What Drugs Can Do

Drugs. This small, five-letter word can bring tears to your eyes or remind you of what you do every Friday night. It can tear families apart and bring hatred between the closest of friends. Drugs abuse causes red-hot fury, perhaps fatal injury, and death. As Confucius said, "Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon or star." Taking unlawful drugs is ignorance and as the drugs seep into your life, all the light in it is blacked out.

"The family you came from is not as important as the family you're going to have," as Ring Lardner, an American writer, was quoted. I will now tell you of man who ignored this oh-so-true quote:

Once upon a time, in a time not so very long ago, there was a man who had seemingly a perfect family, a wife, two pretty girls, and one sweet boy. This family moved around to many towns quite often but they stuck together because they loved each other very much.

But eventually, the father started to go bad, as an apple does when it is left out of the refrigerator too long. He did not go to work and he mixed with the wrong people. This became too much for this once perfect family and the parents got a divorce.

Gradually, the dad got into drug abuse and the mother knew this. The father did not support his children and so the mother ran away with her youngest daughter to escape the stress. The father died of the drugs to which he was addicted. The young son followed in his father's drug-laden footsteps and died as well.

Now this once happy family was now split apart, gone, and lost forever to the oldest girl, the only member of her family left. She was all alone and in pain.

This family was torn apart and tossed to the torrent wind by the evil demon we call addictive drugs. This story could be very true for someone in this wide world or even you. But perhaps it is not. Perhaps you said, "no" when someone asked you to destroy your bright future with some liquid and a needle. Maybe you remembered that life is worth it when you were presented with a plant that could ruin it. As William Shakespeare once wrote, "O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick." And indeed they are quick. Quick to ruin your life.


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