Welcome! Whether you really meant to or not, you have arrived at The Writers' Outlet.

Now that you're here, it is our daunting task to keep you occupied. So look around, and journey into the shadowy depths of our gallery in search of something that interests you. If you can't seem to find anything among the numerous topics within, e-mail us your ideas or suggestions.

Basically, this page is designed to showcase the work of aspiring, or even accomplished, writers and poets. Unfortunately, we are just starting up, and most of the works within are solely the creations of this page's authors. That's where you come in. If any of you cyber-traveling readers has a literary talent, no matter how slight, we need you to send us some of your work. Who knows? This bit of exposure could get you noticed, and maybe launch a successful literary career!

Any type of literature, as long as it is not overly obscene or offensive, is perfectly welcome in our humble galleries. Poems, short stories, fantasy or science fiction, and anything else you have written or composed, is acceptable....whatever you would like to have displayed. If you would like, work may be submitted anonymously or under a pseudonym (pen name). If you are interested, click here for complete details. If you're not interested, then we thank you anyway for reading this, and perhaps you can spend some time reading the materials that others have posted in our Gallery.

The Forum--A message board for commenting on our stories, offering advice to aspiring writers, and whatever else.

The Gallery--Our humble collection of contributed literature.
Relearn your history in a great story by David Allen!

Interactive Epics--Contribute to an ongoing, reader-written story from any of several genres! A simple form makes it easy to add your own writing to the epic!
Unfortunately, the epic has fallen prey to lack of updating due to my lack of time. A terrible pity.

Links--Links, rings, and other such things.
Get your page listed here! Contact me, I really need more links!


The Forum is up! Feel free to check it out. (actually, the Forum was up. The company that hosted the boards has apparently gone out of business, so I'm gonna have to find another one. Oh well.)

There are finally a couple more new stories up:

The Man by John B.
The Eagle's Cry by John Faron

Sadly, this page has drifted into a void of inattention, since I'm rather short on time nowadays. I apologize for the lack of updates and new material--these are probably the last couple of stories for awhile, since I don't really have time to hunt down any more. I'll still gladly accept submissions, though, but they just might not get posted very quickly.

E-mail us at jedifett@yahoo.com with comments, suggestions, or submissions for our gallery (be sure to read the copyright information before submitting anything).

Copyright information (1998-2001)

You are one of people that have been kind enough to visit.

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