kate's corner

Katie's ranting corner, Always a masochist or a doormat 3/10

"I am neither a sacrelige or a privelege, I may not be competent or excellent, but I am present."
Michelle, quoted by Leo Buscalgia in Living, Loving and Learning

"But games always cover something deep and intense, else there would be no excitement, no pleasure, no power to stir us" ~Saint Exupery

"It's present meaning is what each reader conceives it to be, and each reader is gloriously different from every other reader, and each is also changing. I've let it remain as it was to see what it is." ~ Dalton Trumbo, intro to Johnny Got his Gun

Yep, Katie's finally found a place to post all of her crazy poetry, prose, and general philosophies on life. I describe myself as a hyper-sentimental, obsessive compulsive, happy, romantic who doesn’t get along with reality. My friend Anna in her delicious vagueness sums my personality up as being like venetian blinds. I love to be eloquent, though I seldom am, and I relish unspoken understandings. I love to tell people to "be patient with me, I’m not finished growing up yet," but I’m working on the ‘growing up’ thing. I contradict myself constantly, so don’t expect consistency here.

I'm not sure exactly what the purpose of this page is. Mostly, I think I enjoy the illusion that someone might want to read my writing, and that gives me a reason to write. So there's really no higher cause here, just me being vain.

Thanks to all of the people written about here for being great writing fodder.

Email me at ghake@southwind.net until I figure everything out
Please come back soon and visit me.

**Read Katie's poems!** ** A bit of her prose, perhaps** ** Miscellaneous thoughts**

**Past rants** **Poems by my pals**

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The world outside my head
The Loveblender
a page devoted to romantic poetry

Anna's page
a bit of art, a bit of prose, a bit of craziness

The Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center
my cool place of work

"But the beginning of things, of a world especially, is necessarily vague, tangled, chaotic, and exceedingly disturbing."
Kate Chopin, The Awakening

Yes, I know you've been visiting, PLEASE sign the guestbook (or not).

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