Applied Hinduism, Vedic Philosophy and Spirituality
Hello!...And thank you for stopping by.
I don't know where I am going, but I do have an inkling about where I have been. On this page are presented some write-ups based on my past journeys. Hope they are of some use to you.
Have a pleasant time visiting this page...and please do come back!
Articles on...
Vedic Thought
The Wonder of Reincarnation
Self Observation - I
Self Observation - II
Self Observation - III
Spiritual Upliftment - The Ultimate Purpose of Life
The Befuddled Analytical Intellect
Man - The Ultimate God
Bhagwad Gita Related Topics
Bhagwad Gita As It Is
Rhythms of Life...
Arjun's Paralysis
Yoga of Devotion
Modes of Material Nature
Miscellaneous Philosophical - I
Temple Rituals - A Psychological Analysis
Renew Thyself
Be A Light Unto Yourself
Yogas of India
Miscellaneous Philosophical - II
Heaven - Where Does it Exist?
You Belong in The Marketplace
Death Penalty
To Pray or Not to Pray
Our Collective Heritage
Miscellaneous Philosophical - III
On Flying a Kite
Mark Twain on 'What is Man'
Greek Vs. Indian Traditions
The Life and Times of Vivekananda
Swami Dayanand and the Arya Samaj
Rajneesh's views on Man and God
Articles by Dr. David Frawley
The Myth of Aryan Invasion of India
Solid Evidence Debunking the Aryan Invasion
Hindu Fundamentalism - Does it Really Exist?
Hinduism and the Modern World
ISKCON's Vaishanava Reservoir of Knowledge
Chanting the Holy Names (Kirtana & Japa)
Science Vs Scientism
A Vedic Perspective on Buddhism
Spiritual HOPE
Nine Processes of Devotional Service
Harmonium Notes for Hindi Bhajans
Philosophy in Hindi
Ek Boond
Some Links...