World War I (1914-1918)

• First war in which countries all took sides
• Called "the war to end all wars"
• Modern war- used airplanes, tanks, mustard gas, ect.
• Bloodiest war up to that time
• Started on June 28, 1914- Archduke Francis Ferdinand (future ruler of Austria-Hungary) assasinated, Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia
Alliance- an agreement among nations to support in times of war
Allies- Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy (1915), Japan, U.S. (1917)
Central Powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey (Ottoman Empire), Bulgaria
• Western Front- ran from Belgium to Switzerland
Eastern Front- Baltic to Black Sea
• U.S. entered WWI in 1917- Lusintina (British ship) sunk by Germany (had U.S. passengers on board)
• 1918- Russia signed peace treaty with Germany

* Causes-
1) industrious countries of Europe were competitive
2) built up war supplies
3) countries formed alliances-
Triple Entente- France, Russia, and Great Britain
Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
4) in response to assassination- Austria-Hungary attacked Serbia
5) Russia came to the aid of Serbia; Germany declared war on Russia; France declared war on Germany; Germany attacked Belgium; Great Britain entered the war to help Belgium and France
6) Slavs, Czechs, and Slovaks wanted freedom from Austria-Hungary and declared war
• Treaty of Versailles ended war in 1918, Germany held responsible

* Results
1) Germany gave up territories and colonies in France, Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark, and Poland
2) Germany's army was reduced and it was forbidden to have submarines and aircraft- to prevent Germany starting another war
3) Germany responsible for starting war and penalized $33 million in damages to other nations
4) League of Nations formed

* League of Nations
• Started by President Woodrow Wilson
• Established January 1920
• Ended 1939, officially ended 1946
• Reasons it failed:
1) Did not include every major nation- U.S. never joined, Russia joined in 1934 but was later removed, Germany and Japan withdrew in 1933

2) Decisions required all nations to agree- rare occurence

3) League had no power to tax its members- no money, had to reply on voluntary contributions

4) Could not raise an army to enforce decisions

5) Unable to prevent Japan from invading Manchuria (on Asia mainland), Italy from conquering Ethiopia (in Africa), or the Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay


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