Asian Power Point Presentations

Mrs. Partington


For the next two weeks we will be in the computer lab working on a Power Point Presentation for our selected Asian country.  You will be doing multi-tasking - working in Power Point, on the Internet, and printed material at the same time.  Before you can do a program, you must have a story board - you must set up an outline of what you want to include on each slide. 


Following is a list of required elements that must be included in the show.  I’ve given you a culturgram and handout for your country, so you can work on the story board at home.  Time is limited in class, so you must come in prepared with a plan.  For the first two days we will be showing the Power Point software and what you can do with it.  By Wednesday you will be ready to begin, so you must have your story board ready by Wednesday.  I’ve attached blanks- pictures/layout on the slide, text on the lines.

Decide what types of pictures you want to look for.  This may change as you go, but have a plan


Required Elements


_____  Country Name (title)                                                                                      _____  Cultural Geography

_____  Map(s)                                                                                                                        ___interesting historical fact(s)

_____  Flag                                                                                                                             ___traditional clothing

_____  Physical Geography                                                                                                   ___religion

                        climate/vegetation                                                                                          ___language spoken

                        topography - Mt/Plains                                                                                  ___ethnic make-up of the population

_____  Landmarks - places to visit, major cities                                                                  ___interesting customs and courtesies

                        ie. Taj Mahal                                                                                                  ___interesting lifestyle...

_____  Fast Facts: size, population size, education                                                                     food (diet), family, dating, recreation

_____  Transportation (unusual type or facts)                                                                     _____  Environmental Issues

                                                                                                                                                            (if any, deforestation, etc.)

______ Photographs must be from Your Country


_____  Acknowledgments - sources

                        “Your Country”, Culturgram, Brigham Young University and eMSTAR, Inc., date

                        Your Country”, Comprehensive World Reference Guide, Instructional Fair, Inc.,

                        Internet resources: copy & paste the URL

                                    for pictures put the URL in a text box under the picture (size 8 font)

                                    for info, place the URL on the acknowledgments page


These required elements can be put in any order you wish, however usually the Title is first and Acknowledgments are last.  You can combine various elements on one page or have them on separate pages.  For example, the title page could include the name of the country and the flag or a picture. 

You must have ________ slides beyond the Title and acknowledgments pages.


¨     The first consideration of the presentation is the Content - Information about your country. 

¨     Your presentation must center on the content.  So, any pictures, animation, click art, sound, etc. must enhance the content of the presentation to make it better.


Internet - See links on my web page


Grading Rubric






¨      includes all required elements with extra explanation

¨      10-15 slides minimum

¨      __ photographs -

             on every slide

¨      _3_ different     


¨      _3_ sounds minimum


¨      creativity: layout is artistic and very pleasing to view

¨      neat and concise

¨      acknowledgements


¨      includes all required elements


¨      10-15 slides

¨      ______photographs-   

            on most slides

¨      _3_ different 


¨      _3_ sounds


¨      creativity: layout is easy to read and view

¨      neat and concise

¨      acknowledgements

¨      85-90% of the required elements


¨      8-12 slides

¨      ____photographs-

           missing & clip art

¨      _3_different 


¨      _3_sounds


¨      creativity: layout can be followed without too much difficulty

¨      somewhat neat and concise

¨      acknowledgements

¨      70-85% of the required elements


¨      8-12 slides

¨      ____photographs-

           missing & clip art

¨      _3_different


¨      _3_sounds


¨      creativity: layout is difficult to follow

¨      somewhat confusing

¨      acknowledgements



¨     NOTE: all headers should be animated & all sounds and animation should be appropriate to your country! 

¨     Numbers given above are minimum numbers.





Story Board Examples- Be Creative!!!


Determine what you would like to put on EACH slide!

Title slide

Include country name

The flag OR a picture

Your name


Traditional clothing



List of clothing names


Accessories – jewelry, adornment, hats, etc.