The Philalethes Society
The International Masonic Research Society
London, Ontario, Canada

Philalethes Society Logo

Lux Quaro Chapter was chartered on February 8, 1985

Regular meetings are held at
Mocha Shrine Centre
468 Colborne Street
London, Ontario

at noon on a Saturday in
March, May, September and November

President: Arthur O'Halloran, M.P.S.
191 Ensign Dr., London, ON N6J 2E2
Telephone: (519) 686-0520

Vice-President: N.H. Dix (Norm), M.P.S.
54 Buttermere Rd., London, ON N6G 4L1
Telephone: (519) 858-1356

Secretary/Treasurer: William D. Greason, M.P.S.
R.R. # 1, 4938 Marion St., Dorchester, ON N0L 1G4
Telephone:(519) 268-7992

This site was created and is operated by: Vern Leffler
E-Mail comments to: Vern Leffler

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Site established July 7, 1998
Last modified on March 24, 2006

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