IF YOU ARE HERE, THEN YOU ARE EITHER A TEMPLER KNIGHT, ONE OF THEIR CRONNIES, A CRUSADER, OR SOME POOR SCHMUCK WHO JUST WALKED INTO TO THE LINE OF FIRE. If you are the later, I'll try and notify your family and give them my appologies. AS FOR THE REST OF YOU, YOUR DAYS OF TREACHERY ARE OVER. I KNOW OF YOUR DEEDS AND YOUR FOUL TREATMENT OF HUMANITY TO FURTHER YOUR OWN POCKETS. ALL IN THE NAME OF GOOD AND RIGHTEOUSNESS, YOU CLAIM! AS YOU READ THIS, ARMIES ARE AMASSING AND ARE WAITING MY COMMAND TO CONQUER YOU AND ERASE YOUR VERY EXISTENCE! If you are wondering why it is exactly that I dislike you Templers so much, get over it. If you were worth talking to, I wouldn't want you gone. Unfortunately, I can't do too much other than out wit you here, so, go back and enjoy the rest of my page. I'll meet you on the field when I find you - don't worry, your big red cross will show me the way. I'll be sure and let you know when I get there. YOU_WIN_-LET_ME_GO_BACK

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