Hi! I'm Jeanne Lee Cunningham, Class of 1966 of Wilson High School, Wilson, Kansas. The Class of "66 is proud to maintain this page for:
Wilson High School, Wilson, Kansas Alumni

Below are links to lists of graduating classes. For those indicated, I have access to a yearbook and will do lookups, make copies and/or scan pages.

If you find errors or omissions, contact me and I will update.

For SOME classes, there may be staff/faculty, addresses, birth/death dates and/or links to genealogical pages.

Yahoo is terminating the free web page service. So, in July 2009, I'll have to decide where (or IF) to move this information. I'm thinking that maybe there might be some WHS grads out there who would be willing to help sponsor? If you are interested, PLEASE email me or visit with me at the Alumni Banquet. It's NOT a big number, but whether or not there is any interest will be a indicator to me about whether or not anyone even cares. Jeanne Lee

30 APR 2009 - Wilson Alumni Banquet Tickets ARE on Sale NOW !!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Catholic Parish Center
Tickets Available at:
Wilson State Bank and Amy’s Accounting
Mail orders: Kenny Branda
P.O. Box 418
Wilson, KS 67490
Please send the year you graduated
Ticket Price: $22.00 ea. Includes Dinner & Dance
Open to the public
Ticket Deadline: May 17, 2009
23 MAY 2009.
The Class of 1984 (the 25 Year Class)
will be the hosts and
The Class of 1959 (the 50 Year Class)
will be the honorees - as per usual.

If YOUR class is having a reunion, let me know and I'll add your info., here and/or am more than willing to help contact your classmates.

I hear that the Class of 1994 (the 15 Year Class) IS having a reunion.

If anyone has news or announcements concerning WHS students or Alumni, please let me know.

If you are hunting for ANY Wilson, Kansas alumni (graduates or NOT), let me know. I want to help find them.

These two girls went to Kindergarten in 1954 with the Class of 1966. Are you one of these girls? I NOW know your names - Betsy Porter and Linda Friesen - thanks to Carol (Janne) Kyner and Norman Austin.
Unknown Girls from 1954 Kindergarten

To see if a person is a WHS graduate, use the SEARCH box at the bottom of THIS page!!

All WHS Classes from 1890 to the present:
Classes of 1890 - 1899
Classes of 1900 - 1909 Classes of 1910 - 1919 Classes of 1920 - 1929 Classes of 1930 - 1939 Classes of 1940 - 1949
Classes of 1950 - 1959 Classes of 1960 - 1969
(I have yearbooks for
1961 - 1966;
1963 has list of
classes from
1890 - 1963.)
Classes of 1970 - 1979 Classes of 1980 - 1989 Classes of 1990 - 1999
Class of 2000
Class of 2001
Class of 2002
Class of 2003
Class of 2004
Class of 2005
Class of 2006
Class of 2007
Class of 2008
Class of 2009 COMING SOON!

(Thanks to Wray Ann (BAKER) MILLER I NOW have a copy of the Wilson School Facility 1887 - 1999 booklet, prepared by members of Deb Feil's Desktop Publishing and Yearbook staffs, which contains a list of classes from 1890 - 2001 and I will do lookups, make copies and/or scan pages.

IF YOU have any additions or corrections

Jeanne Lee Cunningham
932 Lawrence Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66049
----OR---- jeanne@ku.edu
Other Wilson, Kansas and Wilson School Sites

If YOU know of others, email me

***PLEASE Sign Our Guestbook***
View Our Guestbook
View Our oldest guestbook
View Our old guestbook

To find a specific person, in ANY year, enter the name below like this:
To find a particular surname, just enter it like this:


Yahoo is terminating the free web page service. So, in July 2009, I'll have to decide where (or IF) to move this information. I'm thinking that maybe there might be some WHS grads out there who would be willing to help sponsor? If you are interested, PLEASE email me or visit with me at the Alumni Banquet. It's NOT a big number, but whether or not there is any interest will be a indicator to me about whether or not anyone even cares. Jeanne Lee

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Last Updated 04 MAY 2009