Marc H. Gerstein: Qabala for Beginners


  1. Preliminaries
  2. Qabalistic Methods; Using the Hebrew Alphabet
  3. The Nature of God
  4. "Tzimtzum" - Creation by Restriction
  5. "Breaking of the Vessels" - The Story
  6. "Breaking of the Vessels" - The Implications
  7. The "Tree of Life" - An Overview
  8. Introduction to the Sefirot
  9. Kether
  10. Chochma
  11. Binah
  12. Daath
  13. The Formative Sefirot: Patterns
  14. The Formative Sefirot: Concepts

This course is a work in progress.
It is being posted in installments on the mailing list QBLH-L.

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Copyright © Marc H. Gerstein 1998.
Editing, HTML-coding, Web-pages design, and site maintenance: Piotr Zembrowski.
This site was established on June 4th, 1998. It was last updated on October 20th, 1998.
It has been visited times.