not tellin'
SCA Group/hobby groups: sure
which of my pages do you like most?: Ireland
any link suggestions?: more
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): I pushed a button...
Have we met before?: before what?
this space is for you - whatever you want: $10000000000.00
Erin go Bragh!

- 06/10/98 14:56:01

- 06/09/98 20:25:48

Magdalene - 06/09/98 14:59:53
My Email:molnar@ncweb.com
SCA Group/hobby groups: Silver Phoenix
which of my pages do you like most?: Bodhran
any link suggestions?: a few costume links?
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): You told me to come here.
Have we met before?: No, we met after.
this space is for you - whatever you want: Can I take this space home with me? I don't have enough closets.
I'm a quiet, shy person. I don't have much to say.

- 06/07/98 18:31:49

Aaron Molnar - 06/07/98 06:35:17
My Email:aaronmolnar@copper.net
SCA Group/hobby groups: Sliver Feenix
which of my pages do you like most?: I really jig the Irish music page!
any link suggestions?: How about a link to the Clark tin whistle company? What do you say?
How did you get here? (ie. surfed, refered, linked from...): E-mail announcement
Have we met before?: I think so. Are you the guy with the afro?
this space is for you - whatever you want: World Peace.
A stitch in time saves nine!

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