Characteristics of People-Centered Leadership
1. They are continually learning.
2. They are service-oriented.
3. They radiate positive energy.
4. They believe in other people.
5. They lead balanced lives. Keep control.
6. They see life as an adventure and problems as challenges.
7. They are synergistic (Definition: combined action).
8. They exercise for self-renewal.
How you Learn (and Buy):
83% through sight
11% through hear
3.5% through smell
1.5% through touch
1% through taste
Understanding People and Human Nature
- People are primarily interested in themselves, not in you!!!
How to Skillfully Make a Good Impression
1. Be sincere.
2. Show enthusiasm.
3. Don't be overanxious.
4. Don't try to build yourself up by running other people down.
5. Don't knock anybody or anything.
The Art of Saying "Thank You"
1. When you say "thank you", MEAN it.
2. Say it clearly and distinctly.
3. Look at the people you thank.
4. Name the person you thank.
5. Work at thanking people.
How to Skillfully Make a Talk
1. Know what you want to say.
2. Say it and sit down.
3. Look at the audience when you talk.
4. Talk about what the audience is interested in.
5. Don't try to make a speech.
The Seven Musts for Successful Criticism
1. Criticism should be made in absolute privacy.
2. Preface criticism with a kind word of compliment.
3. Make the criticism impersonal- criticize the act, not the person.
4. Supple the answer.
5. Ask for cooperation- don't demand it.
6. Follow the critical ratio- one criticism to one offense.
7. Finish the criticism on a friendly note.
How to Skillfully Praise People
Be generous with your praise- Look for somebody and something to praise and then do it.
1. The praise must be sincere.
2. Praise the act, not the person.
Happiness Formula- Get into the habit of saying daily one kind thing to at least 5 different people. Then see how you feel for having done so.
How to Skillfully Make Up People's Minds
1. Give people REASONS to say yes to you.
2. Ask "yes" questions.
3. Give people a choice between two "yes"'s.
4. Expect people to say "yes" to you and let them know they are expected to say yes.
How to Set People's Moods
1. Remember that the first few seconds of any relationship usually sets the tone and spirit of it.
2. Utilize the second basic law of human nature: People stongly tend to respond in kind to the behavior of other people.
3. Before you say anything, before you break silence- Give people your sincere smile.
How to Convince People
Speak through third person! Quote someone else!
How to Skillfully Influence People
1. Find out what they are after, what they like.
2. The method of finding out what people want is by asking, watching and listening to them. Plus the effort on your part to find out.
How to Skillfully Listen to People
1. Look at the person who is talking.
2. Lean toward the speaker and listen intently.
3. Ask questions.
4. Stick to the speaker's subjects and don't interrupt.
5. Stick to speaker's words- "you" and "your".
How to Skillfully Agree with People
1. Learn to be agreeable, to agree with them.
2. Tell people when you agree with them.
3. Do NOT tell people when you disagree with them unless it is absolutely necessary.
4. Admit it when you're wrong.
5. Refrain from arguing.
6. Handle fighters properly.
How to Skillfully Talk to People
Take these four words out of your vocabulary:
Substitute- YOU
How to Skillfully Make People Feel Important
1. Listen to them.
2. Applaud and compliment them.
3. Use their names and pictures as often as possible.
4. Pause before you answer them.
5. Use their words- "you" and "your".
6. Acknowledge people who are waiting to see you.
7. Pay attention to everybody in a group.
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