The Renaissance Woman
Dedicated  to Women who Dare to be Uppity!

"They say that behind every successful man, there's a woman.
I say that if a woman is behind a man, she's checking out his rear!"
--Anonymous.  Really.  I swear it.
Welcome to the home of the California Chapter of the International Wenches Guild! Want to know more about wenching, or want to meet other California wenches? This is the place! Huzzah!

Are you an author, an editor, a closet poet, an avid reader?  Welcome to the home of
Storyteller's Ink, a free online magazine by writers, for writers.  I'm always looking for new talent to showcase, so please, come in and have a good read.


Do you have an interest in Renaissance Faires?  Please then do visit mine own home

Shire, Chipping-Under-Oakwood, and do be at ease.  Thou canst meet the Guild of St. Cuthbert,
or be entertained most wondrously by the peasant militia.  Or do feast your eyes upon some
comely wenches or roguish lads.  Mayhap this day you may even see Her Royal Highness,
Elizabeth Glorianna.  God Save The Queen!

And as we all know, true Renaissance Women are quite skilled in finance.  If you are considering purchasing or selling a home, please visit Theresa Grant's Real Estate Websource.  It's full of information that can help you, no matter what area you're in, or what your local market is doing.

If you appreciate artistic items, let me introduce you the wonders of Elvenglass.  This talented woman can work wonders with a paintbrush!  I especially recommend her hand-painted bottles.  And if you have boring walls, you should see what she can do to make your home truly unique. I highly recommend her.

Need a comedienne for your next catered party?  How about just a good laugh?  Visit Cathe, who can set any situation to comedy.  Book her today!

Are you an Uppity Woman?
Do you defy convention and dare to walk on the wild side?
Are you a man who loves a Renaissance Woman?
Your site should be here!
Send me a note.  Go on, I dare you.  I'm always happy to hear from friends and well-wishers.
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This site Copyright 1998 by Theresa Grant. All rights reserved. "Storyteller's Ink" and "The Renaissance Woman" Copyright 1996 by Theresa Grant. No reproduction of any portion of this site can be made without the express written consent of copyright holder. Last updated 1/13/04.